1 research outputs found

    Comparative study of honey bee production with one and three queens by beehive in nueva imperial, IX region, Chile

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    In the Region of La Araucan铆a tests have been made where the production of honey of double queen beehives was compared to single queen beehives, with encouraging results. This motivated the accomplishment of this study in the zone of Nueva Imperial, which compared the conventional production of honey of triple queen systems and systems with one queen by beehive. For the accomplishment of this study 12 beehives were used, nine were grouped to form the triple queen systems and the remaining three with one queen were used as control. The research began on November 4th 2004, with weekly visits to control the factors that could affect the honey productions. The crop was made on January 11th 2005, reaching a honey production of 85 kg average for triple queens systems, which was significantly greater to the production obtained by the systems with a single queen which reached 19,17 kg of honey average.En la Regi贸n de La Araucan铆a se han realizado ensayos donde se compar贸 la producci贸n de miel de colmenas doble reina y colmenas de una sola reina, con resultados alentadores. Esto motiv贸 la realizaci贸n de este estudio en la zona de Nueva Imperial, el cual compar贸 la producci贸n de miel de sistemas de triple reina y sistemas convencionales con una reina por colmena. Para la realizaci贸n de este estudio se utilizaron 12 colmenas, de las cuales nueve se agruparon para formar los sistemas triple reina, y las tres restantes con una reina fueron utilizadas como testigo. La investigaci贸n comenz贸 el 4 de noviembre del 2004, con visitas semanales, para controlar los factores que pudieran incidir en la producci贸n de miel. La cosecha se realiz贸 el 11 de enero de 2005, alcanz谩ndose producciones promedio de 85 kg de miel para los sistemas triple reina, lo cual fue significativamente mayor a la producci贸n lograda por los sistemas con una sola reina que alcanzaron 19,17 kg de miel promedio