26 research outputs found
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Modeling studies of ocean circulation using inverse methods and bifurcation theory
We present a study of the ocean circulation using state of the art numerical and data assimilation techniques. The second chapter of the thesis presents the development and application of generalized inversion to a simple dynamical model of Lake Kinneret. The intent was to develop the necessary tools to implement variational assimilation scheme in the realm of a simple model and data set. We were able to determine the spatially nonuniform wind pattern and distinguish it clearly from the effect of assuming a spatially uniform wind. We present statistical evidence for our finding that the two layer model contained sufficient detail to describe the physics of internal waves and residual circulation embedded in the data. We were also able to determine the time and location of an outcropping event that resulted in a fish kill event. The third chapter presents an in depth study of the multiple steady states of the Kuroshio south of Japan using a limited area 2 layer quasigeostrophic model. This study enabled us to understand the possible nature of the transitions and the dynamical nature of the steady states. The last chapter is a refinement of the understanding of the Kuroshio using the assimilation of satellite data to explain the recent transition from a non-large meander to a large meander and its opposite. The assimilation procedure can be seen as the test of a null hypothesis consisting of a prior estimate of the model and data discrepancy. The result of the assimilation gives us posterior statistics that permit us to draw error bars on the model dynamics. From these posterior statistics, we can determine if the model contains sufficient dynamics to explain physics present in the altimetry data
Toward Coupled Data Assimilation in NASAs GEOS: Developments in the Ocean Context
The Global Modeling & Assimilation Office (GMAO) at NASA GSFC produces analyses and predictions of the Earth system using various configurations of the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) model and assimilation system. The current sub-seasonal-to-seasonal prediction system (GEOS-S2S) is based on a coupled atmosphere-ocean-land-ice configuration of GEOS which includes the Modular Ocean Model version 5 (MOM5) run at approximately 50-km resolution and a de-coupled OI-based ocean analysis that uses an initialization of MOM5 forced by the MERRA-2 reanalysis. GMAO will soon implement an updated GEOS-S2S system that will run at 25-km resolution and adopt aspects of the hybrid four-dimensional ensemble-variational (H4DEnVar) system already running in the production-version atmospheric analysis system, including a Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF) to provide initial conditions for the oceanic state. This presentation will focus on developments to sustain the GMAO's systems on longer time horizons, where more radical transformations will be required to adapt to advanced computing environments, higher resolution and more diverse model components, and new observations for the Earth system. Results will describe progress toward a version of the GEOS coupled system that will be based around the Joint Effort for Data assimilation Integration (JEDI) framework being developed within Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA) and include an updated ocean model, MOM6. Discussion will focus specifically on the use of a Unified Forward Operator (UFO) for simulating observations and the Object Oriented Prediction System (OOPS) for providing the state estimate. These features are being developed as a multi-agency effort under the auspices of the JCSDA and are being adopted in the GMAO for all its applications of coupled data assimilation including S2S, numerical weather prediction, and reanalysis
Background Error Covariance Estimation Using Information from a Single Model Trajectory with Application to Ocean Data Assimilation
An attractive property of ensemble data assimilation methods is that they provide flow dependent background error covariance estimates which can be used to update fields of observed variables as well as fields of unobserved model variables. Two methods to estimate background error covariances are introduced which share the above property with ensemble data assimilation methods but do not involve the integration of multiple model trajectories. Instead, all the necessary covariance information is obtained from a single model integration. The Space Adaptive Forecast error Estimation (SAFE) algorithm estimates error covariances from the spatial distribution of model variables within a single state vector. The Flow Adaptive error Statistics from a Time series (FAST) method constructs an ensemble sampled from a moving window along a model trajectory.SAFE and FAST are applied to the assimilation of Argo temperature profiles into version 4.1 of the Modular Ocean Model (MOM4.1) coupled to the GEOS-5 atmospheric model and to the CICE sea ice model. The results are validated against unassimilated Argo salinity data. They show that SAFE and FAST are competitive with the ensemble optimal interpolation (EnOI) used by the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) to produce its ocean analysis. Because of their reduced cost, SAFE and FAST hold promise for high-resolution data assimilation applications
Ensemble Data Assimilation Without Ensembles: Methodology and Application to Ocean Data Assimilation
Two methods to estimate background error covariances for data assimilation are introduced. While both share properties with the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF), they differ from it in that they do not require the integration of multiple model trajectories. Instead, all the necessary covariance information is obtained from a single model integration. The first method is referred-to as SAFE (Space Adaptive Forecast error Estimation) because it estimates error covariances from the spatial distribution of model variables within a single state vector. It can thus be thought of as sampling an ensemble in space. The second method, named FAST (Flow Adaptive error Statistics from a Time series), constructs an ensemble sampled from a moving window along a model trajectory. The underlying assumption in these methods is that forecast errors in data assimilation are primarily phase errors in space and/or time
The GEOS-iODAS: Description and Evaluation
This report documents the GMAO's Goddard Earth Observing System sea ice and ocean data assimilation systems (GEOS iODAS) and their evolution from the first reanalysis test, through the implementation that was used to initialize the GMAO decadal forecasts, and to the current system that is used to initialize the GMAO seasonal forecasts. The iODAS assimilates a wide range of observations into the ocean and sea ice components: in-situ temperature and salinity profiles, sea level anomalies from satellite altimetry, analyzed SST, and sea-ice concentration. The climatological sea surface salinity is used to constrain the surface salinity prior to the Argo years. Climatological temperature and salinity gridded data sets from the 2009 version of the World Ocean Atlas (WOA09) are used to help constrain the analysis in data sparse areas. The latest analysis, GEOS ODAS5.2, is diagnosed through detailed studies of the statistics of the innovations and analysis departures, comparisons with independent data, and integrated values such as volume transport. Finally, the climatologies of temperature and salinity fields from the Argo era, 2002-2011, are presented and compared with the WOA09
Lessons Learned from Assimilating Altimeter Data into a Coupled General Circulation Model with the GMAO Augmented Ensemble Kalman Filter
Satellite altimetry measurements have provided global, evenly distributed observations of the ocean surface since 1993. However, the difficulties introduced by the presence of model biases and the requirement that data assimilation systems extrapolate the sea surface height (SSH) information to the subsurface in order to estimate the temperature, salinity and currents make it difficult to optimally exploit these measurements. This talk investigates the potential of the altimetry data assimilation once the biases are accounted for with an ad hoc bias estimation scheme. Either steady-state or state-dependent multivariate background-error covariances from an ensemble of model integrations are used to address the problem of extrapolating the information to the sub-surface. The GMAO ocean data assimilation system applied to an ensemble of coupled model instances using the GEOS-5 AGCM coupled to MOM4 is used in the investigation. To model the background error covariances, the system relies on a hybrid ensemble approach in which a small number of dynamically evolved model trajectories is augmented on the one hand with past instances of the state vector along each trajectory and, on the other, with a steady state ensemble of error estimates from a time series of short-term model forecasts. A state-dependent adaptive error-covariance localization and inflation algorithm controls how the SSH information is extrapolated to the sub-surface. A two-step predictor corrector approach is used to assimilate future information. Independent (not-assimilated) temperature and salinity observations from Argo floats are used to validate the assimilation. A two-step projection method in which the system first calculates a SSH increment and then projects this increment vertically onto the temperature, salt and current fields is found to be most effective in reconstructing the sub-surface information. The performance of the system in reconstructing the sub-surface fields is particularly impressive for temperature, but not as satisfactory for salt
The 2015/16 El Nio Event in Context of the MERRA-2 Reanalysis: A Comparison of the Tropical Pacific with 1982/83 and 1997/98
The 2015-2016 El Nino is analyzed using atmospheric/oceanic analysis produced using the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) data assimilation systems. As well as describing the structure of the event, a theme of the work is to compare and contrast it with two other strong El Ninos, in 1982/1983 and 1997/1998. These three El Nino events are included in the Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) and in the more recent MERRA-2 reanalyses. MERRA-2 allows a comparison of fields derived from the underlying GEOS model, facilitating a more detailed comparison of physical forcing mechanisms in the El Nino events. Various atmospheric/oceanic structures indicate that the 2015/2016 El Nino maximized in the Nino3.4 region, with the large region of warming over most of the Pacific and Indian Ocean. The eastern tropical Indian Ocean, Maritime Continent, and western tropical Pacific are found to be less dry in boreal winter, compared to the earlier two strong events. While the 2015/2016 El Nino had an earlier occurrence of the equatorial Pacific warming and was the strongest event on record in the central Pacific, the 1997/1998 event exhibited a more rapid growth due to stronger westerly wind bursts and Madden-Julian Oscillation during spring, making it the strongest El Nino in the eastern Pacific. Compared to 1982/1983 and 1997/1998, the 2015/2016 event has a shallower thermocline over the eastern Pacific with a weaker zonal contrast of sub-surface water temperatures along the equatorial Pacific. While the three major ENSO events have similarities, each are unique when looking at the atmosphere and ocean surface and sub-surface
The Impact of Satellite Sea Surface Salinity for Prediction of the Coupled Indo-Pacific System
Here we assess the impact of satellite sea surface salinity (SSS) observations on seasonal to interannual variability of tropical Indo-Pacific Ocean dynamics as well as on dynamical ENSO forecasts. The baseline experiment assimilates satellite sea level (SL), sea surface temperature (SST), and in situ subsurface temperature and salinity observations (Tz, Sz). These baseline experiments are then compared with experiments that additionally assimilate Aquarius (version 5.0 Lilly and Lagerloef, 2008) and SMAP (version 2.0 Meissner and Wentz, 2016) SSS. Twelve-month forecasts are initialized for each month from September 2011 to September 2017. We find that including satellite SSS significantly improves NINO3.4 sea surface temperature anomaly validation over 0-8 month forecast lead-times and removing the salty bias from SMAP data helps to extend useful forecasts out to 12 month lead-times
GEOS-5 Seasonal Forecast System
Ensembles of numerical forecasts based on perturbed initial conditions have long been used to improve estimates of both weather and climate forecasts. The Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Model, Version 5 (GEOS-5 AOGCM) Seasonal-to-Interannual Forecast System has been used routinely by the GMAO since 2008, the current version since 2012. A coupled reanalysis starting in 1980 provides the initial conditions for the 9 month experimental forecasts. Once a month, sea surface temperature from a suite of 11 ensemble forecasts is contributed to the North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) consensus project, which compares and distributes seasonal forecasts of ENSO events. Since June 2013, GEOS-5 forecasts of the Arctic sea-ice distribution were provided to the Sea-Ice Outlook project. The seasonal forecast output data includes surface fields, atmospheric and ocean fields, as well as sea ice thickness and area, and soil moisture variables. The current paper aims to document the characteristics of the GEOS-5 seasonal forecast system and to highlight forecast biases and skills of selected variables (sea surface temperature, air temperature at 2 m, precipitation and sea ice extent) to be used as a benchmark for the future GMAO seasonal forecast systems and to facilitate comparison with other global seasonal forecast systems
Decadal Prediction Skill in the GEOS-5 Forecast System
A suite of decadal predictions has been conducted with the NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office?s GEOS-5 Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Model (AOGCM). The hindcasts are initialized every December from 1959 to 2010 following the CMIP5 experimental protocol for decadal predictions. The initial conditions are from a multi-variate ensemble optimal interpolation ocean and sea-ice reanalysis, and from the atmospheric reanalysis (MERRA, the Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications) generated using the GEOS-5 atmospheric model. The forecast skill of a three-member-ensemble mean is compared to that of an experiment without initialization but forced with observed CO2. The results show that initialization acts to increase the forecast skill of Northern Atlantic SST compared to the uninitialized runs, with the increase in skill maintained for almost a decade over the subtropical and mid-latitude Atlantic. The annual-mean Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) index is predictable up to a 5-year lead time, consistent with the predictable signal in upper ocean heat content over the Northern Atlantic. While the skill measured by Mean Squared Skill Score (MSSS) shows 50% improvement up to 10-year lead forecast over the subtropical and mid-latitude Atlantic, however, prediction skill is relatively low in the subpolar gyre, due in part to the fact that the spatial pattern of the dominant simulated decadal mode in upper ocean heat content over this region appears to be unrealistic. An analysis of the large-scale temperature budget shows that this is the result of a model bias, implying that realistic simulation of the climatological fields is crucial for skillful decadal forecasts