20 research outputs found

    CHD5 co-purifies with the NuRD transcriptional repressor complex.

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    <p>(A) FLAG-tagged CHD4 and CHD5 were immunoprecipitated from a transiently transfected HEK293T-derived cell line, and the samples were analyzed by western blotting using the indicated antibodies. The empty vector was also transfected in parallel [Control]. (B) The HEK293T-derived line was transiently transfected with increasing amounts of the CHD5-expression plasmid. An empty vector was included where necessary to keep the final amount (15 µg) of transfected plasmid constant. Following transfection, cell extracts and RNA were prepared to measure CHD4 levels by western blotting and CHD4 and CHD5 mRNA levels by qRT-PCR.</p

    CHD5 expression leads to repression of <i>WEE1</i>.

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    <p>(A) The neuroblastoma line KELLY or (B) 293T-derived cells were transiently transfected with vector (vec.) or the vector containing the human CHD5 cDNA. In the case of the 293T-derived cells, two amounts of CHD5 cDNA were transfected (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0108066#s2" target="_blank">Methods</a>). Two days after transfection, the cells were harvested and total RNA was prepared. Quantitative RT-PCR was performed to monitor the levels of the <i>CHD5</i> and <i>WEE1</i> transcripts. The values shown are normalized to a 5S rRNA housekeeping transcript. (C) CHD5 levels were reduced siRNA-mediated knockdown in PANC-1 cells. As a control (ctrl), a scramble siRNA was transfected in parallel. The levels of CHD5 protein were detected by western blotting (left) and the levels of WEE1 mRNA were analyzed by qRT-PCR. Error bars represent SD [n = 3].</p

    A catalytically inactive mutant CHD5 does not repress transcription.

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    <p>(A) Top, the mutant version of CHD5 (mut CHD5) contains a two-amino acid substitution in the Walker B motif of the ATPase domain. FLAG-tagged [F] wild-type and mut CHD5 expressing plasmids were transiently transfected into 293T-derived cells. Bottom, the CHD5 proteins were immunoprecipitated with anti-FLAG antibodies and the samples analyzed by western blotting against CHD5 or the NuRD subunit RbAP46/48. (B) Soluble, high-salt nuclear extracts or chromatin pellet extracts were prepared from stably transfected PANC-1 cells and used in western blotting assays with antibodies against the FLAG tag, the replication protein A subunit RPA1, or core histone H3. (C) Quantitative RT-PCR analysis of WEE1 transcripts after transfection of wild-type or mut <i>CHD5</i>. The expression of wild-type and mut CHD5 were also analyzed using primers against the transfected <i>CHD5</i>. The values were normalized to the 5S rRNA housekeeping transcript. Error bars represent SD [n = 3].</p

    BLRF2 C-terminus mediates interaction with host and EBV proteins.

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    <p>(A) GST pull-down assay to confirm binding of putative BLRF2 interacting proteins identified in a yeast two-hybrid assay. Lysates from 293T cells transfected with GST-BLRF2 and the indicated GFP tagged proteins were captured with GST-agarose, washed, resolved by SDS page and proteins detected by western blotting with anti-GFP (upper panels) and anti-GST antibodies (lower panels). Input lysates (2%) are shown in the left panels. (B) Mapping of BLRF2 binding partners confirmed in (A) to the BLRF2 N-terminus (GST-BLRF2 aa1–130 (i)) or C-terminus (GST-BLRF2 aa42–162 (ii)).</p

    BLRF2 forms protein complex with SRPK2 and host RNA splice factors.

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    <p>(A) Schematic of two fractionation procedures tested to extract BLRF2 complexes. The cytosol (C) was removed by Digitonin extraction and split between two procedures. Procedure 1 was a three step process in which the membrane and organelles (M1) were collected after Triton X-100 (TX-100) lysis, the soluble fraction after NP40 lysis (S1) and the remaining insoluble pellet (P1). Procedure 2 was only two steps in which the soluble fraction (S2) was collected after NP40 lysis and the remaining insoluble pellet (P2). (B) Western blot analysis of the fractions obtained using procedure described in (A). BLRF2 extraction was monitored using rabbit polyclonal anti-BLRF2 antibody. Endogenous BLRF2 is indicted with a filled arrowhead and FLAG-HA-BLRF2 with an open arrowhead. Fraction composition was also assessed by western blotting for control cell proteins BRG1 (nuclear and chromatin bound), lamin B (cytoskeleton) and tubulin (cytoplasmic). (C) Silver stain gel of 10% of the final elutions from a tandem affinity purification of FLAG-HA-GFP and FLAG-HA-BLRF2 stable P3HR1-ZHT cell lines. Molecular weights of size markers are shown (left). (D) Network representation of interacting proteins identified in TAP-MS and Y2H generated by Pathway Palette and the BioGrid database. EBV proteins are shown as stars and host proteins as circles. The bait (BLRF2) is shown in pink. Interacting proteins are colored based on the technology that identified them (TAP – green; Y2H – yellow; Both – blue). Edges are colored based on the type of evidence used to infer the interaction (Co-complex - blue edges; Binary – red). EBV protein interactions are all binary as described in the text and host-host interaction data is derived from the Biogrid database. Only the connected components are shown. The table shows enrichment of KEGG Pathways for proteins identified by TAP-MS.</p

    Characterization of BLRF2 during EBV replication.

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    <p>(A) Time course of EBV protein expression using whole cell lysates from P3HR1-ZHT cells (parental) or P3HR1-ZHT cells stably expressing FLAG-HA-BLRF2 induced with 4HT for 0, 24, 48 or 72 hours. Detection of tubulin serves as loading control. Endogenous BLRF2 is indicated with a solid arrowhead and FLAG-HA-BLRF2 with an open arrowhead. (B) Immunofluorescence microscopy to determine BLRF2 localization during EBV replication in P3HR1-ZHT cells (parental, top panel) or P3HR1-ZHT cells stably expressing FLAG-HA-BLRF2 (FLAG-HA-BLRF2, bottom panels), either uninduced (left) or induced with 4-Hydroxytamoxifen (4HT) for 48 hours (middle) or 72 hours (right). Anti-BLRF2 and anti-FLAG staining are shown in green and DNA staining is shown in blue. (C) Subcellular fractionation of EBV proteins and control cell proteins from P3HR1-ZHT cells stably expressing FLAG-HA-BLRF2 induced for replication with 4HT for 0, 24, 48 or 72 hours. Equal relative amounts of the cytosol (C), membrane and organelles (M), nucleus (N), chromatin bound (Ch) and cytoskeletal (Cs) fractions were probed for the indicated proteins. Tubulin served as a control for the cytosol fraction and Lamin B for the cytoskeleton fraction. As for panel A, endogenous and FLAG-HA tagged BLRF2 are indicated with filled and open arrowheads, respectively.</p

    The BLRF2 ARA mutant exhibits increased cytoplasmic localization compared to wild-type BLRF2.

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    <p>(A) Immunofluorescence microcopy showing BLRF2 localization in HeLa cells transfected with BLRF2 wild-type or ARA mutant. Cells were stained with anti-BLRF2 antibody (green) and Draq5 DNA staining (blue). Examples of predominantly nuclear (left panels), mixed nuclear and cytoplamsic (middle panels), and predominantly cytoplasmic staining (right panels) are shown. (B) Summary of immunofluorescence analysis described in (A). The percentage of cells observed with predominantly nuclear (N) (blue), cytoplasmic (C) (red) or mixed (N and C) (gray) BLRF2 staining are shown.</p

    SRPK2 phosphorylates BLRF2.

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    <p>(A) Schematic of BLRF2 indicating the central dimerization domain (aa 66–122) and the C-terminal RS motif. ClustalW alignment of the C-termini of BLRF2 (aa 123 to 162) and its homologs from the rhesus and marmoset lymphocryptoviruses and murine gammaherpesvirus 68. Degree of conservation is shown at the bottom (* - identical, <b>:</b> - high,<b>.</b> - moderate). A conserved basic domain containing the putative RS motif is highlighted by the box. (B) GST pull-down of 293T cells transfected with GST-BLRF2 wild-type (WT) or GST-BLRF2 SRS-ARA mutant (ARA) in the presence or absence of GFP-SRPK2. Western blot analysis using anti-GFP (top panels) and anti-GST (lower panels) antibodies. Input lysates (1%) are shown in the left panels. (C) Western blots of transfected 293T whole cell lysates probed with anti-Phospho-SR antibody (left) and anti-GST antibody (right). (D) Western blots of GST pull-downs from 293T cells transfected with GST-BLRF2 wild-type or ARA mutant. Phosphorylated GST-BLRF2 is shown in the left panel with anti-Phospho-SR antibody and total GST-BLRF2 level is shown by anti-GST antibody (right panel). (E) Western blot of GST pull-downs of 293T cells transfected with GST-BLRF2 wild-type and ARA mutant along with increasing amounts of SRPK2-GFP. Phosphorylated protein is detected by anti-Phosho-SR antibody (top panels), anti-GFP antibody showed SRPK2-GFP (middle panels) and anti-GST antibody showed total BLRF2 (bottom panels). Input lysates (1%) are shown in the left panels.</p