48 research outputs found

    Chegará o tempo da história?

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    Considering some episodes from the early 18th to the late 20th century, this essay intends first to suggest the lasting tension that the historiographical praxis – in the process of asserting itself along with the contemporary world – has absorbed between an increasingly high level of specialization demanded by the professional drive of the field in the West, and the role that the subject has taken over as knowledge to guide large and diversified strata of the population in life. Secondly, it intends to discuss the place that history has come to occupy in Brazil, considering on the one hand the exponential increase in the number of graduate programs and, on the other, the shortcomings of the historical conscience that the country seems to have developed. In order to attain these goals, the paper draws heavily upon arguments extracted from Philippe Ariès’ The time of history [1954], an otherwise underrated book.Considerando alguns episódios desde o final do século XVII e início do XVIII até as últimas décadas do XX, este ensaio procura sugerir, primeiramente, a permanente tensão que a prática historiográfica, ao constituir-se em paralelo ao mundo contemporâneo, absorveu entre a crescente especialização exigida pela profissionalização do campo no Ocidente e o papel que a disciplina adquiriu como conhecimento destinado a orientar amplos e diversificados estratos da população para a vida. Em seguida, pretende discutir o lugar que a história ocupa hoje em dia no Brasil, diante do crescimento exponencial, de um lado, dos programas de pós-graduação; e, do outro, da fragilidade da consciência histórica que o país parece ter desenvolvido. Para tanto, recorre em particular aos argumentos de Philippe Ariès, O tempo da história [1954], livro muito pouco valorizado entre nós

    Guardar mais silêncio do que falar: Ribeiro dos Santos contra Azeredo Coutinho

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    Na perspectiva das linguagens políticas proposta por J. G. A. Pocock, confronta-se o parecer desfavorável (1806) do censor António Ribeiro dos Santos à publicação da Análise sobre a justiça do resgate dos escravos da costa da África com as idéias de seu autor, o bispo José Joaquim Azeredo Coutinho, a fim de salientar as diversas correntes de pensamento presentes na Iluscração luso-brasileira, em termos políticos como religiosos

    Em busca de um ilustrado: Miguel Antônio de Melo (1766-1836)

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    Há muitos anos, em minhas aulas de teoria e metodologia da história, utilizo a cópia de um manuscrito sobre a Bahia conservado na Biblioteca Nacional (RJ), mas sem assinatura nem data. Se uma citação de Luís Henrique Dias Tavares identifica o autor como Miguel Antônio de Melo, de passagem por Salvador em 1797, diversas coincidências, ao longo desses anos, e algumas pesquisas esporádicas permitiram traçar as linhas gerais da trajetória desse nobre, 1 ° conde de Múrcia (1826), que foi governador de Angola ( 1797-1802) e dos Açores (1806-1810), além de presidente do Real Erário em 1825. Assim, o presente trabalho pretende anunciar o início de uma análise de suas idéias, de modo a salientar o papel de alguns indivíduos - não só nascidos na América, mas também em Portugal - que ocuparam um lugar excêntrico no império português de fins do século XVIII e inícios do XIX por conta das linguagens ilustradas a que sabiam recorrer

    Indépendance au Brésil et Lumières au Portugal : politique et culture dans l’espace luso-brésilien (1792-1823)

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    Dès 1772, des natifs de l’Amérique portugaise eurent des contacts avec les Lumières à Coïmbra et occupèrent des postes au Portugal et dans ses possessions d’outre-mer. Si la chute de Pombal en 1777 ne causa pas un vrai changement d’orientation politique, la noblesse traditionnelle reprit assez de pouvoir pour contraindre le souverain. Cependant, ce fut la présence de Rodrigo de Sousa Coutinho au Cabinet du prince régent João qui assura l’action réformatrice la plus inspirée des Lumières. En 1803, l’option diplomatique prise par la couronne portugaise le contraignit à quitter ce poste jusqu’à ce que les pressions de Bonaparte se traduisent par l’invasion du royaume portugais et le départ de la Cour pour Rio de Janeiro. En dépit de ces bouleversements, la politique resta confinée à l’espace privé et la religion demeura la forme dominante de structuration du monde. Dans ces conditions, malgré une importante circulation de pamphlets et de périodiques aux idées libérales, l’Indépendance du Brésil en 1822, conduite par l’héritier du trône lusitanien lui-même, se limita à une dispute avec le Portugal pour l’hégémonie à l’intérieur de l’empire, mais légua néanmoins des tensions profondes au nouveau pays.Beginning in 1772, the natives of Portuguese America had contacts with the Enlightenment in Coimbra, and held posts in Portugal and its overseas possessions. If the fall of Pombal in 1777 did not cause an actual change in political conduct, the traditional nobility recovered enough power to restrain the sovereign. But it was the presence of Rodrigo de Sousa Coutinho in the cabinet of the Prince regent João that guaranteed the most inspired reforms of the Enlightenment. In 1803, the diplomatic decision taken by the Portuguese crown compelled him to leave his post until the pressure of Bonaparte manifested itself in the invasion of the Kingdom of Portugal and the departure of the court for Rio de Janeiro. Despite these upheavals, politics remained a narrowly private affair and religion continued as the dominant perception of the world. In fact, for all the widespread circulation of pamphlets and journals containing liberal ideas, the independence of Brazil in 1822, led by the successor to the portuguese throne himself, was limited to a dispute with Portugal for the hegemony of the interior of the empire ; yet it still bequeathed deep political tensions to the new country

    Indépendance au Brésil et Lumières au Portugal : politique et culture dans l’espace luso-brésilien (1792-1823)

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    Dès 1772, des natifs de l’Amérique portugaise eurent des contacts avec les Lumières à Coïmbra et occupèrent des postes au Portugal et dans ses possessions d’outre-mer. Si la chute de Pombal en 1777 ne causa pas un vrai changement d’orientation politique, la noblesse traditionnelle reprit assez de pouvoir pour contraindre le souverain. Cependant, ce fut la présence de Rodrigo de Sousa Coutinho au Cabinet du prince régent João qui assura l’action réformatrice la plus inspirée des Lumières. En 1803, l’option diplomatique prise par la couronne portugaise le contraignit à quitter ce poste jusqu’à ce que les pressions de Bonaparte se traduisent par l’invasion du royaume portugais et le départ de la Cour pour Rio de Janeiro. En dépit de ces bouleversements, la politique resta confinée à l’espace privé et la religion demeura la forme dominante de structuration du monde. Dans ces conditions, malgré une importante circulation de pamphlets et de périodiques aux idées libérales, l’Indépendance du Brésil en 1822, conduite par l’héritier du trône lusitanien lui-même, se limita à une dispute avec le Portugal pour l’hégémonie à l’intérieur de l’empire, mais légua néanmoins des tensions profondes au nouveau pays.Beginning in 1772, the natives of Portuguese America had contacts with the Enlightenment in Coimbra, and held posts in Portugal and its overseas possessions. If the fall of Pombal in 1777 did not cause an actual change in political conduct, the traditional nobility recovered enough power to restrain the sovereign. But it was the presence of Rodrigo de Sousa Coutinho in the cabinet of the Prince regent João that guaranteed the most inspired reforms of the Enlightenment. In 1803, the diplomatic decision taken by the Portuguese crown compelled him to leave his post until the pressure of Bonaparte manifested itself in the invasion of the Kingdom of Portugal and the departure of the court for Rio de Janeiro. Despite these upheavals, politics remained a narrowly private affair and religion continued as the dominant perception of the world. In fact, for all the widespread circulation of pamphlets and journals containing liberal ideas, the independence of Brazil in 1822, led by the successor to the portuguese throne himself, was limited to a dispute with Portugal for the hegemony of the interior of the empire ; yet it still bequeathed deep political tensions to the new country

    Importance of Early Recognition of Arterial Hypertension in Children and Adolescents: The Nursing Function in Ambulatory Monitoring

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    Arterial hypertension is considered an epidemic, remaining as the main cause of death and global disability. As high blood pressure in childhood is highly predictive of high blood pressure in adulthood, there has been a growing interest in the early recognition of this condition in the pediatric population, through outpatient screening in children over three years of age. Objective: to emphasize the importance of routine monitoring of blood pressure measurement in children and adolescents in childcare consultations. Methodology: This is a literature review of published articles, searched through the PubMed, Virtual Health Library and Google Scholar databases. Results: 12 scientific articles were selected as the data source for the present study, seven in English and five in Portuguese. Conclusion: the measurement of blood pressure in all consultations with children is important. If the disease is identified, treatment must be instituted, which will vary between non-pharmacological and pharmacological therapies, which should be introduced for all pediatric patients with blood pressure values above the acceptable percentile for age. In this sense, it is pertinent that nurses acquire and develop skills that make it possible to implement strategies for the prevention of hypertension, as well as the early identification of children and adolescents at risk of arterial hypertension

    Alvarado’s Criteria for Diagnosis of Children’s Acute Apendicitis

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    Acute abdomen in children is a condition that causes great distress to parents, and appendicitis is its most common cause, being more frequent at school age. This pathology is the cause of numerous visits to public and private hospitals around the world, and brings several complications. It is important that the health team is aware of the possibility of appendicitis in children, due to its high incidence and difficulty in establishing its diagnosis, because the symptoms are nonspecific and there are different clinical presentations. Objective: to explain the importance of the Alvarado criterion for the diagnosis of acute childhood appendicitis. Methodology: This is an integrative bibliographic review, in articles published in the PubMed, Virtual Health Library and Google Scholar databases. For the search for data, the descriptors “Acute abdomen”, “Appendicitis”, “Children” and the keyword “Alvarado score” were used. Data were collected in December 2020. Results: 16 articles were selected as the final sample for analysis of the review, six in English, nine in Portuguese and one in Spanish. Conclusion: Through this review it can be concluded that the use of the Alvarado Score for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in children is useful and effective, avoiding the use of imaging tests in patients with a score above 7 on this scale

    Main Electroclinic Syndromes of The Infant: A Literature Review

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    An electroclinic syndrome (also known as epileptic syndrome) consists of a set of characteristics that associate with seizures, characteristics of electroencephalography and imaging that tend to occur together. Among them is a group that affects infants, usually having a genetic etiology. Objective: to carry out a literature review on the most common types of infant electroclinical syndromes, describing their main characteristics. Methodology: This is a narrative review of the literature of articles published between 2005 and 2020, in Portuguese and English. The research was carried out in December 2020. The following descriptors were used to search for the articles: Electroclinical syndromes. Epilepsy. Infant. Results: Through the research carried out, 12 scientific articles were selected, nine of them in English and three in Portuguese. Conclusion: The study identified 7 common electroclinical syndromes in infants and made it possible to conclude that knowledge of the clinical profile, types of crises and characteristics of the electroencephalography of the disease phenotype associated with the specific mutation can help improve the accuracy and management of the diagnosis of electroclinical syndromes


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    Objective: To discuss the existing literature on diabetes mellitus care in the family health strategy. Methods: This is a qualitative integrative literature review. The search for the studies involved in the research was carried out in the following databases: SCIELO, LILACS, BDENF and MEDLINE, using the descriptors in health sciences: "Primary health care", "Diabetes mellitus" and "Health promotion". The inclusion criteria were: published between 2013 and 2023, with free access to full texts, articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish and related to the theme. Exclusion criteria were: duplicate articles, incomplete articles, abstracts, reviews, debates, articles published in event proceedings and unavailable in full. Results: The Ministry of Health recommends that anthropometric and BP measurements should be taken when patients with DM are cared for in primary care, as these are relevant data from the patient's physical examination about the pathology. Conclusion: The study in question shows that the FHS is the main point for caring for people with diabetes mellitus, because in basic health units, professionals have strategies aimed at promoting and preventing the health of these individuals.Objetivo:  Discutir por meio da literatura existente acerca das ações de cuidado à diabetes mellitus na estratégia saúde da família. Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura de caráter qualitativo. A busca dos trabalhos envolvidos na pesquisa foi realizada nas seguintes bases de dados: SCIELO, LILACS, BDENF e MEDLINE, a partir dos descritores em ciências da saúde: “Atenção primária á saúde”, “Diabetes mellitus” e “Promoção da saúde”. Os critérios de inclusão foram: publicados no período entre 2013 e 2023, cujo acesso ao periódico era livre aos textos completos, artigos em idioma português, inglês e espanhol e relacionados a temática. Critérios de exclusão foram: artigos duplicados, incompletos, resumos, resenhas, debates, artigos publicados em anais de eventos e indisponíveis na íntegra. Resultados: O Ministério da Saúde preconiza que no atendimento aos pacientes com DM na atenção básica, sejam coletadas as medidas antropométricas e da PA, já que são dados relevantes do exame físico do paciente sobre a patologia. Conclusão: O estudo em questão demonstra que a ESF é o principal ponto para se realizar os cuidados as pessoas com Diabetes Mellitus, pois nas unidades básicas de saúde os profissionais se dispõem de estratégias que visa a promoção e prevenção da saúde desses indivíduos