6 research outputs found

    Cells with UV-Specific DNA Damage Are Present in Murine Lymph Nodes After In Vivo UV Irradiation

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    Ultraviolet radiation is absorbed in the skin, especially in the epidermis. After ultraviolet irradiation the number of major histocompatibility complex class II+, adenosine triphosphatase+ Langerhans cells and Thy-1+ dendritic epidermal cells in the epidermis decreases. Whether this decrease is due to migration of these cells or to loss of membrane markers is not clear. To address this question we have used the monoclonal antibody H3 directed against cyclobutyl thymine dimers – a form of DNA damage that is specifically induced by ultraviolet radiation – to investigate whether H3+ cells are present in the draining lymph nodes of the skin after ultraviolet irradiation of hairless, inbred mice (HRA/Skh). After a single dose of ultraviolet radiation (Westinghouse FS40, 1.5 kJ/m2), H3+ cells were present in the paracortex of the draining lymph nodes. No positive cells were found in t:he blood of irradiated mice. These results suggest that the H3+ cell in the lymph nodes originate from the skin. The number H3+ cells in the draining lymph nodes increased the first 24 h after irradiation and then stabilized. Immunohistochemical double staining revealed that all H3+ cells were major histocompatibility complex II+, and that only a fraction of the cells were NLDC-145 positive. No Vγ3-cell receptor bearing cells could be found in the lymph nodes after UV irradiation of the skin

    Brassica oleracea pollen, a new source of occupational allergens

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    BACKGROUND: Vegetable pollen is a rare source of occupational allergens. Occupational allergy has only been described in the case of paprika pollen and tomato pollen. We describe a new source of occupational pollen allergy. AIM: To study the incidence and the impact of broccoli and cauliflower pollen allergy in employees involved in classical plant breeding. METHODS: Fifty-four employees of five companies working with cauliflower (Brassica oleracea botrytis) and broccoli (B. oleracea italica/cymosa) pollen were eligible for complete evaluation. Allergy to cauliflower and broccoli pollen was evaluated by questionnaire and determination of sensitization by radioallergosorbent test (RAST) and skin-prick tests (SPT). SPT and RAST were performed with a panel of commercial and homemade extracts from cauliflower and broccoli pollen. RESULTS: Work-related symptoms such as rhinitis, conjunctivitis, asthma and urticaria caused by B. oleracea pollen were reported by 44% of the participants (24/54), of whom all but one had positive SPT for cauliflower- and/or broccoli-pollen/flower extracts and 58% (14/24) had positive RAST results. Symptoms had developed within the first 2 years in 33% of the patients. Six patients had to stop or change work. CONCLUSIONS: Brassica oleracea pollen is a new source of occupational allergen with strong allergenic potential leading to symptoms in almost half of the exposed employee

    Costs and cost-effectiveness of the nursing programme 'Coping with itch' for patients with chronic pruritic skin disease

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    Background Itch, a major symptom of many skin diseases, has a great impact on quality of life. The nursing programme 'Coping with itch' aims at reducing itch and at helping patients to cope with itch. Objectives To explore costs and cost-effectiveness of the programme. Methods A randomized controlled study was carried out with 56 patients. Data were gathered on medical consumption, days off work and the frequency of itching and scratching. Differences between both groups, the cost-effectiveness ratio and the percentage of patients falling into the four quadrants of the cost-effectiveness analysis plane were determined. Results The intervention group experienced a gain of 6 days with little itching [95% confidence interval (CI) -16-28] at 3 months and a gain of 35 days (95% CI -33-96) at 9 months. They paid more visits to the dermatology nurse than the control group. The point estimate of the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was e129.91 and e16.60 per day with little itching at 3 months and at 9 months, respectively. At 3 months, 70% of the patients experienced favourable results and 14% of them had lower costs. At 9 months, 87% had favourable results and 31% of them had lower costs. Conclusions Most of the expenses associated with the 'Coping with itch' programme were incurred during the first 3 months, but the benefits in terms of days with little itch appeared to persist and increase beyond 3 months, thus leading to a more favourable incremental cost-effectiveness ratio