143 research outputs found

    Theoretical Studies on the KcsA Potassium Channel

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    Natural orbitals and sparsity of quantum mutual information

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    Natural orbitals, defined in electronic structure and quantum chemistry as the (molecular) orbitals diagonalizing the one-particle reduced density matrix of the ground state, have been conjectured for decades to be the perfect reference orbitals to describe electron correlation. In the present work we applied the Wavefunction-Adapted Hamiltonian Through Orbital Rotation (WAHTOR) method to study correlated empirical ans\"atze for quantum computing. In all representative molecules considered, we show that the converged orbitals are coinciding with natural orbitals. Interestingly, the resulting quantum mutual information matrix built on such orbitals is also maximally sparse, providing a clear picture that such orbital choice is indeed able to provide the optimal basis to describe electron correlation. The correlation is therefore encoded in a smaller number of qubit pairs contributing to the quantum mutual information matrix.Comment: 11 pages + supplementary meteria

    Properties of Reactive Oxygen Species by Quantum Monte Carlo

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    The electronic properties of the oxygen molecule, in its singlet and triplet states, and of many small oxygen-containing radicals and anions have important roles in different fields of Chemistry, Biology and Atmospheric Science. Nevertheless, the electronic structure of such species is a challenge for ab-initio computational approaches because of the difficulties to correctly describe the statical and dynamical correlation effects in presence of one or more unpaired electrons. Only the highest-level quantum chemical approaches can yield reliable characterizations of their molecular properties, such as binding energies, equilibrium structures, molecular vibrations, charge distribution and polarizabilities. In this work we use the variational Monte Carlo (VMC) and the lattice regularized Monte Carlo (LRDMC) methods to investigate the equilibrium geometries and molecular properties of oxygen and oxygen reactive species. Quantum Monte Carlo methods are used in combination with the Jastrow Antisymmetrized Geminal Power (JAGP) wave function ansatz, which has been recently shown to effectively describe the statical and dynamical correlation of different molecular systems. In particular we have studied the oxygen molecule, the superoxide anion, the nitric oxide radical and anion, the hydroxyl and hydroperoxyl radicals and their corresponding anions, and the hydrotrioxyl radical. Overall, the methodology was able to correctly describe the geometrical and electronic properties of these systems, through compact but fully-optimised basis sets and with a computational cost which scales as N3−N4N^3-N^4, where NN is the number of electrons. This work is therefore opening the way to the accurate study of the energetics and of the reactivity of large and complex oxygen species by first principles

    Early-stage formation of (hydr)oxo bridges in transition-metal catalysts for photosynthetic processes

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    Ab initio simulations have been used to assess reaction pathways for the formation of M–(hydr)oxo–M (M = Co, Mn, Ni) bridges from M(ii) aqueous solutions, as early-stage building blocks of transition-metal catalysts for oxygen evolution

    Ab initio molecular dynamics simulation of liquid water by quantum Monte Carlo

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    Although liquid water is ubiquitous in chemical reactions at roots of life and climate on the earth, the prediction of its properties by high-level ab initio molecular dynamics simulations still represents a formidable task for quantum chemistry. In this article, we present a room temperature simulation of liquid water based on the potential energy surface obtained by a many-body wave function through quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods. The simulated properties are in good agreement with recent neutron scattering and X-ray experiments, particularly concerning the position of the oxygen-oxygen peak in the radial distribution function, at variance of previous density functional theory attempts. Given the excellent performances of QMC on large scale supercomputers, this work opens new perspectives for predictive and reliable ab initio simulations of complex chemical systems

    Complexation of halide ions to tyrosine: role of non-covalent interactions evidenced by IRMPD spectroscopy

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    The binding motifs in the halide adducts with tyrosine ([Tyr + X]-, X = Cl, Br, I) have been investigated and compared with the analogues with 3-nitrotyrosine (nitroTyr), a biomarker of protein nitration, in a solvent-free environment by mass-selected infrared multiple photon dissociation (IRMPD) spectroscopy over two IR frequency ranges, namely 950–1950 and 2800–3700 cm-1. Extensive quantum chemical calculations at B3LYP, B3LYP-D3 and MP2 levels of theory have been performed using the 6-311++G(d,p) basis set to determine the geometry, relative energy and vibrational properties of likely isomers and interpret the measured spectra. A diagnostic carbonyl stretching band at B1720 cm-1 from the intact carboxylic group characterizes the IRMPD spectra of both [Tyr + X]- and [nitroTyr + X]-, revealing that the canonical isomers (maintaining intact amino and carboxylic functions) are the prevalent structures. The spectroscopic evidence reveals the presence of multiple non-covalent forms. The halide complexes of tyrosine conform to a mixture of plane and phenol isomers. The contribution of phenol-bound isomers is sensitive to anion size, increasing from chloride to iodide, consistent with the decreasing basicity of the halide, with relative amounts depending on the relative energies of the respective structures. The stability of the most favorable phenol isomer with respect to the reference plane geometry is in fact 1.3, -2.1, -6.8 kJ mol-1, for X = Cl, Br, I, respectively. The change in p-acidity by ring nitration also stabilizes anion–p interactions yielding ring isomers for [nitroTyr + X]-, where the anion is placed above the face of the aromatic ring
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