142 research outputs found

    The impact of transmural multiprofessional simulation-based obstetric team training on perinatal outcome and quality of care in the Netherlands

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    Background Perinatal mortality and morbidity in the Netherlands is relatively high compared to other European countries. Our country has a unique system with an independent primary care providing care to low-risk pregnancies and a secondary/tertiary care responsible for high-risk pregnancies. About 65% of pregnant women in the Netherlands will be referred from primary to secondary care implicating multiple medical handovers. Dutch audits concluded that in the entire obstetric collaborative network process parameters could be improved. Studies have shown that obstetric team training improves perinatal outcome and that simulation-based obstetric team training implementing crew resource management (CRM) improves team performance. In addition, deliberate practice (DP) improves medical skills. The aim of this study is to analyse whether transmural multiprofessional simulation-based obstetric team training improves perinatal outcome. Methods/Design The study will be implemented in the south-eastern part of the Netherlands with an annual delivery rate of over 9,000. In this area secondary care is provided by four hospitals. Each hospital with referring primary care practices will form a cluster (study group). Within each cluster, teams will be formed of different care providers representing the obstetric collaborative network. CRM and elements of DP will be implemented in the training. To analyse the quality of care as perceived by patients, the Pregnancy and Childbirth Questionnaire (PCQ) will be used. Furthermore, self-reported collaboration between care providers will be assessed. Team performance will be measured by the Clinical Teamwork Scale (CTS). We employ a stepped-wedge trial design with a sequential roll-out of the trainings for the different study groups. Primary outcome will be perinatal mortality and/or admission to a NICU. Secondary outcome will be team performance, quality of care as perceived by patients, and collaboration among care providers. Conclusion The effect of transmural multiprofessional simulation-based obstetric team training on perinatal outcome has never been studied. We hypothesise that this training will improve perinatal outcome, team performance, and quality of care as perceived by patients and care providers

    Relative versus absolute rises in T/QRS ratio by ST analysis of fetal electrocardiograms in labour:A case-control pilot study

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    INTRODUCTION: The additional value of ST analysis during labour is uncertain. In ST analysis, a T/QRS baseline value is calculated from the fetal electrocardiogram and successive T/QRS ratios are compared to this baseline. However, variation in the orientation of the electrical heart axis between fetuses may yield different T/QRS baseline values. In case of a higher T/QRS baseline value more ST events are encountered, although not always related to perinatal outcome. We hypothesised that we can partly correct for this effect by analysing T/QRS rises as a percentage from baseline (relative ST analysis). This study aimed to explore whether relative ST analysis has better diagnostic value for cord acidaemia compared to conventional ST analysis, where predefined fixed T/QRS ratios are used.METHODS AND MATERIALS: A case-control study was performed in 20 term human fetuses during labour; 10 cases (umbilical cord artery pH &lt;7.05 at birth, defining acidaemia) and 10 controls (pH &gt;7.20) were included. The fetal electrocardiogram was recorded using a STAN monitor. We electronically extracted all T/QRS values, baseline and episodic ST events from the STAN monitor and calculated the relative T/QRS changes. The cut-off for relative ST events was determined in a receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve at optimal specificity for cord acidaemia. Parameters of interest were area under the curve (AUC) of the ROC curve for relative ST events and test performance of both conventional and relative ST analysis.RESULTS: Relative ST analysis showed an AUC of 0.99. The optimal cut-off value for relative T/QRS rise was determined at 0.70. Relative vs conventional (absolute) ST analysis showed a specificity of 100% vs 40% (p = 0.031); sensitivity 90% vs 90%; positive likelihood ratio infinity vs 1.5; negative likelihood ratio 0.10 vs 0.25, respectively.CONCLUSION: Relative ST analysis seems to be a promising method to detect impending fetal acidaemia during labour. Further studies are required to determine the diagnostic accuracy.</p

    Evidence and clinical relevance of maternal-fetal cardiac coupling:A scoping review

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    BACKGROUND: Researchers have long suspected a mutual interaction between maternal and fetal heart rhythms, referred to as maternal-fetal cardiac coupling (MFCC). While several studies have been published on this phenomenon, they vary in terms of methodologies, populations assessed, and definitions of coupling. Moreover, a clear discussion of the potential clinical implications is often lacking. Subsequently, we perform a scoping review to map the current state of the research in this field and, by doing so, form a foundation for future clinically oriented research on this topic.METHODS: A literature search was performed in PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane. Filters were only set for language (English, Dutch, and German literature were included) and not for year of publication. After screening for the title and the abstract, a full-text evaluation of eligibility followed. All studies on MFCC were included which described coupling between heart rate measurements in both the mother and fetus, regardless of the coupling method used, gestational age, or the maternal or fetal health condition.RESULTS: 23 studies remained after a systematic evaluation of 6,672 studies. Of these, 21 studies found at least occasional instances of MFCC. Methods used to capture MFCC are synchrograms and corresponding phase coherence indices, cross-correlation, joint symbolic dynamics, transfer entropy, bivariate phase rectified signal averaging, and deep coherence. Physiological pathways regulating MFCC are suggested to exist either via the autonomic nervous system or due to the vibroacoustic effect, though neither of these suggested pathways has been verified. The strength and direction of MFCC are found to change with gestational age and with the rate of maternal breathing, while also being further altered in fetuses with cardiac abnormalities and during labor.CONCLUSION: From the synthesis of the available literature on MFCC presented in this scoping review, it seems evident that MFCC does indeed exist and may have clinical relevance in tracking fetal well-being and development during pregnancy.</p

    Electrohysterography, a promising alternative for uterine monitoring:5 years later

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    Electrohysterography, a promising alternative for uterine monitoring: 5 years later.Electrohysterography monitors the electrical activity of the uterine muscle through electrodes on the maternal abdominal wall. It is a non-invasive method for uterine contraction monitoring and has a strong correlation with the invasive intra-uterine pressure catheter. A prospective validation study showed a significant higher sensitivity of electrohysterography compared to external tocodynamometry for uterine contraction detection (p-value &lt; 0.001). Moreover, the sensitivity of electrohysterography appears to be less affected by maternal obesity compared to external tocodynamometry. A clinical pilotstudy comparing electrohysterography and external tocodynamometry during labor, showed no negative effect of electrohysterography on labor outcomes. Recently, technical improvements have been made and electrohysterography has become available in an adhesive electrode patch together with fetal and maternal electrocardiography. Therefore, we expect a successful implementation of electrohysterography in the near future.Electrohysterography monitors the electrical activity of the uterine muscle through electrodes on the maternal abdominal wall. It is a non-invasive method for uterine contraction monitoring and has a strong correlation with the invasive intra-uterine pressure catheter. A prospective validation study showed a significant higher sensitivity of electrohysterography compared to external tocodynamometry for uterine contraction detection (p-value &lt; 0.001). Moreover, the sensitivity of electrohysterography appears to be less affected by maternal obesity compared to external tocodynamometry. A clinical pilotstudy comparing electrohysterography and external tocodynamometry during labor, showed no negative effect of electrohysterography on labor outcomes. Recently, technical improvements have been made and electrohysterography has become available in an adhesive electrode patch together with fetal and maternal electrocardiography. Therefore, we expect a successful implementation of electrohysterography in the near future.</p

    The impact of angles of insonation on left and right ventricular global longitudinal strain estimation in fetal speckle tracking echocardiography

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    OBJECTIVES: Two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography has been considered an angle-independent modality. However, current literature is limited and inconclusive on the actual impact of angle of insonation on strain values. Therefore, the primary objective of this study was to assess the impact of angles of insonation on the estimation of fetal left ventricular and right ventricular global longitudinal strain. Secondarily, the impact of different definitions for angles of insonation was investigated in a sensitivity analysis.METHODS: This is a retrospective analysis of a prospective longitudinal cohort study with 124 healthy subjects. The analyses were based on the four-chamber view ultrasound clips taken between 18+0 and 21+6 weeks of gestation. Angles of insonation were categorized into three groups: up/down, oblique and perpendicular. The mean fetal left and right ventricular and global longitudinal strain values corresponding to these three groups were compared by an ANOVA test corrected for heteroscedasticity.RESULTS: Fetal left and right ventricular global longitudinal strain values were not statistically different between the three angles of insonation (p-value &gt;0.062 and &gt;0.149, respectively). When applying another definition for angles of insonation in the sensitivity analysis, the mean left ventricular global longitudinal strain value was significantly decreased for the oblique compared to the up/down angle of insonation (p-value 0.041).CONCLUSIONS: There is no evidence of a difference in fetal left and right ventricular global longitudinal strain between the different angles of insonation in fetal two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography.</p

    Reducing errors in health care: cost-effectiveness of multidisciplinary team training in obstetric emergencies (TOSTI study); a randomised controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There are many avoidable deaths in hospitals because the care team is not well attuned. Training in emergency situations is generally followed on an individual basis. In practice, however, hospital patients are treated by a team composed of various disciplines. To prevent communication errors, it is important to focus the training on the team as a whole, rather than on the individual. Team training appears to be important in contributing toward preventing these errors. Obstetrics lends itself to multidisciplinary team training. It is a field in which nurses, midwives, obstetricians and paediatricians work together and where decisions must be made and actions must be carried out under extreme time pressure.</p> <p>It is attractive to belief that multidisciplinary team training will reduce the number of errors in obstetrics. The other side of the medal is that many hospitals are buying expensive patient simulators without proper evaluation of the training method. In the Netherlands many hospitals have 1,000 or less annual deliveries. In our small country it might therefore be more cost-effective to train obstetric teams in medical simulation centres with well trained personnel, high fidelity patient simulators, and well defined training programmes.</p> <p>Methods/design</p> <p>The aim of the present study is to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of multidisciplinary team training in a medical simulation centre in the Netherlands to reduce the number of medical errors in obstetric emergency situations. We plan a multicentre randomised study with the centre as unit of analysis. Obstetric departments will be randomly assigned to receive multidisciplinary team training in a medical simulation centre or to a control arm without any team training.</p> <p>The composite measure of poor perinatal and maternal outcome in the non training group was thought to be 15%, on the basis of data obtained from the National Dutch Perinatal Registry and the guidelines of the Dutch Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (NVOG). We anticipated that multidisciplinary team training would reduce this risk to 5%. A sample size of 24 centres with a cluster size of each at least 200 deliveries, each 12 centres per group, was needed for 80% power and a 5% type 1 error probability (two-sided). We assumed an Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) value of maximum 0.08.</p> <p>The analysis will be performed according to the intention-to-treat principle and stratified for teaching or non-teaching hospitals.</p> <p>Primary outcome is the number of obstetric complications throughout the first year period after the intervention. If multidisciplinary team training appears to be effective a cost-effective analysis will be performed.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>If multidisciplinary team training appears to be cost-effective, this training should be implemented in extra training for gynaecologists.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>The protocol is registered in the clinical trial register number NTR1859</p