26 research outputs found

    The ALE Partition Functions of M-String Orbifolds

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    The ALE partition functions of a 6d (1,0) SCFT are interesting observables which are able to detect the global structure of the SCFT. They are defined to be the equivariant partition functions of the SCFT on a background with the topology of a two-dimensional torus times an ALE singularity. In this work, we compute the ALE partition functions of M-string orbifold SCFTs, extending our previous results for the M-string SCFTs. Via geometric engineering, our results about ALE partition functions are connected to the theory of higher-rank Donaldson-Thomas invariants for resolutions of elliptic Calabi-Yau threefold singularities. We predict that their generating functions satisfy interesting modular properties. The partition functions receive contributions from BPS strings probing the ALE singularity, whose worldsheet theories we determine via a chain of string dualities. For this class of backgrounds the BPS strings' worldsheet theories become relative field theories that are sensitive to discrete data generalizing to 6d the familiar choices of flat connections at infinity for instantons on ALE spaces. A novel feature we observe in the case of M-string orbifold SCFTs, which does not arise for the M-string SCFT, is the existence of frozen BPS strings which are pinned at the orbifold singularity and carry fractional instanton charge with respect to the 6d gauge fields.Comment: 69 page

    The ALE Partition Functions of M-Strings

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    We compute the equivariant partition function of the six-dimensional M-string SCFTs on a background with the topology of a product of a two-dimensional torus and an ALE singularity. We determine the result by exploiting BPS strings probing the singularity, whose worldvolume theories we determine via a chain of string dualities. A distinguished feature we observe is that for this class of background the BPS strings' worldsheet theories become relative field theories that are sensitive to finer discrete data generalizing to 6d the familiar choices of flat connections at infinity for instantons on ALE spaces. We test our proposal against a conjectural 6d N = (1,0) generalization of the Nekrasov master formula, as well as against known results on ALE partition functions in four dimensions.Comment: 44 page

    Hidden exceptional symmetry in the pure spinor superstring

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    The pure spinor formulation of superstring theory includes an interacting sector of central charge cλ=22c_{\lambda}=22, which can be realized as a curved βγ\beta\gamma system on the cone over the orthogonal Grassmannian OG+(5,10)\text{OG}^{+}(5,10). We find that the spectrum of the βγ\beta\gamma system organizes into representations of the g=e6\mathfrak{g}=\mathfrak{e}_6 affine algebra at level 3-3, whose so(10)3u(1)4\mathfrak{so}(10)_{-3}\oplus {\mathfrak u}(1)_{-4} subalgebra encodes the rotational and ghost symmetries of the system. As a consequence, the pure spinor partition function decomposes as a sum of affine e6\mathfrak{e}_6 characters. We interpret this as an instance of a more general pattern of enhancements in curved βγ\beta\gamma systems, which also includes the cases g=so(8)\mathfrak{g}=\mathfrak{so}(8) and e7\mathfrak{e}_7, corresponding to target spaces that are cones over the complex Grassmannian Gr(2,4)\text{Gr}(2,4) and the complex Cayley plane OP2\mathbb{OP}^2. We identify these curved βγ\beta\gamma systems with the chiral algebras of certain 2d2d (0,2)(0,2) CFTs arising from twisted compactification of 4d N=2\mathcal{N}=2 SCFTs on S2S^2.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure; v2: added references, minor update

    Topological Strings on Singular Elliptic Calabi-Yau 3-folds and Minimal 6d SCFTs

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    We apply the modular approach to computing the topological string partition function on non-compact elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau 3-folds with higher Kodaira singularities in the fiber. The approach consists in making an ansatz for the partition function at given base degree, exact in all fiber classes to arbitrary order and to all genus, in terms of a rational function of weak Jacobi forms. Our results yield, at given base degree, the elliptic genus of the corresponding non-critical 6d string, and thus the associated BPS invariants of the 6d theory. The required elliptic indices are determined from the chiral anomaly 4-form of the 2d worldsheet theories, or the 8-form of the corresponding 6d theories, and completely fix the holomorphic anomaly equation constraining the partition function. We introduce subrings of the known rings of Weyl invariant Jacobi forms which are adapted to the additional symmetries of the partition function, making its computation feasible to low base wrapping number. In contradistinction to the case of simpler singularities, generic vanishing conditions on BPS numbers are no longer sufficient to fix the modular ansatz at arbitrary base wrapping degree. We show that to low degree, imposing exact vanishing conditions does suffice, and conjecture this to be the case generally.Comment: 67 pages; v2 typos corrected, references adde

    Holomorphic Anomalies, Fourfolds and Fluxes

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    We investigate holomorphic anomalies of partition functions underlying string compactifications on Calabi-Yau fourfolds with background fluxes. For elliptic fourfolds the partition functions have an alternative interpretation as elliptic genera of N=1 supersymmetric string theories in four dimensions, or as generating functions for relative Gromov-Witten invariants of fourfolds with fluxes. We derive the holomorphic anomaly equations by starting from the BCOV formalism of topological strings, and translating them into geometrical terms. The result can be recast into modular and elliptic anomaly equations. As a new feature, as compared to threefolds, we find an extra contribution which is given by a gravitational descendant invariant. This leads to linear terms in the anomaly equations, which support an algebra of derivatives mapping between partition functions of the various flux sectors. These geometric features are mirrored by certain properties of quasi-Jacobi forms. We also offer an interpretation of the physics from the viewpoint of the worldsheet theory.Comment: 64 pages, 4 figure

    Maximum black-hole spin from quasi-circular binary mergers

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    Black holes of mass M must have a spin angular momentum S below the Kerr limit chi = S/M^2 < 1, but whether astrophysical black holes can attain this limiting spin depends on their accretion history. Gas accretion from a thin disk limits the black-hole spin to chi_gas < 0.9980 +- 0.0002, as electromagnetic radiation from this disk with retrograde angular momentum is preferentially absorbed by the black hole. Extrapolation of numerical-relativity simulations of equal-mass binary black-hole mergers to maximum initial spins suggests these mergers yield a maximum spin chi_eq < 0.95. Here we show that for smaller mass ratios q = m/M << 1, the superradiant extraction of angular momentum from the larger black hole imposes a fundamental limit chi_lim < 0.9979 +- 0.0001 on the final black-hole spin even in the test-particle limit q -> 0 of binary black-hole mergers. The nearly equal values of chi_gas and chi_lim imply that measurement of supermassive black-hole spins cannot distinguish a black hole built by gas accretion from one assembled by the gravitational inspiral of a disk of compact stellar remnants. We also show how superradiant scattering alters the mass and spin predicted by models derived from extrapolating test-particle mergers to finite mass ratios.Comment: final version accepted in PRD, new Fig.4 and discussio