12 research outputs found

    An integrated geodetic and InSAR technique for the monitoring and detection of active faulting in southwestern Sicily

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    We present the results of the analysis of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) and InSAR (Interferometric synthetic-aperture radar) data collected in the frame of a project financed by the “Struttura Terremoti” of INGV (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia). Combined investigations pointed out for potential seismogenic sources for destructive earthquakes recorded in southwestern Sicily, including the 1968 Belice earthquake sequence and that supposed to have destroyed the Greek city of Selinunte which, according to geoarcheological data experienced two earthquakes in historical times. Our approach is aimed to evaluate the current deformation rate in SW Sicily and to improve the knowledge about the seismic potential of this area. The geodetic data proposed in this paper show that the Campobello di Mazara–Castelvetrano alignment (CCA) is currently deforming with a vertical and horizontal displacements of 2 mm/yr and 0.5 mm/yr respectively, according to the tectonic setting of the are

    How Physical Activity Affects Knee Cartilage and a Standard Intervention Procedure for an Exercise Program: A Systematic Review

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    (1) Background: Cartilage degeneration with the natural aging process and the role of physical activity on cartilage wellness is still not clear. The objective of the present review was to understand how different physical activity interventions affect the cartilage and to propose a Standard Operating Procedure for an exercise program to maintain knee joint health; (2) Methods: Articles were collected on three different electronic databases and screened against the eligibility criteria. Results were collected in tables and the main outcomes were discussed narratively; (3) Results: A total of 24 studies have been included after the screening process and aerobic, strength, flexibility, postural balance, and mobility interventions were detected. Different protocols and types of interventions were adopted by the authors; (4) Conclusions: Physical activity interventions have mainly positive outcomes on cartilage structure, but the protocols adopted are different and various. A Standard Operating Procedure has been proposed for a physical intervention focalized on cartilage wellness that could be adopted as an intervention in the clinical setting. Furthermore, the creation of a standardized protocol wants to help scientific research to move in the same direction

    Water Vapor Tomography of the Lower Atmosphere from Multiparametric Inversion: the Mt. Etna Volcano Test Case

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    International audienceSpace techniques based on GPS and SAR interferometry allow measuring millimetric ground deformations. Achieving such accuracy means removing atmospheric anomalies that frequently affect volcanic areas by modeling the tropospheric delays. Due to the prominent orography and the high spatial and temporal variability of weather conditions, the active volcano Mt. Etna (Italy) is particularly suitable to carry out research aimed at estimating and filtering atmospheric effects on GPS and DInSAR ground deformation measurements. The aim of this work is to improve the accuracy of the ground deformation measurements by modeling the tropospheric delays at Mt. Etna volcano. To this end, data from the monitoring network of 29 GPS permanent stations and MODIS multispectral satellite data series are used to reproduce the tropospheric delays affecting interferograms. A tomography algorithm has been developed to reproduce the wet refractivity field over Mt. Etna in 3D, starting from the slant tropospheric delays calculated by GPS in all the stations of the network. The developed algorithm has been tested on a synthetic atmospheric anomaly. The test confirms the capability of the software to faithfully reconstruct the simulated anomaly. With the aim of applying this algorithm to real cases, we introduce the water vapor content measured by the MODIS instrument on board Terra and Aqua satellites. The use of such data, although limited by cloud cover, provides a two-fold benefit: it improves the tomographic resolution and adds feedback for the GPS wet delay measurements. A cross-comparison between GPS and MODIS water vapor measurements for the first time shows a fair agreement between those indirect measurements on an entire year of data (2015). The tomography algorithm was applied on selected real cases to correct the Sentinel-1 DInSAR interferograms acquired over Mt. Etna during 2015. Indeed, the corrected interferograms show that the differential path delay reaches 0.1 m (i.e. 3 C-band fringes) in ground deformation, demonstrating how the atmospheric anomaly affects precision and reliability of DInSAR space-based techniques. The real cases show that the tomography is often able to capture the atmospheric effect at the large scale and correct interferograms, although in limited areas. Furthermore, the introduction of MODIS data significantly improves by ∼80% voxel resolution at the critical layer (1,000 m). Further improvements will be suitable for monitoring active volcanoes worldwide

    Ergonomics of prehensility in pushing and pulling motions: An anatomical and biomechanical overview

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    The hand represents one of the most remarkable expressions of humanization of the anterior limb. The anterior limb, at first ambulatory, underwent continuous evolution acquiring innumerable new functions. In the course of human evolution the hand has undergone continual structural and functional adaptations, characterized, among others, by enrichment of peripheral innervation and further development of the thumb. This development was accompanied by important changes in the brain and the relocation of the eyes, together allowing the muscle control and stereoscopic vision, necessary for a controlled grip. The anatomy of the hand is complex, intricate, and fascinating. Its integrity is absolutely essential for our everyday functional living. It is intimately correlated with the brain, both in the evolution of the species and in the development of the individual. Actually, we can state that we “think” and “feel” with our hands, hence, their contribution is essential to the mental processes of thought and feeling. The aim of this review is to evaluate the most typical hand quality, the prehensility and hence, the possibility of manoeuvring tools. Our attention is mainly focused on the hand anatomy and prehensility during pushing and pulling motions. In particular, our attention is directed toward the relationship existing between the hand prehensility and the volume of the object to be gripped. As an example, we use a grip of the paddle and, pushing and pulling motions during kayak paddling. Indeed, we are firmly convinced that the prehensility plays a crucial role not only in performing the stylistically correct paddling, but especially in realizing a more effective and powerful paddle stroke. This review highlights a great link existing between biomechanical and anatomical notions and sporting performance

    The use of morphokinetic parameters to select all embryos with full capacity to implant

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    Embryo kinetics analysis is an emerging tool for selecting embryo(s) for transfer. The aim of the present study was to determine morphokinetic parameters easily usable in the laboratory and predictive of embryo development and, most importantly, of embryo competence in producing a clinical pregnancy after day 5 transfer. A retrospective time-lapse monitoring analysis of morphokinetic parameters for 72 fully implanted embryos (group A) were compared to 106 non-implanted embryos (group B), and to 66 embryos with arrested development from the same pool of group A. All the embryos were from 78 patients undergoing ICSI treatment and day 5 embryo transfers. A day 3 embryo will develop into a viable blastocyst if the following ranges of morphokinetic parameters are met: t1 (between 18.4 h and 30.9 h post-ICSI), t2 (21.4-34.8 h), t4 (33.1-57.2 h), t7 (46.1-82.5 h), t8 (46.4-97.8 h), tC-tF (7.7-22.9 h) and s3 (0.7-30.8 h). On day 5 embryos with the highest probability to implant are those with a cc3 between 9.7 h and 21 h. Morphokinetic parameters are helpful to make appropriate decisions for the disposition of each embryo. It is recommended that each laboratory should determine its own ranges of in vitro development (IVD-MKP) and implantation-associated (IMP-MKP) morphokinetic parameters

    Assessment of Vitamin D Supplementation on Articular Cartilage Morphology in a Young Healthy Sedentary Rat Model

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    Deficiency in vitamin D (Vit D) has been widely associated with several musculoskeletal diseases. However, the effects of the exogenous Vit D supplementation are still unclear in the prevention of the latter, especially in the cartilage developmental period. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of Vit D supplementation and restriction on the articular cartilage development in healthy young sedentary rats. To this aim, twelve nine-week-old healthy Sprague–Dawley male rats were subjected to Vit D-based experimental diets: R, with a content in Vit D of 1400 IU/kg; R-DS, with a Vit D supplementation (4000 IU/kg); R-DR, with a Vit D restriction (0 IU/kg) for 10 weeks. The morphology, thickness and expression of cartilage-associated molecules such as collagen type II/X, lubricin and Vit D receptor (VDR), were assessed. Histological, histomorphometric and immunohistochemical evaluations were made on rat tibial cartilage samples. In the present experimental model, restriction of Vit D intake induced: The lower thickness of cartilage compared both to R (p = < 0.0001) and R-DS (p = < 0.0001); reduction of proteoglycans in the extracellular matrix (ECM) compared both to R (p = 0.0359) and R-DS (p = < 0.0001); decreased collagen II (Col II) with respect both to R (p = 0.0076) and R-DS (p = 0.0016); increased collagen X (Col X) immunoexpression when compared both to R (p = < 0.0001) and R-DS (p = < 0.0001), confirming data from the literature. Instead, supplementation of Vit D intake induced: Higher cartilage thickness with respect both to R (p = 0.0071) and R-DR (p = < 0.0001); increase of ECM proteoglycan deposition compared both to R (p = 0.0175) and R-DR (p = < 0.0001); higher immunoexpression of lubricin with respect both to R (p = 0.001) and R-DR (p = 0.0008). These results suggest that Vit D supplementation with diet, already after 10 weeks, has a favorable impact on the articular cartilage thickness development, joint lubrication and ECM fibers deposition in a young healthy rat model

    An integrated geodetic and InSAR technique for the monitoring and detection of active faulting in southwestern Sicily

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    We[U1]  present the results of the analysis of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) and InSAR (Interferometric synthetic-aperture radar) data collected in the frame of a project financed by the “Struttura Terremoti” of INGV (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia). Combined investigations pointed out for potential seismogenic sources for destructive earthquakes recorded in southwestern Sicily, including the 1968 Belice earthquake sequence and that supposed to have destroyed  the Greek city of Selinunte which, according to geoarcheological data experienced two earthquakes in historical times. Our approach is aimed to evaluate the current deformation rate in SW Sicily and to improve the knowledge about the seismic potential of this area. The geodetic data proposed in this paper show that the Campobello di Mazara–Castelvetrano alignment (CCA) is currently deforming with a vertical and horizontal displacements of 2 mm/yr and 0.5 mm/yr respectively, according to the tectonic setting of the area. [U1]Da riscrivere a lavoro completat