5 research outputs found

    Catasto Nazionale delle CavitĂ  Artificiali: moderni strumenti di raccolta, catalogazione e condivisione delle informazioni

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    In un’epoca caratterizzata dalla veloce trasmissione delle notizie, dall’arrivo in ogni casa di consistenti flussi di dati multimediali e dalla possibilità di comprimere grandi quantità di informazioni all’interno di supporti oramai economici e di semplice utilizzo, anche la disciplina che si dedica allo studio e alla documentazione delle cavità artificiali non poteva sottrarsi ad adeguare le proprie dotazioni – strumentali e intellettuali – alle possibilità oggi offerte dalle moderne tecnologie. La Società Speleologica Italiana, che dal 1981 opera in materia di opere antropiche di interesse storico attraverso la sua Commissione Cavità Artificiali, si è così dotata, nel tempo, di opportuni strumenti con i quali radunare, strutturare e quindi condividere i dati raccolti. Partendo dall’utilizzo di apposite schede catastali in formato informatico, per giungere alla recente pubblicazione sul web del Catasto Nazionale delle cavità artificiali, la Commissione ha prodotto un potente archivio di dati, organizzato su base regionale e facilmente aggiornabile, che permette oggi una completa e libera condivisione delle tante informazioni disponibili. La nascita di particolari sintesi del Catasto Nazionale, come ad esempio il già operativo progetto “Carta degli Antichi Acquedotti”, la collaborazione con l’Istituto di Geofisica e Vulcanologia per il progetto “Ipodata” e l’oramai prossima “Carta degli emissari artificiali di laghi endoreici”, permetterà in futuro di raccogliere e catalogare le varie notizie legate a singoli temi, anche integrando gli studi condotti da speleologi e studiosi di discipline affini con ulteriori documentazioni (archeologiche, storiche, archivistiche, bibliografiche, ecc.).In an era marked by rapid transmission of news, by the use of large multimedia data streams and by the ability to compress large amounts of information in the media at low cost and easy to use, the discipline that studies the artificial cavities could not escape to adapt its equipment to the possibilities offered today by modern technology. The Italian Speleological Society, which operates since 1981 in the topic of human works of historical interest through its “Commissione Cavità Artificiali”, has adopted, over time, the right tools with which to collect, organize and share data. Starting from the use of special maps in electronic format, up to the recent publication on the website of the National Cadastre of Cavities, the Commission has produced a powerful database organized on a regional basis and easily updated, which now allows full access and shared to the information available. The creation of special summary of data, such as the project named “Carta degli Antichi Acquedotti” the collaboration with the Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology in the project “Ipodata” and the “Carta degli emissari artificiali di laghi endoreici” will collect and categorize the various news related to specific areas, adding to the studies prepared by the cavers with the contributies of other related disciplines (archaeological, historical, archival, bibliographic, etc.)

    Una finestra sulla vita nel buio. Didattica e divulgazione allo Speleovivarium

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    Il museo “Speleovivarium” raccoglie e custodisce testimonianze vive del sottosuolo carsico con finalità divulgative, didattiche, di studio e di ricerca, in particolare sul comportamento degli straordinari esseri che popolano le tenebre. Esso si trova in una galleria dalle condizioni climatiche ed ambientali simili ad una cavità carsica; è stato ideato da Erwin Pichl e creato nell’ambito della Società Adriatica di Speleologia nel 1990, con l’obiettivo di promuovere e divulgare le conoscenze del mondo sotterraneo, per il più ampio rispetto della natura dei sottosuoli carsici e non.The “Speleovivarium” museum collects and preserves living witnesses of the Karst underground, for diffusion, teaching, study and research purposes, particularly focusing on the behaviour of the extraordinary creatures that live in the darkness. The museum is located in a cave resembling the climatic and environment conditions of a Karst cavity; it was designed by Erwin Pichl and created by the Adriatic Speleological Society in 1990, with the aim of promoting and sharing knowledge of the subterranean world and develop greater respect for underground nature in the Karst and non-Karst areas

    Environmental monitoring system in a cruise ship cabin

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    Data collected in a cruise ship cabin from a monitoring system can be used for various scenarios, such as the energy waste reduction and the passenger wellness & comfort. Although the reference scenarios are out of the scope of this paper, we concentrate on presenting an effective and efficient monitoring system. In this context, we describe an environmental monitoring system for a closed environment, based on heterogeneous sensor networks, and a minimal invasiveness approach for a robust monitoring of sleep quality, which integrates signals from different types of sensors to estimate physiological parameters

    Enhanced Navigation at Sea: an augmented reality-based tool for bridge operators

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    This paper presents the design framework, in which a Decision Support System (DSS) tool has been developed to assist the bridge operator during a challenging navigation condition. The present project would be another step for using state of the art, IT devices and hardware, to increase safety at sea mainly focusing on both collision and grounding avoidance. In this paper, the modules to detect an obstacle and to calculate the evasive route are based on a customized simulation model: such a model is able to represent the dynamic behaviour of a ship, including hydrodynamics, propulsion, and control effects. The suggested route selected by the decision support system and some environmental parameters coupled with some of the ship parameters are visualized on a smart \u201cvirtual bridge\u201d exploiting virtual reality techniques. A suitable graphical interface has been developed and installed, in order to enhance the situation awareness. The project also focuses on the communication architecture, which relies on a publish-subscribe paradigm and is responsible to forward ship control parameters both to the virtual bridge and towards an ashore control centre, either for supervising or for remote control. Overall, both the potentiality and the limits of the proposed system have been critically discussed

    CNR-fincantieri joint projects: A successful example of collaboration between research and industry based on the open innovation approach

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    This paper contributes to the open innovation literature by presenting a successful application of the open innovation approach in the maritime sector between Fincantieri (FC), one of the world's largest shipbuilding groups, and the National Research Council of Italy (CNR, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), the largest research entity in Italy. By using external sources of scientific innovation, specifically 10 different groups of researchers from CNR research institutes and three universities, and by integrating these groups with a team of expert Fincantieri's designers, the company obtained significant advances in terms of technological content and competitiveness. This collaboration is an evident example of successful implementation of the open innovation paradigm, where a big company (Fincantieri) uses external sources of innovation (the CNR researchers) to advance its technology by carrying out six different projects simultaneously. The paper presents the adopted open innovation model, the governance approach specifically implemented by the company and the major scientific contents and outcomes of the constellation of the six connected projects