115 research outputs found

    Pastoreo racional Voisin para la producción bovina sostenible. (Articulo reseña, segundaI parte)

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    The effects of the application of rational grazing on the processes that govern the recycling of nutrients are summarizedin the soil-plant-animal trinomial. Livestock soils develop in flat relief and wavy-alomado, theycharacterized by a savanna vegetation; slopes and tropical forests in smaller amounts; generally do not possesshigh fertility and also its physical and hydrological properties, its susceptibility to erosion and fertilityrelatively low natural, they can influence imbalances of mineral nutrients. In this regard to applytechnologies to grazing systems, the level of inputs and outputs of nutrients to the system should be considered,process that may be influenced by various factors such as soil type, form and intensity of exploitation of thepasture, fertilizers, resting time, presence of legumes and especially the degree of rationality of the use ofgrasses These effects were reviewed for rational grazing methods.Se resumen los efectos de la aplicación del pastoreo racional sobre los procesos que rigen el reciclaje de nutrientesen el trinomio suelo-planta-animal. Los suelos de ganadería se desarrollan en relieve llano y ondulado-alomado, secaracterizan por una vegetación de sabana; laderas y bosques tropicales en menor cuantía; generalmente no poseenuna gran fertilidad y además sus propiedades físicas e hidrológicas, su susceptibilidad a la erosión y la fertilidadnatural relativamente baja, pueden influir en desbalances de nutrientes minerales. En este sentido para aplicartecnologías a los sistemas de pastoreo, debe considerarse el nivel de entradas y salidas de nutrientes al sistema,proceso que puede estar influido por diversos factores como el tipo de suelo, forma e intensidad de explotación delpastizal, fertilizantes, tiempo de reposo, presencia de leguminosas y sobre todo el grado de racionalidad de uso de lospastos. Se revisaron estos efectos para los métodos de pastoreo racional

    Pastoreo racional Voisin para la producción bovina sostenible (artículo reseña, primera parte)

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    Restricted grazing main principles, grouped into four universal laws firmly stated by Voisin (1963)  in his book  Grass Productivity, are  here  in explained. Voisin himself applied such principles  to  his  own   farm,  including  not  only  European  and   some  other   countries scientists’ and  farmers’ experiences, but  also his own  conclusions. An adequate grass resting  time  is  essential  in  guaranteeing  the   highest  biomass  production  with  an acceptable quality,  so  once   the  grass is  grazed by  cattle either under   natural  grazing conditions or supplied to the animals after cutting it, it can  be turned  into high quality milk, meat, and other products for human consumption, without affecting grazing endurance and the  ruminant nutrient requirements. Several examples on how to apply these principles to the   grass  and   animal  law  effects  are   discussed.  Therefore,  any   animal  grazing  on anoptimum quality grassland during a proper  time attains a reasonable milk production or weight gain without negatively impacting the  grassland, if grass resting time is taking  into account as well as some other factors such  as season, species and  agricultural resources.En  esta reseña se explican  los  principios  básicos del  pastoreo racional,  enmarcados en las  cuatro   leyes  universales  que   enunciara acertadamente  Voisin  (1963)   en  su  obra Productividad de  la hierba y que  pusiera en  práctica en  su  propia finca, retomando las diversas experiencias de  los campesinos científicos europeos y de  otras latitudes y por supuesto sus  propias  conclusiones.  El  adecuado  tiempo  de  reposo  de  la  hierba  es esencial para  garantizar   la máxima producción   de  biomasa con   calidad suficiente para que  una  vez  cosechada por  el  animal  o  por  el  órgano de  corte  de  la  segadora, sea convertida en  leche, carne y otros productos con alto valor para  el consumo humano, sin comprometer la  persistencia del  pastizal  y los  requerimientos  nutricionales  del  rumiante. Se  discuten varios ejemplos de la aplicación de estos principios a los efectos de las leyes de la hierba y del animal. Se  concluye que  un rumiante que  consuma un pasto de calidad logra una  producción razonable de  leche o incremento de  peso sin deteriorar el pasto, si se respetan los  tiempos  de  reposo, acorde con  varios  factores  como  epoca, especies y nivel de insumos agrícolas aplicados

    Introduction of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandú for Milk Production, and Economic Results of a Buffalo Dairy

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    The effect of introducing Brachiaria brizanta cv. Marandú for forage upon milk production and economic results was evaluated on Tayabito buffalo dairy farm affiliated to Maraguán Livestock Center in Camagüey municipality, Cuba. To this purpose, a two-hectare B. brizanta grazing ground was introduced and its effect on milk production and quality was estimated by a Switch Back design with two treatments and six replicas each. Initially, female buffaloes lactation span was 122 ± 5,7 days. Forage balances were performed on native pastures and half the area with B. brizanta  grassland.  This new species  proved its suitability  by spreading  over 80 % of the 2 ha area after being planted. Concerning milk production during dry and rainy seasons, a significant increase was registered for B. brizanta compared to native pastures (over 0,54 and 0,83 l/animal/day for each season, respectively). Milk quality was not affected in either case. This farm forage production could supply current herd feeding needs by introducing 50 % grazing grounds of B. brizanta; besides, productive indexes could significantly improve

    Efficiency of Agricultural Upgrading as a Component of the Farming Extension System

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    Evaluation was effected through a participative-diagnosis  tool which integrates several techniques and the organ- izational work for agro producer training. Three participative exercises, i.e., brainstorming, questions, and the nine- square or the General Electric matrix, were performed. Deficiencies in the training process and how to solve them, the need of team work to diagnose demands, problems, program design, and program application were determined. Besides, the current situation of the School of Training for Agricultural Executives, affiliated to the Ministry of Ag- riculture division in Camagüey, was assessed, for capital and resource investment, and for introduction of new agro- products and services to the market

    Forage production and bromatological composition of Gliricidia sepium (Jacq) Kunth ex Walp

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    Forage production and bromatologic composition of Gliricidia sepium (Jacq) Kunth ex Walp were evaluated on cattle raising serpentine soils from the Livestock Center Noel Fernández in Camagüey, Cuba. Data were processed by the statistical package SPSS, and mean and standard deviation were determined. G. sepium foliage levels were significant (3,68 kg/a/cut for green matter and 1,33 kg/a/cut for dry matter) and raw protein levels were satisfactory (13,2 %)

    Evaluation of dead leaf and soil creatures associated to Gliricidia sepium (Jacq) Kunth ex Walp, used as live fences in savannahs

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    The contribution of decayed dry leaves and edaphic fauna to soil by using Gliricidia sepium (Jacq) Kunth ex Walp as living fences on savannas  with a predominant  serpentine  stratum was determined  in Camagüey  municipality, Cuba. Results showed G. sepium beneficial environmental impact due to its high contribution of decayed dry leaves to soil, i.e., 332 kg/ha per month equivalent of 3,98 t/ha per year. Development of edaphic fauna earthworms and beetles mostly was enhanced, showing the benefits of this ecosystem environment, as well

    Native Pasture Quality in Cattle Raising Areas on Ultramafic Groundmass.

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    The quality of native pasture in cattle raising areas on ultramafic groundmass, in the municipality of Minas, Cama-güey, Cuba,  was assessed. The area studied has brown Fersialitic, ferromagnesial soil (Inceptisol-Cambisol). The climate is tropical humid. Dry matter, calcium, phosphorous and raw protein were estimated for compound samples of the predominant pastures, using an AOAC  methodology at the Provincial Soil Management, in Camagüey. De-scriptive statistics for the bromatological composition (mean and standard error) were determined, considering every species, season and group. Group comparison was made by the Kruskal-Wallis test. Legume quality in both seasons had protein levels above 7 % in all the cases; whereas graminaceae quality had values under that percent. In all the cases, the contents of P are insufficient to meet the minimum needs, and the protein and calcium values   are near the required limits for cattle

    Evaluación bioeconómica de alternativas ganaderas a la producción de leche en las sabanas infértiles del norte de Camagüey

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    Livestock alternatives to milk production were evaluated with the improvement of the native pasture from an association of Andropogon gayanus cv. CIAT 621 and Centrosema pubescens, which had shown good adaptation to the edaphic and climatic conditions of the savannas in the north of the province of Camagüey, Cuba, where Fersialitic Red Parduzco Mullido Ferromagnesial soils predominate, with low fertility. The alternatives were bovine fattening and dairy accompanied by sheep farming. The stage was a farm located in the area with typical characteristics of that place. Forage and food balances were carried out to obtain the productive response to the planting of grass and supplementation and the partial budget analysis for the net change of utilities of each variant. The calculations were made in USD according to the costs and prices in force in 2003. Within the variants of fattening the planting of the association in 25 and 40% of the area with or without supplement achieved the greatest net changes in profits with respect to Dairy activity, while in the case of diversified dairy with sheep farming, the greatest advantages are obtained for the 40% improvement of the native pasture in both cases. According to the results, for the region the best options of livestock exploitation and improvement of the native pasture from the association with respect to the dairy would be the bovine fattening with 25 and 40% improvement with and without supplementation and the diversified dairy with sheep breeding with a 40% improvement.Se evaluaron alternativas ganaderas a la producción de leche con la mejora del pastizal nativo a partir de una asociación de Andropogon gayanus cv. CIAT 621 y Centrosema pubescens, que había mostrado buena adaptación a las condiciones edáficas y climáticas de las sabanas del norte de la provincia de Camagüey, Cuba, donde predominan los suelos Fersialítico Rojo Parduzco Mullido Ferromagnesial, de baja fertilidad. Las alternativas fueron la ceba bovina y la lechería acompañada de la cría ovina. El escenario fue una finca ubicada en la zona con características típicas de ese lugar. Se realizaron los balances de forrajes y alimentarios para obtener la respuesta productiva a la siembra de pasto y suplementación y el análisis de presupuesto parcial para el cambio neto de utilidades de cada variante. Los cálculos se hicieron en USD de acuerdo a los costos y precios vigentes en 2003. Dentro de las variantes de ceba la siembra de la asociación en el 25 y 40 % del área con o sin suplemento lograron los mayores cambios netos de utilidades con respecto a la actividad lechera, mientras que en  el  caso  de  la lechería  diversificada  con la  cría  ovina  las  mayores  ventajas  se obtienen para el 40 % de mejora del pastizal nativo en ambos casos. De acuerdo con los resultados, para la región las mejores opciones de explotación ganadera y mejora del pastizal nativo a partir de la asociación con respecto a la lechería serían la ceba bovina con 25 y 40 % de mejora con y sin suplementación y la lechería diversificada con la cría de ovinos con un 40 % de mejora

    Grass Availability in Ultramafic Cattle Areas.

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    Availability of grass in ultramafic cattle areas in Camaguey, Cuba, was determined. The research comprised the 2004-2013 period  in the rainy and dry seasons.  The area has  Brown Fersialitic Ferromagnesial Soil (Inceptisol-Cambisol). Total and individual  species’ availabilities  were tested using the practical variant of the Haydock and Shaw visual method for production areas.  Sampling was made at the beginning of each rotation (five in the rainy season and three in the dry season) at a rate of 100 observations/ha.  Forage balance was determined for the rainy and dry seasons, and the botanical composition was assessed using the steps method, and dry matter yields were determined in situ.  SPSS 15.0.1 was used to make the statistical analysis. Descriptive statistical analysis for Mean and Standard deviation were determined  for availability of each species.  Grass availability in the ecosystems is 5.15 t MS/ha, distributed in 2.83 t MS/ha in the rainy season; and 2.31 t MS/ha in the dry season. The forage balance showed a deficiency in feedstuffs in the two seasons, affecting milk production and the reproduction indicators

    Balance de energía y sostenibilidad en un sistema ganadero-forestal

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    Energy flow and sustainability in a forest-livestock system comprising 309,6 ha on a number 1 agroproductive category soil with 28,9 oC average mean temperature, 88,3 % average relative humidity, and 2 011 mm annual rainfall level were assessed. Data recorded at the livestock unit was used for the energy and nitrogen balance study. Sustainability indexes determined were: energy balance, nitrogen balance, economic efficiency, animal traction use, organic manure, areas without vegetation, products, reforestation, worker productive rate, and worker stay-at-labor rate. Energy and nitrogen balances proved positive. Species conservation with adequate diversification as well as good conditions of soil and arborization related factors were achieved. Social factor showed general favorable characteristics towards the system improvement. Economic results were not favorable due to higher wages. The system main deficiency was the low cattle production efficiency.Se evaluó el flujo de energía y la sostenibilidad de un sistema ganadero-forestal, que cuenta con 309,6 ha de suelo categoría agroproductiva 1, con un régimen de temperatura media promedio de 28,9 ºC, una humedad relativa promedio del 88,3 % y un nivel de precipitaciones de 2 011 mm anuales. Para el estudio del balance de energía y nitrógeno se utilizaron los datos obtenidos en la unidad. Los indicadores de sostenibilidad determinados fueron: balance de energía, de nitrógeno, eficiencia económica, uso de la tracción animal, abonos orgánicos, despoblación vegetal, productos, reforestación, intensidad laboral y permanencia en el puesto de trabajo. El balance energético y el del nitrógeno resultaron positivos. Se logra una conservación de especies y una diversificación adecuada y un buen estado de los factores relacionados con el suelo y la arborización. El factor social mostró de forma general características favorables para la mejora del sistema. El saldo económico no es favorable debido a los altos salarios. La principal deficiencia del sistema se presenta en la baja eficiencia de la producción animal