2,032 research outputs found

    Soft behavior of string amplitudes with external massive states

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    We briefly discuss the soft behavior of scattering amplitudes both in string and quantum field theory. In particular we show a general argument about the validity of soft theorems for open superstring amplitudes and list some of our recent results.Comment: 2 pages, poster presented at IFAE 201

    On the soft limit of closed string amplitudes with massive states

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    We extend our analysis of the soft behaviour of string amplitudes with massive insertions to closed strings at tree level (sphere). Relying on our previous results for open strings on the disk and on KLT formulae we check universality of the soft behaviour for gravitons to sub-leading order for superstring amplitudes and show how this gets modified for bosonic strings. At sub-sub-leading order we argue in favour of universality for superstrings on the basis of OPE of the vertex operators and gauge invariance for the soft graviton. The results are illustrated by explicit examples of 4-point amplitudes with one massive insertion in any dimension, including D=4, where use of the helicity spinor formalism drastically simplifies the expressions. As a by-product of our analysis we confirm that the `single valued projection' holds for massive amplitudes, too. We briefly comment on the soft behaviour of the anti-symmetric tensor and on loop corrections.Comment: 18+7 pages; added some important references and corrected some typo

    Bootstrapping QCD: the Lake, the Peninsula and the Kink

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    We consider the S-matrix bootstrap of four dimensional scattering amplitudes with O(3)O(3) symmetry and no bound-states. We explore the allowed space of scattering lengths which parametrize the interaction strength at threshold of the various scattering channels. Next we consider an application of this formalism to pion physics. A signature of pions is that they are derivatively coupled leading to (chiral) zeros in their scattering amplitudes. In this work we explore the multi-dimensional space of chiral zeros positions, scattering length values and resonance mass values. Interestingly, we encounter lakes, peninsulas and kinks depending on which sections of this intricate multi-dimensional space we consider. We discuss the remarkable location where QCD seems to lie in these plots, based on various experimental and theoretical expectations.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    On the color structure of Yang-Mills theory with static sources in a periodic box

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    We present an exploratory numerical study on the lattice of the color structure of the wave functionals of the SU(3) Yang-Mills theory in the presence of a qqˉq\bar q static pair. In a spatial box with periodic boundary conditions we discuss the fact that all states contributing to the Feynman propagation kernel are global color singlets. We confirm this numerically by computing the correlations of gauge-fixed Polyakov lines with color-twisted boundary conditions in the time direction. The values of the lowest energies in the color singlet and octet external source sectors agree within statistical errors, confirming that both channels contribute to the lowest (global singlet) state of the Feynman kernel. We then study the case of homogeneous boundary conditions in the time direction for which the gauge-fixing is not needed. In this case the lowest energies extracted in the singlet external source sector agree with those determined with periodic boundary conditions, while in the octet sector the correlator is compatible with being null within our statistical errors. Therefore consistently only the singlet external source contribution has a non-vanishing overlap with the null-field wave functional.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    qqˉq\bar{q}-potential: a numerical study

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    We report the results of recent lattice simulations aimed at computing the qq and qˉ\bar q potential energies in the singlet and the octet (adjoint) representation.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, poster presented at the 31st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2013), 29 July - 3 August 2013, Mainz, German

    On the exactness of soft theorems

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    Soft behaviours of S-matrix for massless theories reflect the underlying symmetry principle that enforces its masslessness. As an expansion in soft momenta, sub-leading soft theorems can arise either due to (I) unique structure of the fundamental vertex or (II) presence of enhanced broken-symmetries. While the former is expected to be modified by infrared or ultraviolet divergences, the latter should remain exact to all orders in perturbation theory. Using current algebra, we clarify such distinction for spontaneously broken (super) Poincar\'e and (super) conformal symmetry. We compute the UV divergences of DBI, conformal DBI, and A-V theory to verify the exactness of type (II) soft theorems, while type (I) are shown to be broken and the soft-modifying higher-dimensional operators are identified. As further evidence for the exactness of type (II) soft theorems, we consider the alpha' expansion of both super and bosonic open strings amplitudes, and verify the validity of the translation symmetry breaking soft-theorems up to O(alpha'^6). Thus the massless S-matrix of string theory "knows" about the presence of D-branes.Comment: 35 pages. Additional mathematica note book with the UV-divergenece of the 6-point amplitude in AV/KS theor
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