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    Traducci贸n y adaptaci贸n transcultural del Test of Infant Motor Performance al espa帽ol de Colombia

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    17 p谩ginasIntroduction: There has been growing interest in recent years in the cross-cultural adaptation of mea-suring instruments for various conditions treated by physiotherapy. Validation of an instrument within a target language and culture creates a final version that is conceptually and linguistically adapted to the context but remains valid and reliable. This paper describes the process of translation and cross-cul-tural adaptation of the Test of Infant Motor Performance (timp) from us English to Colombian Spanish. This was performed in accordance with international methodological guidelines. Materials and meth-ods: A group of trained translators and field experts participated in the five stages presented herein. These stages were translation and adaptation of the instrument to Colombian Spanish, validation of its content and appearance, back-translation, revision by the original author, and, finally, a pilot test.Results: The existence of two intralingual translated and revised versions of this instrument led to a more appropriate preliminary version from conceptual, discursive, and terminological perspectives. Therefore, the adjustments made in the first stage were primarily semantic. During the second stage, field experts positively assessed the translated version and suggested adjustments to grammar, spell-ing, and word choices. There were no significant discursive problems during the back-translation stage so conceptual and terminological adjustments were minor. The revision stage and the pilot test were satisfactory. Conclusion: This translation and cross-cultural adaptation was successful. The Colombian Spanish version of the measure was culturally relevant and used appropriate language, yet remained a valid and reliable tool.Introducci贸n: la adaptaci贸n transcultural de distintos instrumentos de medici贸n y para diferentes tipos de condiciones en el campo de la fisioterapia ha sido un tema de inter茅s en los 煤ltimos a帽os. La validaci贸n ling眉铆stica de un instrumento a una lengua y cultura meta implica que la versi贸n final es adaptada conceptual y ling眉铆sticamente al contexto meta. El objetivo de este art铆culo es describir el proceso de traducci贸n y adaptaci贸n transcultural al espa帽ol de Colombia del Test of Infant Motor Performace (TIMP) siguiendo los lineamientos metodol贸gicos internacionales. Materiales y m茅todo: se conform贸 un grupo de traductores calificados y de expertos que participaron en cinco fases: traducci贸n y adaptaci贸n al espa帽ol de Colombia, validez de contenido y apariencia, retrotraducci贸n, revisi贸n por autora original y prueba piloto. Resultados: la posibilidad de contar con dos versiones intralinguales revisadas llev贸 a una versi贸n preliminar m谩s adecuada desde las perspectivas conceptual, discursiva y terminol贸gica. Por lo tanto, los ajustes en esta fase se realizaron principalmente desde una perspectiva sem谩ntica. En cuanto a la segunda fase, los expertos validaron positivamente dicha versi贸n y sugirieron cambiar algunas palabras y cuestiones ortogr谩ficas. La fase de retrotraducci贸n y la validaci贸n no presentaron problemas discursivos, as铆 que las adecuaciones conceptuales y terminol贸gicas fueron m铆nimas. La fase de revisi贸n y la prueba piloto fueron satisfactorias. Conclusi贸n: este proceso de traducci贸n y adaptaci贸n transcultural fue exitoso. La versi贸n al espa帽ol de Colombia fue apropiada culturalmente, adem谩s de ser una herramienta v谩lida y confiable