2 research outputs found
Lip贸lisis de queso fresco y quesos madurados: factores que afectan y consecuencias
Introduction: of the lipolysis process in cheeses is one of the major biochemical changes especially in the mature type, this process is generated by the degradation of fat, enzymatically that influences the sensory characteristics of cheeses, since the free fatty acids (GLA) produced during lipolysis contribute together with volatile compounds to the flavor of cheese. The objective in the present work is to evaluate the characteristics, factors and consequences that affect the process of lipolysis to both fresh and matured type cheeses. Methodology this bibliographic review was carried out through the PRISMA statement, which consists of a systematic review that is carried out in 4 steps: Identification, Screening, Choice, and Inclusion. Results factors such as poor pasteurization in cheeses, the way of elaboration and the milk enzymes themselves (lipases) affect the biochemical process of lipolysis, because of this there is an oxidation in fresh cheeses generating low quality in the product. In matured cheeses, lipolysis is presented by some factors among which the quality of the milk, homogenization, pH, pasteurization, temperature, concentration, and degree of agitation stand out, on the other hand, the AGL in this type of cheeses are responsible for enhancing the flavor and characteristic aroma. Conclusion the factors involved in the lipolysis process makes it easier for cheese producers to have stricter control during the production processes. Area of study: Engineering, industry, food production.Introducci贸n el proceso de lip贸lisis en quesos es uno de los mayores cambios bioqu铆micos especialmente en los de tipo maduro, este proceso se genera por la degradaci贸n de la grasa, por v铆a enzim谩tica que influye sobre las caracter铆sticas sensoriales de los quesos, ya que los 谩cidos grasos libres (AGL) producidos durante la lip贸lisis contribuyen junto con los compuestos vol谩tiles al sabor del queso. El objetivo en el presente trabajo es evaluar las caracter铆sticas, factores y consecuencias que afectan el proceso de lip贸lisis tanto a los quesos tipo frescos como madurados. Metodolog铆a esta revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica se realiz贸 por medio de la declaraci贸n PRISMA, que consiste en una revisi贸n sistem谩tica que se lleva a cabo en 4 pasos; Identificaci贸n, Cribado, Elecci贸n e Inclusi贸n. Resultados factores como una mala pasteurizaci贸n en los quesos, la forma de elaboraci贸n y las propias enzimas de la leche (lipasas) afectan al proceso bioqu铆mico de la lip贸lisis, como resultado de esto se da una oxidaci贸n en los quesos frescos generando baja calidad en el producto. En los quesos madurados la lip贸lisis se presenta por algunos factores entre los que se resalta la calidad de la leche, la homogenizaci贸n, pH, pasteurizaci贸n, temperatura, la concentraci贸n y el grado de agitaci贸n, por otra parte, los AGL en este tipo de quesos son encargados de potenciar el sabor y aroma caracter铆stico. Conclusi贸n conocer los factores que intervienen en el proceso de lip贸lisis facilita a los productores queseros a tener un control m谩s estricto durante los procesos de elaboraci贸n. 脕rea de estudio: Ingenier铆a, industria, producci贸n de alimentos
A documentary review was carried out on the production and publication of research papers related to the study of the variable industrialization of cannabis in the food industry. The purpose of the bibliometric analysis proposed in this document is to know the main characteristics of the volume of publications registered in Scopus database during the period 2016-2021 in Latin American countries, achieving the identification of 110 publications. The information provided by said platform was organized by means of tables and figures categorizing the information by Year of Publication, Country of Origin, Area of Knowledge and Type of Publication. Once these characteristics were described, the position of different authors regarding the proposed topic was referenced by means of a qualitative analysis. Among the main findings of this research, it is found that the United States, with 37 publications, is the country with the highest production. The area of knowledge that made the greatest contribution to the construction of bibliographic material referring to the study of the industrialization of cannabis in the food industry was biological and agricultural sciences with 49 published documents, and the type of publication that was most used during the period indicated above was the journal article, which represents 61% of the total scientific production