2 research outputs found
Programa para ayudar a estudiantes de tercer a帽o a integrar el contenido y la forma en la realizaci贸n de la historia cl铆nica A program to help third year students to integrate content and form in the clinical history
Introducci贸n. Las habilidades de comunicaci贸n se han considerado como importantes e independientes para ser adquiridas por los estudiantes; sin embargo, representan una parte fundamental de la consulta. Objetivo. Describir un programa formativo de integraci贸n de habilidades de anamnesis y comunicaci贸n para estudiantes de tercero y analizar la correlaci贸n entre ambos dominios. Sujetos y m茅todos. Estudio observacional descriptivo. Emplazamiento: Aula de Habilidades de la Facultad de Medicina de C贸rdoba. Muestra: 158 estudiantes de tercero de medicina. Intervenciones: se ha desarrollado un programa interactivo en habilidades de comunicaci贸n y realizaci贸n de anamnesis; un evaluador independiente valor贸 el desarrollo de ambas durante la entrevista cl铆nica de los encuentros videograbados con una paciente simulada utilizando una herramienta ad hoc. Resultados. Duraci贸n media de cada entrevista: 5:56 min (IC 95% = 5:38-6:15 min), con un m谩ximo de 10 min. Puntuaci贸n media global de la escala de valoraci贸n: 56,2 (m谩x. 104) (IC 95% = 54,20-58,19); habilidades de relaci贸n m茅dico-paciente puntuaci贸n media: 25,58 (m谩x. 40) (IC 95% = 24,7-26,5); anamnesis biom茅dica: 30,61 (m谩x. 64) (IC 95% = 29,20-32,03). Existe una correlaci贸n positiva entre el tiempo usado y la puntuaci贸n global obtenida en la escala de valoraci贸n (coeficiente de Pearson = 0,65; p Introduction. Communication skills are considered as important and independent capacity to be acquired by students, however, are a fundamental part of the consultation. Aim. To describe a formative program for third year students with the objective of integrating anamnesis and communication skills in an integrating way and evaluate the correlation between them both. Subjects and methods. Observational descriptive study. Location: Skills Classroom in the Medicine Faculty of Cordoba. Subjects: 158 3rd year medicine students. Interventions: an interactive program in communications skills in clinical stories performances has been developed. An independent evaluator valued the communication and anamnesis skills during the clinical interview of the recorded meetings with simulated patient using a tool ad hoc. Results. Average interview time: 5:56 min (95% CI = 5:38-6:15 min) (maximum 10 min). Average global score rating scale: 56.2 (maximum 104) (95% CI = 54.20-58.19); skills of doctor-patient average score: 25.58 (maximum 40) (95% CI = 24.7-26.5), and biomedical anamnesis: 30.61 (maximum 64) (95% CI = 29.20-32.03). A positive correlation exists between with the time used by students and the obtained punctuation in the rating scale (Pearson coefficient = 0.65; p < 0.01), just like in the biomedical and communication sections (Pearson coefficient = 0.44; p < 0.01). Conclusions. The program was feasible, in which the communications skills had the best performance: reactivity, non-verbal language, reception and closing interview; against a not well performed biomedical anamnesis. Time is an important variable to develop the skills learnt and the students uses less than the maximum. The group of students with the best psychosocial aspects, got more details of anamnesis in their interviews