884 research outputs found

    Yozgat 59

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    The ring that had been on the finger of the delegate ended up in Feyyaz Bey\u27s possession as a result of the Liquidation Commission\u27s auction. During the skirmish between the Armenians in the village of Kumkuyu and the soldiers under the command of Gendarmerie Battalion commander Tevfik Bey, five or six individuals from the Circiassions of Osmaniye and Yozgat died. The village was burned to the ground. Some of the Armenians were burned, some were completely annihilated while others took poison. Others still managed to escape during the fire. Following an official notice dated 4 August 1915 [22 Temmuz 1915] and numbered 248, from the Province, the response to an order sent to Kayseri’s Division Deputy Commander Shahabettin [Şahabettin] Bey from the Fifth Army Corps Commander\u27s Office Ministry, stated that according to a telegram dated 28 July 1915 [15 Temmuz 1915], it is clear that the initiation of an investigation was ordered of the Yozgat Gendarmerie Battalion Commander\u27s Office. Description of how Eftil, the 14 year old daughter of Jingilian Senkim of Yozgat, was transported to another house, sexually assaulted, impregnated and then later poisoned and killed by Feyyaz, who is being tried in court while under state custody in connection with the massacre and deportation of Armenians from Yozgat. According to the records kept by the Commission that was formed after the Deportation, Feyyaz Bey started work in August of 1915 and continued his membership with the aforementioned Commission through 19 November [6 Teşrin-i sani] of 1915. The document that relates to the investigation that was performed by the County of Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan]\u27s Judicial office in connection with the Kumkuyu incident, was sent to the Ankara Provincial office on 14 October 1915 [1 Teşrin-i evvel 1915] as part of correspondence numbered 497. Although it was not documented, it was reported from the location, that four thousand Armenians had been deported from the Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan] County starting 17 July 1915 through August 1915. Prior to Major Salim Bey retiring there is no documentation or record to show that a complaint had been filed by the former Ankara Union and Progress delegate Necati Efendi or the Club Council or Council Center to the Army Corps. It\u27s possible, however, that Colonel Halil Recai Bey had verbally complained. In the telegram dated 27 July 1915 [14 Temmuz 1915] that was sent by the Fifteenth division Deputy Commander Shahabettin [Şahabettin] Bey to the Army Corps Commander\u27s Office in Ankara, the investigative report prepared by the board that had been to the scene, is reported to have not yet been received by the Army Corps. During the Armenian deportation, apparently, Gavril Nikola - son of Nuzuz of the village of Chat [Çat], Nikola - son of Ananya, Nikola - son of Esrik, Kiryaku - son of Yorgi and Eftin, were sent to Ankara, despite it being understood that they were Greek and that there\u27s a widespread report that they were murdered somewhere near the village of Chakmak [Çakmak] in Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan] by permission of County Executive Kemal and Battalion commander Tevfik Bey which can now be proven. A telegram stating that the villagers are unable to step outside, that the Circassions are threatening them and that the government is doing nothing to help.https://commons.clarku.edu/yozgat/1058/thumbnail.jp

    08 Armenocide in Yozgat - Armenian

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    Guerguerian\u27s book on YozgatTakvim-i Vakayi, Number 3540 (Yozgat Trial)https://commons.clarku.edu/mixedi_court_martial/1007/thumbnail.jp

    08 Genocide - Notes

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    [This is a long document. Please consult the index for full information]The preface to a book draft in which it intends to list the names of people who killed the ArmeniansThe English translation of an article publised in the Novoye Vremia newspaper in 1889The Patriarchate\u27s objection to the Ministry of Justice\u27s 22 June 1913 memorandum.A letter written by the Armenian Patriarchate to the Grand Vizier Mahmut Shevket Pasha [Mahmut Şevket Paşa], regarding the fears of the Armenians in Anatolia. In addition, there is a list of crimes committed on 29 April 1913 against Armenians in the various provinces.A translation of some passages from Aram Andonian\u27s Armenian book; testimonies on the 1896 Massacre; testimonies regarding the conversions into Islam and Armenian soldiers; and the secret decision of the 3rd Army on 19 September 1914The monks[This is a long document. Please consult the index for full information]https://commons.clarku.edu/pd_fazil_bey/1016/thumbnail.jp

    13 Captain Fazil Bey - English I

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    A booklet based on Captain Fazil\u27s [Fazıl] listhttps://commons.clarku.edu/pd_fazil_bey/1004/thumbnail.jp

    33 Kayseri - Court Martial

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    The same document already exists.https://commons.clarku.edu/genocide_various/1032/thumbnail.jp

    02 Perpetrators List I

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    The list of the perpetrators\u27 names, the villages, streets and counties in which they lived, and the crimes they committed.https://commons.clarku.edu/armenian_telegrams/1001/thumbnail.jp

    07 February 1914 Reforms

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    From Vahan Papazian\u27s Im hushers (My Memoirs) book, pg. 506-542The Armenian Patriarchate\u27s response on 22 June 1913 to the Ministry of Justice\u27s memorandumThe translation of the February 1914 Armenian Reform AgreementThe guidelines, dated 23 May 1914, describing the responsibilities and authority of InspectorsKhorhrdaber\u27, 5 July 1914An outline of the administration of Western Armenia (statistical information on the Armenian population in the 1870\u27s)https://commons.clarku.edu/mixedi_court_martial/1006/thumbnail.jp

    15 Genocide - Perpetrators

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    Fazıl Bey\u27in 30 Kasım 1918 tarihli soykırım sorumluları raporuhttps://commons.clarku.edu/armenian_telegrams/1021/thumbnail.jp

    Yozgat 03

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    Civil Inspector Nedim Bey\u27s investigation in the month of May in 1916 on Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan] County Executive Kemal Bey only covered the misuse of abandoned properties. It was not an investigation into murder or destruction. This is clear from the message sent by Nedim Bey to Emin Bey, one of the Inspectors, and for this reason copies of paperwork sent on this subject are being sent. The dates that the former County Executive of Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan], who is being prosecuted for murder, destruction and looting, served in that capacity along with when he was the deputy District governor of Yozgat, his salary etc. Sending the one page biographical sheet on former Kemal Bey, the County Executive of Bogazlian [Boğazliyan].https://commons.clarku.edu/yozgat/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Sivas 13

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    On the destruction of churches in Sivas and the destruction of the only church in Konya, and assigning Armenians in the labor battalions to construct Unionist clubs. In connection with the murder of Erzincan delegate, High Priest Sahak Efendi provides a list of the names of people who could provide information and advises that they should be questioned.https://commons.clarku.edu/sivas/1012/thumbnail.jp