190 research outputs found

    Impostor Phenomenon in Software Engineers

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    The Impostor Phenomenon (IP) is widely discussed in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and has been evaluated in Computer Science students. However, formal research on IP in software engineers has yet to be conducted, although its impacts may lead to mental disorders such as depression and burnout. This study describes a survey that investigates the extent of impostor feelings in software engineers, considering aspects such as gender, race/ethnicity, and roles. Furthermore, we investigate the influence of IP on their perceived productivity. The survey instrument was designed using a theory-driven approach and included demographic questions, an internationally validated IP scale, and questions for measuring perceived productivity based on the SPACE framework constructs. The survey was sent to companies operating in various business sectors. Data analysis used bootstrapping with resampling to calculate confidence intervals and Mann-Whitney statistical significance testing for assessing the hypotheses. We received responses from 624 software engineers from 26 countries. The bootstrapping results reveal that a proportion of 52.7% of software engineers experience frequent to intense levels of IP and that women suffer at a significantly higher proportion (60.6%) than men (48.8%). Regarding race/ethnicity, we observed more frequent impostor feelings in Asian (67.9%) and Black (65.1%) than in White (50.0%) software engineers. We also observed that the presence of IP is less common among individuals who are married and have children. Moreover, the prevalence of IP showed a statistically significant negative effect on the perceived productivity for all SPACE framework constructs. The evidence relating IP to software engineers provides a starting point to help organizations find ways to raise awareness of the problem and improve the emotional skills of software professionals.Comment: Preprint with the original submission accepted for publication at ICSE-SEIS 202

    ELK saúde: ambiente de análise e visualização de dados do SUS utilizando ElasticSearch e Kibana

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    Incontáveis informações e insights podem ser extraídos do grande conjunto de dados do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). O departamento de informática do SUS, o DATASUS, faz custódia e disponibiliza informações que servem de insumo para análises e pesquisas de saúde pública. Como toda empresa com um grande volume de dados, existe um valor muito grande de conhecimento que pode ser extraído ao tratar e analisar esse conjunto de informações. E, se tratando de big data, esse conjunto de dados é grande demais para ser analisado por sistemas tradicionais. Alguns tabuladores disponibilizados pelo DATASUS fornecem apenas visualizações simples que não são adequadas a cargas analíticas e não permitem o cruzamento de informações de diferentes bases de dados. É importante que exista um ambiente de ETL e pesquisa amigável e que forneça visualizações robustas que possam facilitar a tomada de decisão sobre as instituições de saúde no Brasil. Este trabalho objetiva disponibilizar um ambiente de extração, transformação, carga, pesquisa e visualização, que pode ser utilizado para análises estatísticas, mineração de dados, aprendizado de máquina, deep learning com dados baixados do DATASUS

    Influence of Application Time of Antioxidant on the Deproteinized Dentin: a SEM/EDS Study

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    Svrha: U uvjetima in vitro željelo se procijeniti utječe li i kako primjena 20-postotnog natrijeva askorbata na deproteinizirani dentin, a za to se rabio elektronski mikroskop/rendgenska spektroskopija raspršivanja energije (SEM/EDS). Materijal i metode: Sedam ekstrahiranih humanih trećih kutnjaka odabrano je za istodobnu analizu sastava i dentinske površine uz pomoć SEM/EDS-a. Bilo je odabrano i poduzeto sljedeće: G1 – zdrav dentinski supsrat; G2 – demineralizirani dentinski supstrat demineraliziran 15 sekundi 37-postotnom ortofosfornom kiselinom prema uputi proizvođača; G3 – deproteinizirani dentinski supstrat deproteiniziran 60 sekundi uz neprekidno miješanje u 10-postotnoj vodenoj otopini natrijeva hipoklorida; G4, G5, G6 i G7 – demineralizirani i deproteinizirani dentinski supstrat primjenom 10-postotne vodene otopine natrijeva askorbata tijekom 15, 30, 60 sekundi te jednu minutu prema redoslijedu navedenih grupa. Uzorci su pregledani elektronskim mikroskopom (Quanta 2000 – Fei Company) opremljenim spektrometrom raspršujuće energije i naponom ubrzanja od 10 KV pri povećanju od 2000 X u vakuumu. Rezultati: Analiza SEM/EDS-om pokazala je progresivno odlaganje kristala natrijeva askorbata usporedno s povećanjem antioksidacijskog sredstva, stvarajući koru koja može prouzročiti zatvaranje pojedinih dentinskih tubula. Nije bilo statistički značajne razlike između G2 i G3 (p>0,05). Primjena 10-postotnog natrijva askorbata 60 sekundi smanjila je razinu kisika (P=0,029), magnezija (P=0,019) i natrija (P=0,029). Zaključak: Nakon primjene 10-postotnog natrijeva askorbata, progresivno se talože njegovi kristali i stvaraju koru na dentinskom supstratu koja začepljuje pojedine dentinske kanaliće.Objective: To evaluate in vitro the influence of application time of sodium ascorbate to 10% on the deproteinized by scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDS). Methods: Seven extracted human third molars were selected. For analysis of the composition of the dentin surface by SEM/EDS, 7 samples were analyzed simultaneously as follows: G1: Healthy dentin substrate, G2: Demineralized dentin substrate with 37% phosphoric acid for 15 s (demineralization), strictly following the manufacturer’s recommendations, G3: Deproteinized dentin substrate after demineralization, 10% sodium hypochlorite aqueous solution for 60 s under constant agitation (deproteinization), G4, G5, G6 and G7: demineralized, deproteinized dentin substrate after application of 10% sodium ascorbate for 15 s, 30 s, 60 s, 10 min, respectively. The samples were examined by a scanning electron microscope (Quanta 2000 - Fei Company) equipped with an energy dispersive spectrometer with acceleration voltage 10 KV at ×2,000 magnification under vacuum. Results: The SEM/EDS analysis showed progressive deposition of sodium ascorbate crystals as the application time of the antioxidant agent increased, forming crusts which can cause occlusion of some dentinal tubules. There was no statistically significant difference between G2 and G3 (P>0.05). However, the application of 10% sodium ascorbate for 60 s resulted in a decrease in the oxygen (P=0.029), magnesium (P=0.019) and sodium (P=0.029) levels. Conclusion: After application of 10% sodium ascorbate, deposition of sodium ascorbate crystals occurred progressively forming crusts on dentin substrate, which causes occlusion of some dentinal tubules

    ChemInform Abstract: Cs[Ag4Zn2(SCN)9].

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    Ca[Ag 2

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    Polymorphism in Cs[AgZn(NCS)4].

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