1,556 research outputs found

    Wilson loops in large N field theories

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    We propose a method to calculate the expectation values of an operator similar to the Wilson loop in the large N limit of field theories. We consider N=4 3+1 dimensional super-Yang-Mills. The prescription involves calculating the area of a fundamental string worldsheet in certain supergravity backgrounds. We also consider the case of coincident M-theory fivebranes where one is lead to calculating the area of M-theory two-branes. We briefly discuss the computation for 2+1 dimensional super-Yang-Mills with sixteen supercharges which is non-conformal. In all these cases we calculate the energy of quark-antiquark pair.Comment: 12 pages, harvmac. v2: sign in eqn. (5.6) corrected, v3 typo correcte

    Holographic description of D3-branes in flat space

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    We describe a scheme for constructing the holographic dual of the full D3-brane geometry with charge KK by embedding it into a large anti-de Sitter space of size NN. Such a geometry is realized in a multi-center anti-de Sitter geometry which admits a simple field theory interpretation as SU(N+K)SU(N+K) gauge theory broken to SU(N)×SU(K)SU(N) \times SU(K). We find that the characteristic size of the D3-brane geometry is of order (K/N)1/4U0(K/N)^{1/4} U^0 where U0U^0 is the scale of the Higgs. By choosing NN to be much larger than KK, the scale of the D3-brane metric can be well separated from the Higgs scale in the radial coordinate. We generalize the holographic energy-distance relation and estimate the characteristic energy scale associated with these radial scales, and find that the E/UE/U relation becomes effectively UU independent in the range (K/N)1/2U0<U<U0(K/N)^{1/2} U^0 < U < U^0. This implies that all detailed structure of the D3-brane geometry is encoded in the fine structure of the boundary gauge theory at around the Higgs scale.Comment: 8 pages, 1 eps figur

    The gauge-string duality and heavy ion collisions

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    I review at a non-technical level the use of the gauge-string duality to study aspects of heavy ion collisions, with special emphasis on the trailing string calculation of heavy quark energy loss. I include some brief speculations on how variants of the trailing string construction could provide a toy model of black hole formation and evaporation. This essay is an invited contribution to "Forty Years of String Theory" and is aimed at philosophers and historians of science as well as physicists.Comment: 21 page

    The Gregory-Laflamme instability for the D2-D0 bound state

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    The D2-D0 bound state exhibits a Gregory-Laflamme instability when it is sufficiently non-extremal. If there are no D0-branes, the requisite non-extremality is finite. When most of the extremal mass comes from D0-branes, the requisite non-extremality is very small. The location of the threshhold for the instability is determined using a local thermodynamic analysis which is then checked against a numerical analysis of the linearized equations of motion. The thermodynamic analysis reveals an instability of non-commutative field theory at finite temperature, which may occur only at very long wavelengths as the decoupling limit is approached.Comment: 19 pages, Latex2e. v2: two refs added. v3: clearer exposition in section

    Non-supersymmetric deformations of the dual of a confining gauge theory

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    We introduce a computational technique for studying non-supersymmetric deformations of domain wall solutions of interest in AdS/CFT. We focus on the Klebanov-Strassler solution, which is dual to a confining gauge theory. From an analysis of asymptotics we find that there are three deformations that leave the ten-dimensional supergravity solution regular and preserve the global bosonic symmetries of the supersymmetric solution. Also, we show that there are no regular near-extremal deformations preserving the global symmetries, as one might expect from the existence of a gap in the gauge theory.Comment: 18 pages, latex, published as JHEP 0305 (2003) 03

    Exact Absorption Probability in the Extremal Six-Dimensional Dyonic String Background

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    We show that the minimally coupled massless scalar wave equation in the background of an six-dimensional extremal dyonic string (or D1-D5 brane intersection) is exactly solvable, in terms of Mathieu functions. Using this fact, we calculate absorption probabilities for these scalar waves, and present the explicit results for the first few low energy corrections to the leading-order expressions. For a specific tuning of the dyonic charges one can reach a domain where the low energy absorption probability goes to zero with inverse powers of the logarithm of the energy. This is a dividing domain between the regime where the low energy absorption probability approaches zero with positive powers of energy and the regime where the probability is an oscillatory function of the logarithm of the energy. By the conjectured AdS/CFT correspondence, these results shed novel light on the strongly coupled two-dimensional field theory away from its infrared conformally invariant fixed point (the strongly coupled ``non-critical'' string).Comment: Latex (3 times), 23 page

    Cosmology with a dynamically screened scalar interaction in the dark sector

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    Motivated in part by string theory, we consider a modification of the LambdaCDM cosmological model in which the dark matter has a long-range scalar force screened by light particles. Scalar forces can have interesting effects on structure formation: the main example presented here is the expulsion of dark matter halos from low density regions, or voids, in the galaxy distribution.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figure

    Greybody factor for D3-branes in B field

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    We calculate the effect of noncommutative spacetime on the greybody factor on the supergravity side. For this purpose we introduce a system of D3-branes with a constant NS BB-field along their world volume directions (x2,x3x_2, x_3). Considering the propagation of minimally coupled scalar with non-zero momentum along(x2,x3x_2, x_3), we derive an exact form of the greybody factor in BB field. It turns out that σlB0>σlB=0\sigma^{B\ne0}_l > \sigma^{B=0}_l. This means that the presence of BB-field (the noncommutativity) suppresses the potential barrier surrounding the black hole. As a result, it comes out the increase of greybody factor.Comment: some discussions and references are added, 10 pages, no figure, ReVTe

    On the construction of local fields in the bulk of AdS_5 and other spaces

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    In the Poincare patch of Minkovski AdS_5 we explicitly construct local bulk fields from the boundary operators, to leading order in 1/N. We also construct the Green's function implicitly defined by this procedure. We generalize the construction of local fields for near horizon geometries of Dp branes. We try to expand the procedure to the interacting case, with partial success.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    On (multi-)center branes and exact string vacua

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    Multicenter supergravity solutions corresponding to Higgs phases of supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories are considered. For NS5 branes we identify three cases where there is a description in terms of exact conformal field theories. Other supergravity solutions, such as D3-branes with angular momentum, are understood as special limits of multicenter ones. Within our context we also consider 4-dim gravitational multi-instantons.Comment: 9 pages, latex; To be published in the proceedings of the Quantum Aspects of Gauge Theories, Supersymmetry and Unification, Corfu, Greece, 20-26 September 199