28 research outputs found

    Progettazione di un Teaching Learning Center universitario: progettazione e gestione

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    Un Teaching Learning Center \ue8 un'unit\ue0 di un'organizzazione formativa che offre un servizio di supporto ai docenti nelle loro attivit\ue0 didattiche. Obiettivo di questo articolo \ue8 presentare le principali scelte riguardanti la progettazione di un Teaching Learning Center universitario

    Resilienza, lavoro e organizzazione nella pandemia di Covid-19

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    La pandemia da Covid-19 ha avuto un rilevante impatto su strutture e processi orga-nizzativi interni alle imprese tra cui riduzione dell\u2019autonomia decisionale delle orga-nizzazioni, sostituzione delle routine organizzative con nuove procedure, sperimenta-zione di nuove forme di lavoro. Il contributo analizza come le organizzazioni hanno reagito allo shock da Covid-19 sia nei \uab70 giorni del progressivo lockdown\ubb sia nei \uab30 giorni della Fase 2\ubb e indica alcune leve organizzative per potenziare la resilienza delle imprese in termini di robustezza, prontezza e intraprendenza

    Impact of engineered nanoparticles on aquatic microbial processes

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    The recent and rapid expansion of nanotechnology is expected to benefit mankind, yet certain nanomaterials have the potential to disrupt in situ microbial communities following their rel ease into the environment. This study characterised four engineered nanomaterials (capped and uncapped silver nanoparticles (cAgNP and uAgNP), titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO,NP) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT)) and measured their toxicity to bacterial pure cultures and aquatic microbial communities, with focus on two key processes (i.e. hydrocarbon-degradation and ammonia oxidation). Whilst the TiO,NP and MWCNT were non-toxic up to 50 mg both the cAgNP and uAgNP demonstrated bacterial toxicity between 5-50 mg with differential toxic responses obseNed by a range of different bacterial species tested. In general, a greater toxic response was elicited by the smaller cAgNP compared to the larger uAgNP. Freshwater and marine microbial communities demonstrated some resilience to AgNP in terms of cell viability, enzyme activity and hydrocarbon biodegradation rates. Furthermore, microbial nitrification potential in estuarine sediments demonstrated recovery following an initial decline in response to 50 mg L·1 cAgNP. Aquatic microbial community compositions were in general, sensitive to uAgNP and cAgNP between 0.5 to 50 mg. Since the nanoparticle concentrations tested herein are greater than current predicted environmental concentrations, it is suggested that microbial-mediated processes such as hydrocarbon-deg radation and ammonia oxidation are unlikely to be impacted by exposure to AgNP at present. However, aquatic microbial community compositions may be at risk in the event of a point-source AgNP spillage, or by future environmental concentrations, if the production and use of AgNP is not properly regulated.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Women and Family governance in the hospitality industry: A study of medium-sized firms in the three most attractive Italian regions.

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    Purpose: Given the relevance of small and medium businesses and family influence in the hospitality industry and its importance for the Italian economy, we aim to examine the relationship among women in governance, family firm governance, and firm performance. Design/methodology/approach: We focus on medium-sized hospitality firms located in the three most touristic Italian regions, namely Lombardy, Veneto, and Lazio Findings: In short, our evidence suggests that family-governed companies are a context where the representation of females in the governance system is supported and effective

    Family Business: generazioni in azienda

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    Un recente studio su un campione nazionale di 500 imprese familiari italiane ha evidenziato alcuni dati di tendenza sulla gestione del rapportio impresa-famiglia. Innanzi tutto, si manifesta l'importanza del lavoro dei familiari in azienda, riconosciuto come un potenziale positivo nell'attività operativa dell'azienda e della sua organizzazione. In secondo luogo, la ricerca segnala la diffusa convizione che "famiglia" e "affari" dovrebbero essere tenuti separati, in quanto rispondendo a logiche differenti non possono essere gestiti con le medesime regole.L'analisi dei risultati solleva alcuni interessanti temi. Il primo argomento è relativo al ruolo della famiglia all'interno dell'impresa. Gli studiosi di "family business" hanno cercato di definire l'oggetto di studio e di tracciare i confini fra questo e la restante parte dell'impresa. Un altro tema riguarda la gestione dinamica degli interessi, di cui sono portatori gli "stakeholders" e che in alcuni casi o momenti, potrebbero essere divergenti. Da ultimo si pone il problema della successione imprenditoriale. Consci che le recenti evoluzioni normative e lo sviluppo dei mercati finanziari portano all'apertura del capitale all'apporto di terzi, la successione interna alla famiglia è auspicabile solo a fronte dell'effettivo interesse del successore nelle attività dell'impresa, e il passaggio del testimone è interpretato come un aspetto fisiologico della "governance" dell'impresa familiare

    Shaping the Future of Work

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    The fast pace of the technological evolution forces workers to update their competencies in order to remain attractive in the labor market. Those changes suggest that in order to remain employable, workers need to add new skills (either soft or digital) to their “traditional” competencies, demonstrating the ability to work in an interdisciplinary agile fashion. We argue that this professional evolution resembles the characteristics of the T-shaped professionals, and that it is possible to interpret the changes of jobs that are caused by the technological revolution drawing on job design literature. Hence, analyzing the data of a survey administered to a sample of 238 workers employed in Veneto Region, we explore the skill shapes of jobs that are present in the labor market and we assess their relationship with the workers’ and organizational characteristics

    Ict e gestione dei processi

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    Atti del Convegno, Padova, 29 Giugno

    Distinctive competencies of SMEs’ entrepreneurs: an advanced study

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    In this paper we analyze the role of the individual competencies of a sample of entrepreneurs of small and medium sized Italian firms and their impact on business performance. First we focus on the measurement of entrepreneurial competencies by using a variety of tools and then we try to find a relationship with firm performance considering a multi-dimensional performance indicator and some control variables. Results show that the entrepreneurial competency portfolio has an impact on the organizational performance. In particular, competencies like Efficiency orientation, Planning, Persuasiveness, Self-confidence, Organizational awareness, Directing others, Teamwork, Leadership and Benchmarking are related to a higher firm performance. Factor analysis also shows some typical behavioral paths related to entrepreneurial effectiveness and regression analysis shows the influence of some control variables. According to our results, it is of utmost importance for entrepreneurs to develop some specific competencies in order to obtain a higher performance