10 research outputs found

    Thermostabilization system of VEPP-5 forinjector

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    Source of high energy gamma rays on basis of storage ring with internal target and electron cooling

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    The project of a high-energy monochromatic gamma radiation source is developed. The source is based on the storage ring with an internal thin target. A limiting factor for using of the internal target is the growth of the beam phase space by multiple scattering and energy loss straggling. We consider the possibility of using the electron cooling for dumping of the beam heating by the internal target.Розроблено проект високоенергетичного монохроматичного джерела гамма-випромінювання. Джерело засноване на накопичувальному кільці з внутрішньою тонкою мішенню. Фактором, що лімітує використання внутрішньої мішені, є ріст фазового об’єму пучка через багаторазове розсіювання і розкид енергетичних втрат. Розглядається можливість використання електронного охолодження для зменшення нагрівання пучка внутрішньою мішенню.Разработан проект высокоэнергетичного монохроматического источника гамма-излучения. Источник основан на накопительном кольце с внутренней тонкой мишенью. Лимитирующим фактором для использования внутренней мишени является рост фазового объема пучка из-за многократного рассеяния и разброса энергетических потерь. Рассматривается возможность использования электронного охлаждения для уменьшения нагревания пучка внутренней мишенью

    Forinjector VEPP-5 klystron gallery control system

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    VEPP-5 forinjector klystron gallery (KG) is a large electrophysical installation that includes main part of forinjector RF-system supply, synchrosystem, klystron units. This paper presents the control system (CS) of it. CS is based on the "standard" 3-level model [1]. Details of its realization reflects KG functional requirements and experience accumulated in BINP, as well as financial and technical abilities

    Non-destructive singlepass monitor of longitudinal charge distribution in an ultrarelativistic electron bunch

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    We present here the first experimental test of a singlepass non-destructive method of monitoring of longitudinal charge distribution in an intensive relativistic electron bunch. This method is based on the scanning of a thin electron beam within the energy range 20-100 keV in the electromagnetic field of an intensive relativistic bunch

    Project of deuteron accelerator based neutron source for rib production

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    The project of a high-intense neutron source for the SPES project in LNL, Legnaro, Italy [1] is developed. The source is based on the rotating carbon target. The target is bombarded by the deuteron beam with energy 20 MeV, diameter 1 cm, average power 100 kW. The target is cooled by its thermal radiation, and its temperature can reach 1800ºC. It is shown that high density graphite can be used as a material for neutron production. The source can produce up to 10¹⁴ neutrons per second with energy within few MeV - few dozens MeV range, its lifetime is around few thousand hours

    Project of a fast neutron target based on a 10 MeV 300 kW proton accelerator

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    Project of targets for high intense neutron source is proposed. The source is based on a proton continuous accelerator with the 10 MeV particle energy and up to 300 kW mean beam power. Problems of fabrication of these targets are discussed. Hot solid state and liquid target designs are considered. Maximum admissible target parameters are presented. Advantages and disadvantages of various types of target for neutron production are discussed

    Organic matter accumulation by alkaline-constructed soils in heavily metal-polluted area of Subarctic zone

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    Purpose: The research aimed to investigate properties and functions of soils constructed from alkaline mining wastes of different origin to remediate the industrial barren resulted from long-term emissions of the copper-nickel factory in the Subarctic region (Kola Peninsula, Russia). Conventional indicators of the remediation effectiveness (pH and metal content in geochemical fractions) were related to the indicators of soil functions such as biomass production, accumulation of organic carbon, microbial activity, and soil respiration. Materials and methods: The experimental area included two sites with polluted and degraded Podzol and Histosol soils located in 1.5 and 0.7 km from the nonferrous (Cu-Ni) smelter, respectively. At the sites, artificial soil constructions were made from mining wastes or quarry sand covered by the vermiculite layer with lawn grasses planted on top. Plant biomass was collected every year starting from the experiment set-up. In 5 to 8 years, soil samples were collected on the layer basis, and chemical, biological, and morphological properties were analyzed. Sequential fractionation of metals was conducted using a modified Tessier’s scheme. The microbial biomass and its respiration activity were determined. Micromorphological studies were conducted using an optical microscope. Soil respiration was measured on-site by IRGA with simultaneous observations of soil moisture and temperature. Results: The plant growth and residues' deposition at both experimental sites triggered carbon accumulation and resulted in 2–3 times higher content of organic carbon in the upper constructed soil layer compared to the initial content in mining wastes. Carbon accumulation was a key driver for the development of soil microbial communities and had a positive effect on the metal immobilization. This effect was strengthened by high pH inherited from the alkaline wastes and resulted in the performance of constructed soils as geochemical barriers. In their upper layers, where the root biomass was the highest, about 30–60% of Cu and Ni were bound by organic matter. In the underlying polluted soil, the most toxic water-soluble metal fraction was completely neutralized; and the metal concentrations in exchangeable fraction decreased by a factor of four improving the habitat conditions of the microbiome. Organic matter accumulation by clay material with the formation of organo-mineral films was found in the vermiculite-lizardite variant. Conclusion: Soil constructions made from alkaline mining wastes in the Subarctic supported the development of plant and microbial communities, organic matter accumulation, and metal immobilization. This technology allows protecting the environment from further pollution under the continuous emissions of the copper-nickel factory. © 2020, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature

    Surface-Modified Magnetic Nanoscale Materials: Preparation and Study of Their Structure, Composition, and Properties

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