4 research outputs found

    System theoretic approach to sustainable development problems

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    This paper shows that the concepts and methodology contained in the system theory and operations research are suitable for application in the planning and control of the sustainable development. The sustainable development problems can be represented using the state space concepts, such as the transition of system, from the given initial state to the final state. It is shown that sustainable development represents a specific control problem. The peculiarity of the sustainable development is that the target is to keep the system in the prescribed feasible region of the state space. The analysis of planning and control problems of sustainable development has also shown that methods developed in the operations research area, such as multicriteria optimization, dynamic processes simulation, non-conventional treatment of uncertainty etc. are adequate, exact base, suitable for resolution of these problems

    Choice of the control variables of an isolated intersection by graph colouring

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    This paper deals with the problem of grouping the traffic streams into some groups - signal groups on a signalized intersection. The fact that more traffic streams, which are not in a conflict, can be controlled by one sequence of traffic lights means that one control variable can be assigned to one signal group. Determination of the complete sets of signal groups, i.e. the groups of traffic streams on one intersection, controlled by one control variable is defined in this paper as a graphcoloring problem. The complete sets of signal groups are obtained by coloring the complement of the graph of identical indications. It is shown that the minimal number of signal groups in the complete set of signal groups is equal to the chromatic number of the complement of the graph with identical indications. The problem of finding all complete sets of signal groups with minimal cardinality, which is equal to the chromatic number, is formulated as a linear programming problem where the values of variables belong to set {0,1}


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    REZIMERudnik „Soko“ – Čitluk je izgradio i polovinom 2006. godine pustio u pogon novu upravno pogonsku zgradu površine 2.500 m2. Nova zgrada po kapacitetu i funkcinalnosti u potpunosti zadovoljava potrebe za preko 600 zaposlenih radnika. Imajući u vidu lokaciju pomenute zgrade kao i činjenicu da se rudnik nalazi na teritoriji prve ekološke opštine u Srbiji, rudnik je vodio računa o očuvanju životne sredine i izgradio sistem za prečišćavanje otpadnih voda pre ispuštanja u recepijent reku Izgaru.U ovom radu prikazaćemo sistem za preradu otpadnih voda, rezultate ispitivanja otpadnih voda pre i posle sistema za preradau otpadnih voda kao i ukupne količine prerađenog efluenta iz postrojenja za konačnu dispoziciju otpadnih voda u recipijent reku „Izgaru“ u 2011. godini.Ključne reči: otpadne vode, sistem za preradu otpadnih voda, monitoring sistemaABSTRACTNew management building was constructed and commissioned in mid 2006, at Soko mine in Čitluk. Area of the building is 2500 m2. This building was constructed to meet all requirements regarding capacity and functionality for 600 workers. Considering location of the building, including the fact that building is in first ecological municipality of Serbia, special attention was given to environmental protection. Together with the building Soko mine also constructed treatment system for sanitation water before releasing it to local recipient, Izgara River.Sanitation waste water treatment system is presented in this paper, testing results of water before and after the treatment, as well as amounts of treated effluent in 2011, before releasing it.Ključne reči: waste water, waste water treatment system, monitoring of syste


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    REZIMEInterakcija  jamskog masiva i mehanizovane hidraulične podgrade, predstavlja jedan od primarnih uslova uspešne primene MHP pri otkopavanju uglja posebno kada se radi o složenim uslovima eksploatacije ugljenih slojeva.Izbor optimalne nosivosti podgrade kao i tipa i konstrukcije je još uvek jedno od najvažnijih pitanja a pouzdan izbor je moguće  izvršiti samo na bazi osnovnog poznavanja geomehaničkih karakteristika radne sredine, kao i karaktristika mehanizovane hidraulične podgrade.Obzirom da fizičko- mehanička svojstva stenskog masiva direktno utiču kako na izbor  tipa i konstrukcije mehanizovane hidraulične podgade tako i na veličinu koraka napredovanja MHP neophodno je izvršiti modeliranje stenskog masiva.Ključne reči: eksploatacija, ugalj, mehanizovana hidraulična podgradaABSTRACTInteraction between mass and mechanized hydraulic roof supports (MHRS) in underground exploitation is one of the primary conditions of (for) successful implementation of MHRS during coal especially when we have complex conditions in underground coal exploitation.One of more important question about supporting is to choose optimal construction and the best type of MHRS and we can make right choose if we know geomechanical characteristic of massive and if we know all characteristic of MHRS.Considring that the physical and mechanical properties of the rock mass have directly affects on the selection of the type and design of mechanized hydraulic roof supports and on his step size it is necessary to modeling rock mass where we have expolitation.Key words: exploitation, coal, mechanized hydraulic roof support