4 research outputs found

    Corrigendum to Single walled carbon nanotube membranes for optical applications in the extreme ultraviolet rang

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    In this paper, we explore the possibility of using free standing thin films from single walled carbon nanotube SWCNT material in optics of the extreme ultraviolet EUV range. Test samples were fabricated using an aerosol chemical vapor deposition method. Synchrotron radiation was used to record the transmittance spectra of samples in the EUV range. The measured transmittance for a film 40 amp; 8239;nm thick almost monotonously increases from 76 at a wavelength of 20 amp; 8239;nm 99 at a wavelength of 1 amp; 8239;nm. The measured stress strain curve for the test samples shows that the SWCNT based thin films have rather high ductility as opposite to fragile films made of conventional solid state materials. We use numerical simulations to demonstrate that the film strain occurs mainly by straightening and sliding of the nanotubes past each other without forming of strain localization responsible for fragile behavior. The combination of high radiation transmittance and unique mechanical properties makes the SWCNT based thin films very promising for use in the EUV optics. In particular, such films can be used to protect delicate optical elements for EUV lithography from their contamination with debris particle

    Microcontroller system of hydrogen pulse injection on stellarator Uragan-3М

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    This paper describes a renewed system of pulse injection of working gas into the vacuum vessel of the stellarator Uragan -3М. The system was designed and fabricated in the Institute of Plasma Physics of NSC “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology” and is intended for providing of the fast-acting dosed injection of hydrogen by the given algorithm. A distinctive feature of the developed system is the use of designed microprocessor-based controller to control the operation of the piezoelectric valve.Описана разработанная в Институте физики плазмы ННЦ ХФТИ обновленная система импульсного напуска рабочего газа на установке Ураган-3М. Система предназначена для обеспечения быстродействующего дозированного напуска водорода по заранее заданной программе. Отличительной особенностью системы является использование разработанного микропроцессорного контроллëра для управления работой пьезоэлектрического клапана.Описана розроблена в Інституті фізики плазми ННЦ ХФТІ оновлена система імпульсного напуску робочого газу на установці Ураган-3М. Система призначена для забезпечення швидкодіючого дозованого напуску водню за заздалегідь заданою програмою. Відмінною особливістю системи є використання розробленого мікропроцесорного контролера для управління роботою п'єзоелектричного клапана

    Nuclear Incoherence: Deterrence Theory and Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons in Russia

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