79 research outputs found

    Omental infarction in children misdiagnosed as acute appendicitis

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    Omental infarction (OI) is a rare cause of acute abdomen in children. It is found in  0.1–0.5% of pediatric patients undergoing abdominal exploration for the suspect of  acute appendicitis. OI is considered a self-limited entity, and conservative management should be considered. This approach implicates computer tomography scan radiation exposure, prolonged hospitalization, and prolonged analgesic and anti-inflammatory therapy. In contrast, surgery allows immediate pain resolution with low complication rate. We present our experience with two cases of pediatric acute abdomen due to OI, misdiagnosed as acute appendicitis, which were successfully treated surgically.Keywords: acute abdomen, acute appendicitis, omental infarction, pediatri

    New Insights of Historical Mortars Beyond Pompei: The Example of Villa del Pezzolo, Sorrento Peninsula

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    The topic of this study is the archaeometric characterization of mortars from Villa del Pezzolo, a Roman Villa located in Seiano (Napoli-Campania, Italy), dated between the 1st century B.C. and the 3rd century A.D. Mortars were analyzed by means of a multi-analytical approach (polarized optical microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersed spectrometry, thermal analyses and mercury intrusion porosimetry) according to existing recommendations. Analytical results evidenced the use of local geomaterials composed of sedimentary and volcanic aggregates in the mix design and confirmed the three distinct building phases identified by archaeologists. Volcanic tuff fragments, identified in the 1st building phase can be ascribed to Campanian Ignimbrite formation, widely cropping out in the Sorrento Peninsula, as confirmed by the presence of glassy shards, partially devitrified and replaced by authigenic feldspar, a typical feature of welded grey ignimbrite lithofacies (WGI). Volcanic aggregates in samples of the 2nd and 3rd building phases show, instead, the presence of leucite-bearing volcanic scoriae and garnet crystal fragments related to Somma-Vesuvius products. Study of these mortars allowed us to: (1) understand the production technologies; (2) highlight use of materials with hydraulic behavior, such as volcanic and fictile fragments; (3) confirm the three building phases from compositional features of mortars and (4) highlight the change over time of the volcanic aggregate for mortars mix-design

    Le analisi archeometriche

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    Il sito dell’Heraion si trova a circa 2,5 km dalla fascia costiera della Piana del Sele, in prossimità della foce dell’omonimo fiume. La Piana del Sele è una delle depressioni tettoniche estensionali del margine peri-tirrenico, fra le quali vi sono quella del Garigliano, della Piana Campana, e del Golfo di Policastro. Si tratta di un’ampia morfostruttura depressa di età plio-quaternaria, delimitata a N dai massicci carbonatici meso-cenozoici dei Monti Lattari e dei Monti Picentini, a E da colline terrigene che si spingono fino ai rilievi carbonatici meso-cenozoici dei Monti Alburni, e a S/E dalla dorsale dei Monti Soprano e Sottano e dalle successioni silicoclastiche mioceniche del Cilento I frammenti ceramici di vernice nera provenienti dal sito di Heraion sono stati descritti con metodologie minero-petrografiche, al fine di rilevare le caratteristiche macroscopiche e microscopich

    The REE- and HFSE-bearing phases in the Itatiaia alkaline complex (Brazil) and geochemical evolution of feldspar-rich felsic melts

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    The Late Cretaceous Itatiaia complex is made up of nepheline syenite grading to peralkaline varieties, quartz syenite and granite, emplaced in the metamorphic rocks of the Serra do Mar, SE Brazil. The nepheline syenites are characterized by assemblages with alkali feldspar, nepheline, Fe-Ti oxides, clinopyroxene, amphibole, apatite and titanite, while the peralkaline nepheline syenites have F-disilicates (rinkite, wöhlerite, hiortdahlite, låvenite), britholite and pyrophanite as the accessory phases. The silica-oversaturated rocks have alkali feldspar, plagioclase, quartz, amphibole, clinopyroxene and Fe-Ti oxides; the chevkinite-group minerals are the featured accessory phases and are found with allanite, fluorapatite, fluorite, zircon, thorite, yttrialite, zirconolite, pyrochlore and yttrocolumbite. The major- A nd trace-element composition of the Itatiaia rocks have variations linked to the amount of accessory phases, have smooth, enriched chondritenormalized rare-earth element (REE) distribution patterns in the least-evolved nepheline syenites and convex patterns in the most-evolved nepheline syenites. The REE distribution patterns of the quartz syenites and granites show a typical pattern caused by fractional crystallization of feldspar and amphibole, in an environment characterized by relatively high oxygen fugacity (>NiNiO buffer) and high concentrations of H2O and F, supporting the crystallization of hydrous phases, fluorite and F-disilicates. The removal of small amounts of titanite in the transition from the least-evolved to the most-evolved nepheline syenites stems from petrogenetic models involving REE, and is shown to be a common feature of the magmatic evolution of many other syenitic/trachytic/phonolitic complexes of the Serra do Mar and elsewhere

    The REE- and HFSE-bearing phases in the Itatiaia alkaline complex (Brazil) and geochemical evolution of feldspar-rich felsic melts

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    The Late Cretaceous Itatiaia complex is made up of nepheline syenite grading to peralkaline varieties, quartz syenite and granite, emplaced in the metamorphic rocks of the Serra do Mar, SE Brazil. The nepheline syenites are characterized by assemblages with alkali feldspar, nepheline, Fe-Ti oxides, clinopyroxene, amphibole, apatite and titanite, while the peralkaline nepheline syenites have F-disilicates (rinkite, wöhlerite, hiortdahlite, låvenite), britholite and pyrophanite as the accessory phases. The silica-oversaturated rocks have alkali feldspar, plagioclase, quartz, amphibole, clinopyroxene and Fe-Ti oxides; the chevkinite-group minerals are the featured accessory phases and are found with allanite, fluorapatite, fluorite, zircon, thorite, yttrialite, zirconolite, pyrochlore and yttrocolumbite. The major- and trace-element composition of the Itatiaia rocks have variations linked to the amount of accessory phases, have smooth, enriched chondritenormalized rare-earth element (REE) distribution patterns in the least-evolved nepheline syenites and convex patterns in the most-evolved nepheline syenites. The REE distribution patterns of the quartz syenites and granites show a typical pattern caused by fractional crystallization of feldspar and amphibole, in an environment characterized by relatively high oxygen fugacity (>NiNiO buffer) and high concentrations of H2O and F, supporting the crystallization of hydrous phases, fluorite and F-disilicates. The removal of small amounts of titanite in the transition from the least-evolved to the most-evolved nepheline syenites stems from petrogenetic models involving REE, and is shown to be a common feature of the magmatic evolution of many other syenitic/ trachytic/ phonolitic complexes of the Serra do Mar and elsewhere
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