399 research outputs found

    DETIRE: a hybrid deep learning model for identifying viral sequences from metagenomes

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    A metagenome contains all DNA sequences from an environmental sample, including viruses, bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes. Since viruses are of huge abundance and have caused vast mortality and morbidity to human society in history as a type of major pathogens, detecting viruses from metagenomes plays a crucial role in analyzing the viral component of samples and is the very first step for clinical diagnosis. However, detecting viral fragments directly from the metagenomes is still a tough issue because of the existence of a huge number of short sequences. In this study a hybrid Deep lEarning model for idenTifying vIral sequences fRom mEtagenomes (DETIRE) is proposed to solve the problem. First, the graph-based nucleotide sequence embedding strategy is utilized to enrich the expression of DNA sequences by training an embedding matrix. Then, the spatial and sequential features are extracted by trained CNN and BiLSTM networks, respectively, to enrich the features of short sequences. Finally, the two sets of features are weighted combined for the final decision. Trained by 220,000 sequences of 500 bp subsampled from the Virus and Host RefSeq genomes, DETIRE identifies more short viral sequences (<1,000 bp) than the three latest methods, such as DeepVirFinder, PPR-Meta, and CHEER. DETIRE is freely available at Github (https://github.com/crazyinter/DETIRE)

    Prehistoric trans-continental cultural exchange in the Hexi Corridor, northwest China

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    We report dozens of direct radiocarbon dates on charred grains from 22 archaeological sites of the Neolithic and Bronze Ages in the Hexi Corridor, northwest China, a key region for trans-Eurasian exchange in prehistoric and historical times. These charred grains include remains of wheat and barley domesticated in southwest Asia and broomcorn and foxtail millet which originated from north China. Together with previously published radiocarbon dates, we consider these newly obtained radiocarbon results in the context of material cultures associated with them, to explore an episode of trans-continental cultural exchange foci at the Hexi Corridor. Our results show that millet cultivators who used painted potteries from the western Loess Plateau first settled the Hexi Corridor around 4800 BP. Communities who cultivated wheat and barley moved into this region from the west around 4000 BP, bringing with them technologies and materials not seen in central China before, including bronze metallurgy, mud bricks, and mace heads. This was part of the east-west contact which became evident in the Hexi Corridor since the late fifth millennium BP, and continued over the subsequent two millennia, and predated the formation of the overland Silk Road in the Han Dynasty (202 BC-AD 220)

    Development and Validation of a 6-Gene Hypoxia-Related Prognostic Signature For Cholangiocarcinoma

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    Cholangiocarcinoma (CHOL) is highly malignant and has a poor prognosis. This study is committed to creating a new prognostic model based on hypoxia related genes. Here, we established a novel tumor hypoxia-related prognostic model consisting of 6 hypoxia-related genes by univariate Cox regression and the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) algorithm to predict CHOL prognosis and then the risk score for each patient was calculated. The results showed that the patients with high-risk scores had poor prognosis compared with those with low-risk scores, which was verified as an independent predictor by multivariate analysis. The hypoxia-related prognostic model was validated in both TCGA and GEO cohorts and exhibited excellent performance in predicting overall survival in CHOL. The PPI results suggested that hypoxia-related genes involved in the model may play a central role in regulating the hypoxic state. In addition, the presence of IDH1 mutations in the high-risk group was high, and GSEA results showed that some metabolic pathways were upregulated, but immune response processes were generally downregulated. These factors may be potential reasons for the high-risk group with worse prognosis. The analysis of different immune regulation-related processes in the high- and low-risk groups revealed that the expression of genes related to immune checkpoints would show differences between these two groups. We further verified the expression of the oncogene PPFIA4 in the model, and found that compared with normal samples, CHOL patients were generally highly expressed, and the patients with high-expression of PPFIA4 had a poor prognosis. In summary, the present study may provide a valid prognostic model for bile duct cancer to inform better clinical management of patients

    An unsupervised domain adaptation brain CT segmentation method across image modalities and diseases

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    International audienceComputed tomography (CT) is the primary diagnostic tool for brain diseases. To determine the appropriate treatment plan, it is necessary to ascertain the patient's bleeding volume. Automatic segmentation algorithms for hemorrhagic lesions can significantly improve efficiency and avoid treatment delays. However, for deep supervised learning algorithms, a large amount of labeled training data is usually required, making them difficult to apply clinically. In this study, we propose an unsupervised domain adaptation method that is an unsupervised domain adaptation segmentation model that can be trained across modalities and diseases. We call it AMD-DAS for brain CT hemorrhage segmentation tasks. This circumvents the heavy data labeling task by converting the source domain data (MRI with glioma) to our task's required data (CT with Intraparenchymal hemorrhage (IPH)). Our model implements a two-stage domain adaptation process to achieve this objective. In the first stage, we train a pseudo-CT image synthesis network using the CycleGAN architecture through a matching mechanism and domain adaptation approach. In the second stage, we use the model trained in the first stage to synthesize the pseudo-CT images. We use the pseudo-CT with source domain labels and real CT images to train a domain-adaptation segmentation model. Our method exhibits a better performance than the basic one-stage domain adaptation segmentation method (+11.55 Dice score) and achieves an 86.93 Dice score in the IPH unsupervised segmentation task. Our model can be trained without using a ground-truth label, therefore increasing its application potential. Our implementation is publicly available at https://github.com/GuanghuiFU/AMD-DAS-Brain-CT-Segmentation

    Shift in subsistence crop dominance from broomcorn millet to foxtail millet around 5500 BP in the western Loess Plateau

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    Broomcorn and foxtail millet were the most important crops in northern China during the Neolithic period. Although the significance of broomcorn millet in human subsistence exceeded that of foxtail millet during the early Neolithic, this pattern was reversed by the end of Neolithic period. However, the process underlying this shift remains unclear. The recent excavation of the Gedachuan (GDC) in Zhangjiachuan county has revealed an abundance of relics including millet crop remains from relatively continuous strata of the Yangshao and Qijia cultures, and therefore provides a unique opportunity to examine how and when foxtail millet replaced broomcorn millet as the dominant crop in the western Loess Plateau during the Neolithic period. In this study, we identify 1,738 and 2,686 broomcorn and foxtail millet remains, respectively, from 74 flotation samples, accounting for 38.81% and 59.98% of total plant remains, respectively. Compared with 23 direct dates of carbonized crop grains in GDC, we propose that the weight of foxtail millet in plant subsistence of GDC first exceeded that of broomcorn millet as early as ∼5,500 BP, filling an important gap in the archaeobotanical record from the western Loess Plateau. Further comparative analysis of multidisciplinary data suggests the shift in significance of these two millet crops during the late Neolithic may have been triggered by variations in human settlement intensity and climate change in the western Loess Plateau. The results of this study also suggest that the Banpo Phase of Yangshao Culture survived in the western Loess Plateau as late as ∼5,600 BP

    A phytophthora effector manipulates host histone acetylation and reprograms defense gene expression to promote infection

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    Immune response during pathogen infection requires extensive transcription reprogramming. A fundamental mechanism of transcriptional regulation is histone acetylation. However, how pathogens interfere with this process to promote disease remains largely unknown. Here we demonstrate that the cytoplasmic effector PsAvh23 produced by the soybean pathogen Phytophthora sojae acts as a modulator of histone acetyltransferase (HAT) in plants. PsAvh23 binds to the ADA2 subunit of the HAT complex SAGA and disrupts its assembly by interfering with the association of ADA2 with the catalytic subunit GCN5. As such, PsAvh23 suppresses H3K9 acetylation mediated by the ADA2/GCN5 module and increases plant susceptibility. Expression of PsAvh23 or silencing of GmADA2/GmGCN5 resulted in misregulation of defense-related genes, most likely due to decreased H3K9 acetylation levels at the corresponding loci. This study highlights an effective counter-defense mechanism by which a pathogen effector suppresses the activation of defense genes by interfering with the function of the HAT complex during infection

    Phytophthora sojae Avirulence Effector Avr3b is a Secreted NADH and ADP-ribose Pyrophosphorylase that Modulates Plant Immunity

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    Plants have evolved pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP)-triggered immunity (PTI) and effector-triggered immunity (ETI) to protect themselves from infection by diverse pathogens. Avirulence (Avr) effectors that trigger plant ETI as a result of recognition by plant resistance (R) gene products have been identified in many plant pathogenic oomycetes and fungi. However, the virulence functions of oomycete and fungal Avr effectors remain largely unknown. Here, we combined bioinformatics and genetics to identify Avr3b, a new Avr gene from Phytophthora sojae, an oomycete pathogen that causes soybean root rot. Avr3b encodes a secreted protein with the RXLR host-targeting motif and C-terminal W and Nudix hydrolase motifs. Some isolates of P. sojae evade perception by the soybean R gene Rps3b through sequence mutation in Avr3b and lowered transcript accumulation. Transient expression of Avr3b in Nicotiana benthamiana increased susceptibility to P. capsici and P. parasitica, with significantly reduced accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) around invasion sites. Biochemical assays confirmed that Avr3b is an ADP-ribose/NADH pyrophosphorylase, as predicted from the Nudix motif. Deletion of the Nudix motif of Avr3b abolished enzyme activity. Mutation of key residues in Nudix motif significantly impaired Avr3b virulence function but not the avirulence activity. Some Nudix hydrolases act as negative regulators of plant immunity, and thus Avr3b might be delivered into host cells as a Nudix hydrolase to impair host immunity. Avr3b homologues are present in several sequenced Phytophthora genomes, suggesting that Phytophthora pathogens might share similar strategies to suppress plant immunity

    Identification of Early Diagnostic and Prognostic Biomarkers via WGCNA in Stomach Adenocarcinoma

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    Stomach adenocarcinoma (STAD) is a leading cause of cancer deaths, and the outcome of the patients remains dismal for the lack of effective biomarkers of early detection. Recent studies have elucidated the landscape of genomic alterations of gastric cancer and reveal some biomarkers of advanced-stage gastric cancer, however, information about early-stage biomarkers is limited. Here, we adopt Weighted Gene Co-expression Network Analysis (WGCNA) to screen potential biomarkers for early-stage STAD using RNA-Seq and clinical data from TCGA database. We find six gene clusters (or modules) are significantly correlated with the stage-I STADs. Among these, five hub genes, i.e., MS4A1, THBS2, VCAN, PDGFRB, and KCNA3 are identified and significantly de-regulated in the stage-I STADs compared with the normal stomach gland tissues, which suggests they can serve as potential early diagnostic biomarkers. Moreover, we show that high expression of VCAN and PDGFRB is associated with poor prognosis of STAD. VCAN encodes a large chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan that is the main component of the extracellular matrix, and PDGFRB encodes a cell surface tyrosine kinase receptor for members of the platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) family. Consistently, Gene Ontology (GO) analysis of differentially expressed genes in the STADs indicates terms associated with extracellular matrix and receptor ligand activity are significantly enriched. Protein-protein network interaction analysis (PPI) and Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) further support the core role of VCAN and PDGFRB in the tumorigenesis. Collectively, our study identifies the potential biomarkers for early detection and prognosis of STAD