804 research outputs found

    Lie Algebras of CL Type

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    AbstractThe notion of a strongly nilpotent element of a Lie algebra is introduced. According to the existence or nonexistence of nontrivial strongly nilpotent elements, the simple modular Lie algebras are divided into two categories, CA type and CL type, which coincide with Lie algebras of generalized Cartan type and classical type, respectively, when the characteristic is greater than 7. Examples of nonclassical simple Lie algebras of CL type are given which all have affinities to the classical Lie algebras

    Revealing A Head-on Major Merger in the Nearby NGC 6338 Group with Chandra and VLA observations

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    By analyzing the Chandra archival data of the nearby NGC 6338 galaxy group, we identify two X-ray bright clumps (N-clump and S-clump) within the central 100 kpc, and detect an arc-like X-ray brightness discontinuity at the south boundary of the N-clump, which is defined as a cold front with a gas flow Mach number of M<0.8. Furthermore, at the north-east boundary of the S-clump (dominated by galaxy NGC 6338) another X-ray edge is detected that corresponds to a weaker cold front. Therefore, the two clumps are approaching each other approximately from opposite directions, and the group is undergoing a head-on collision that is in a stage of pre-core passage. This merger scenario is also supported by the study of the line-of-sight velocity distribution of the group member galaxies. The merger mass ratio is about 1:1.8 as estimated from the central gas temperature of the two clumps, which suggests the merger is most likely to be a major merger. We also analyze the VLA 1.4 and 4.9 GHz radio data, but we do not detect any extended radio emission that is associated with the merger.Comment: Accepted by Ap

    Magnetar giant flares in multipolar magnetic fields. III. Multipolar magnetic field structure variations

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    We have analyzed the multipolar magnetic field structure variation at neutron star surface by means of the catastrophic eruption model, and find that the variation of the geometry of multipolar fields on the magnetar surface could result in the catastrophic rearrangement of the magnetosphere, which provides certain physical mechanism for the outburst of giant flares. The magnetospheric model we adopted consists of two assumptions: a helically twisted flux rope is suspended in an ideal force-free magnetosphere around the magnetar, and a current sheet emerges during the flux rope evolution. Magnetic energy accumulates during the flux rope's gradual evolution along with the variation of magnetar surface magnetic structure before the eruption. The two typical behaviors, either state transition or catastrophic escape, would take place once the flux rope loses equilibrium, thus tremendous accumulated energy is radiated. We have investigated the equilibrium state of the flux rope and the energy release affected by different multipolar structures, and find structures that could trigger violent eruption and provide the radiation approximately 0.5%\% of the total magnetic energy during the giant flare outburst. Our results provide certain multipolar structures of the neutron star's magnetic field with an energy release percentage 0.42%\% in the state transition and 0.51%\% in the catastrophic escape case, which are sufficient for the previously reported energy release from SGR 1806-20 giant flares

    Delayed Ettringite Formation in Fly Ash Concrete under Moist Curing Conditions

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    During the hydration of cement, tricalcium aluminate (C3A) reacts with gypsum and forms ettringite (AFt). Once all gypsum is consumed, ettringite can further react with remaining C3A and form monosulfate (AFm) at 1–2 days. Normally, at early ages, ettringite all transfers to AFm phase. After several months or years, ettringite can form again if a new source of sulfate becomes available in the pore solution of the paste, viz. delayed ettringite formation. In previous study, it was found that delayed ettringite forms in Portland cement concrete when the concrete samples were cured under moist conditions, i.e., without external sulfate phase. This delayed ettringite formation may result in the decrease of resistance of Portland cement concrete to chloride penetration. After that, it was found that ettringite, viz. delayed ettringite formation, also generated in fly ash concrete. The formation of ettringite, however, has no obvious influence on the resistance of fly ash concrete to chloride penetration

    Randomized, Double-Blind, and Placebo-Controlled Trial of Clenbuterol in Denervated Muscle Atrophy

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    Objectives. β2-adrenergic agonists, such as clenbuterol, have been shown to promote the hypertrophy of healthy skeletal muscles and to ameliorate muscle wasting in a few pathological conditions in both animals and humans. We intended to investigate the clinical efficacy of clenbuterol on attenuating denervation-induced muscle atrophy. Methods. A double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel, and randomized trial was employed. 71 patients, suffering from brachial plexus injuries, were given either clenbuterol (60 μg, bid) or placebo for 3 months. Before and at the end of the study, patients were given physical examinations, biopsies of biceps brachii, electromyograms (EMGs), and other laboratory tests. Results. Compared with placebo treatment, clenbuterol significantly mitigated the decreases in cross-sectional areas of type I and II muscle fibers and alleviated the reduction in fibrillation potential amplitudes, without any adverse effects. Conclusions. Clenbuterol safely ameliorated denervated muscle atrophy in this cohort; thus larger clinical studies are encouraged for this or other β2 agonists on denervation-induced muscle atrophy

    Graph Denoising Diffusion for Inverse Protein Folding

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    Inverse protein folding is challenging due to its inherent one-to-many mapping characteristic, where numerous possible amino acid sequences can fold into a single, identical protein backbone. This task involves not only identifying viable sequences but also representing the sheer diversity of potential solutions. However, existing discriminative models, such as transformer-based auto-regressive models, struggle to encapsulate the diverse range of plausible solutions. In contrast, diffusion probabilistic models, as an emerging genre of generative approaches, offer the potential to generate a diverse set of sequence candidates for determined protein backbones. We propose a novel graph denoising diffusion model for inverse protein folding, where a given protein backbone guides the diffusion process on the corresponding amino acid residue types. The model infers the joint distribution of amino acids conditioned on the nodes' physiochemical properties and local environment. Moreover, we utilize amino acid replacement matrices for the diffusion forward process, encoding the biologically-meaningful prior knowledge of amino acids from their spatial and sequential neighbors as well as themselves, which reduces the sampling space of the generative process. Our model achieves state-of-the-art performance over a set of popular baseline methods in sequence recovery and exhibits great potential in generating diverse protein sequences for a determined protein backbone structure