70 research outputs found

    Genetic evidence for algal auxin production in Chlamydomonas and its role in algal-bacterial mutualism

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    Summary: Interactions between algae and bacteria are ubiquitous and play fundamental roles in nutrient cycling and biomass production. Recent studies have shown that the plant auxin indole acetic acid (IAA) can mediate chemical crosstalk between algae and bacteria, resembling its role in plant-bacterial associations. Here, we report a mechanism for algal extracellular IAA production from L-tryptophan mediated by the enzyme L-amino acid oxidase (LAO1) in the model Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. High levels of IAA inhibit algal cell multiplication and chlorophyll degradation, and these inhibitory effects can be relieved by the presence of the plant-growth-promoting bacterium (PGPB) Methylobacterium aquaticum, whose growth is mutualistically enhanced by the presence of the alga. These findings reveal a complex interplay of microbial auxin production and degradation by algal-bacterial consortia and draws attention to potential ecophysiological roles of terrestrial microalgae and PGPB in association with land plants

    Fisetin, a bioactive flavonol, attenuates allergic airway inflammation through negative regulation of NF-κB

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    10.1016/j.ejphar.2012.01.002European Journal of Pharmacology6791-3109-116EJPH

    Conservation and divergence between cytoplasmic and muscle-specific actin capping proteins: insights from the crystal structure of cytoplasmic Cap32/34 from <it>Dictyostelium discoideum</it>

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Capping protein (CP), also known as CapZ in muscle cells and Cap32/34 in <it>Dictyostelium discoideum</it>, plays a major role in regulating actin filament dynamics. CP is a ubiquitously expressed heterodimer comprising an α- and β-subunit. It tightly binds to the fast growing end of actin filaments, thereby functioning as a “cap” by blocking the addition and loss of actin subunits. Vertebrates contain two somatic variants of CP, one being primarily found at the cell periphery of non-muscle tissues while the other is mainly localized at the Z-discs of skeletal muscles.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To elucidate structural and functional differences between cytoplasmic and sarcomercic CP variants, we have solved the atomic structure of Cap32/34 (32 = β- and 34 = α-subunit) from the cellular slime mold <it>Dictyostelium</it> at 2.2 Å resolution and compared it to that of chicken muscle CapZ. The two homologs display a similar overall arrangement including the attached α-subunit C-terminus (α-tentacle) and the flexible β-tentacle. Nevertheless, the structures exhibit marked differences suggesting considerable structural flexibility within the α-subunit. In the α-subunit we observed a bending motion of the β-sheet region located opposite to the position of the C-terminal β-tentacle towards the antiparallel helices that interconnect the heterodimer. Recently, a two domain twisting attributed mainly to the β-subunit has been reported. At the hinge of these two domains Cap32/34 contains an elongated and highly flexible loop, which has been reported to be important for the interaction of cytoplasmic CP with actin and might contribute to the more dynamic actin-binding of cytoplasmic compared to sarcomeric CP (CapZ).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The structure of Cap32/34 from <it>Dictyostelium discoideum</it> allowed a detailed analysis and comparison between the cytoplasmic and sarcomeric variants of CP. Significant structural flexibility could particularly be found within the α-subunit, a loop region in the β-subunit, and the surface of the α-globule where the amino acid differences between the cytoplasmic and sarcomeric mammalian CP are located. Hence, the crystal structure of Cap32/34 raises the possibility of different binding behaviours of the CP variants toward the barbed end of actin filaments, a feature, which might have arisen from adaptation to different environments.</p