2 research outputs found

    The translation of offensive language in English to neutral Spanish dubbing in comedy films starring Jonah Hill

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    El lenguaje soez se caracteriza por tener cualidades muy marcadas de la cultura de la que proviene, mientras que el español neutro del doblaje es aquella variante del español que cuida de manera minuciosa el uso de regionalismos o referentes culturales de modo que una producción audiovisual sea de alcance masivo para la población hispanoamericana (Scandura, 2021). Este estudio parte del supuesto base de que, en Latinoamérica, el uso del lenguaje soez no es tan bien percibido como en otras partes del mundo por motivos culturales y es por ello que en los doblajes al español neutro se opta por atenuarlo. Si bien el lenguaje soez se ha analizado principalmente como subcategoría del nivel léxico-semántico o en el plano lingüístico, es necesario relacionarlo directamente con el español neutro y los cambios que podría o no sufrir a partir de los doblajes hacia esta variante del español. Es por ello que el presente estudio explorará de manera específica el lenguaje soez como fenómeno de investigación en vínculo con el español neutro mediante un corpus de películas de comedia en las que participa un actor conocido por aparecer en diversas películas que involucran el uso del lenguaje soez.Offensive language is characterized by having very distinctive qualities of the culture from which it originates, while neutral Spanish is that Spanish variant that takes meticulous care in the use of regionalisms or cultural references to be a massive reach material for the Hispanic American population (Scandura, 2021). This study assumes that in Latin America, the use of offensive language is not as well perceived as in other parts of the world for cultural reasons, and that is why this language is attenuated in neutral Spanish dubbing. Although offensive language has been analyzed mainly at the lexical-semantic level or at the linguistic level, there is a need for a study that relates it directly to neutral Spanish and the changes that it may or may not undergo as a result of dubbing into this variant of Spanish. For this reason, the present study will specifically explore offensive language as a research phenomenon in relation to neutral Spanish through a corpus obtained from comedy films in which an actor known for appearing in several films involving the use of offensive language participates.Trabajo de investigació

    Burnout Syndrome in a Military Tertiary Hospital Staff during the COVID-19 Contingency

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    (1) Background: Burnout syndrome (BOS) is defined as a psychological state of physical and mental fatigue associated with work. The COVID-19 pandemic greatly impacted the physical and mental wellbeing of health professionals. The objective of this work was to determine the impact on personnel, monitoring the frequency of BOS throughout the pandemic. (2) Methods: The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) was self-applied in four periods of the pandemic according to sociodemographic and employment characteristics. In this study, all hospital personnel were included; the association of BOS with sex, age, type of participant (civilian or military), military rank and profession was analyzed. (3) Results: The frequency of BOS was 2.4% (start of the pandemic), 7.9% (peak of the first wave), 3.7% (end of the first wave) and 3.6% (peak of the third wave). Emotional exhaustion (EE) was the most affected factor, and the groups most affected were men under 30 years of age, civilians, chiefs and doctors, especially undergraduate medical doctors and specialty resident doctors, and nursing personnel were less affected. (4) Conclusions: The low BOS levels show that the containment measures and military training implemented by the hospital authorities were effective, although the chief personnel were more affected in the first wave. It is probable that this combination allowed the containment of BOS, which was not observed in civilians