78 research outputs found

    Ensaio regional de variedades de milho na Região Sul ? Safra 2009/10.

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    Crystallographic, DFT and docking (cathepsin B) studies on an organotellurium(IV) compound

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    Some biologically active organotellurium compounds exhibit inhibitory potency against cathepsin B. In this study, an alkyl derivative, viz. [CH3(CH2)2C(I)=C(H)](nBu)TeI2, 1, has been structurally characterised by X-ray crystallography and shown to be coordinated within a C2I2 donor set. When the stereochemically active lone pair of electrons is taken into account, a distorted trigonal bipyramidal geometry results with the iodide atoms in axial positions. Both intra- and inter-molecular Te···I interactions are also noted. If all interactions are considered, the coordination geometry is based on a Ψ-pentagonal bipyramidal geometry. An unusual feature of the structure is the curving of the functionalised C5 chain. This feature has been explored by DFT methods and shown to arise as a result of close C–H···I interactions. A docking study (cathepsin B) was performed to understand the inhibition mechanism and to compare the new results with previous observations. Notably, 1 has the same pose exhibited by analogous biologically active compounds with aryl groups. Thus, the present study suggests that (alkyl)2TeX2 compounds should also be evaluated for biological activity

    Ensaio Regional de Variedades de Milho na Região Sul - Safra 2011/2012.

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    Rumen-protected methionine supplementation alters lipid profile of preimplantation embryo and endometrial tissue of Holstein cows

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    Our objective is to evaluate the effects of feeding rumen-protected Met (RPM) throughout the transition period and early lactation on the lipid profile of the preimplantation embryos and the endometrial tissue of Holstein cows. Treatments consisted of feeding a total mixed ration with top-dressed RPM (Smartamine® M, Adisseo, Alpharetta, GA, United States; MET; n = 11; RPM at a rate of 0.08% of DM: Lys:Met = 2.8:1) or not (CON; n = 9, Lys:Met = 3.5:1). Endometrial biopsies were performed at 15, 30, and 73 days in milk (DIM). Prior to the endometrial biopsy at 73 DIM, preimplantation embryos were harvested via flushing. Endometrial lipid profiles were analyzed using multiple reaction monitoring-profiling and lipid profiles of embryos were acquired using matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry. Relative intensities levels were used for principal component analysis. Embryos from cows in MET had greater concentration of polyunsaturated lipids than embryos from cows in CON. The endometrial tissue samples from cows in MET had lesser concentrations of unsaturated and monounsaturated lipids at 15 DIM, and greater concentration of saturated, unsaturated (specifically diacylglycerol), and monounsaturated (primarily ceramides) lipids at 30 DIM than the endometrial tissue samples from cows in CON. In conclusion, feeding RPM during the transition period and early lactation altered specific lipid classes and lipid unsaturation level of preimplantation embryos and endometrial tissue

    Ensaio regional de variedades de milho na Região Sul - safra 2008/09.

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    A rede regional de ensaios de variedades de Milho tem por objetivo avaliar o comportamento de variedades comerciais de milho na região sul do Brasil. O resultado dos ensaios é publicado anualmente no Livro das Indicações Técnicas para o Cultivo de Milho e de Sorgo no RS. Esses resultados também servem para determinação do Valor de Cultivo e Uso (VCU), com vistas à extensão da indicação de uso de cultivares comerciais para o RS