6 research outputs found

    Time-dependent behaviour of hardened cement paste under isotropic loading

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    International audienceThe experimental results of isotropic compression tests performed at 20°C and 90°C on a class G hardened cement paste hydrated at 90°C (Ghabezloo et al., 2008, Cem. Conc. Res. 38, 1424-1437) have been revisited considering time-dependent response. Within the frame of a viscoplastic model, the non-linear responses of the volumetric strains as observed in drained and undrained tests and of the pore pressure in undrained tests are analysed. The calibration of model parameters based on experimental data allows to study the effect of the test temperature on the viscous response of hardened cement paste showing that the creep is more pronounced for a higher test temperature. The effect of the hydration temperature on the time dependent behaviour is also studied by evaluating the model parameters for a cement paste hydrated at 60°C. The time-dependent deformations are more pronounced for hydration at a higher temperature

    Effective stress law for the permeability of a limestone

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    The effective stress law for the permeability of a limestone is studied experimentally by performing constant head permeability tests in a triaxial cell with different conditions of confining pressure and pore pressure. Test results have shown that a pore pressure increase and a confining pressure decrease both result in an increase of the permeability, and that the effect of the pore pressure change on the variation of the permeability is more important than the effect of a change of the confining pressure. A power law is proposed for the variation of the permeability with the effective stress. The permeability effective stress coefficient increases linearly with the differential pressure and is greater than one as soon the differential pressure exceeds few bars. The test results are well reproduced using the proposed permeability-effective stress law. A conceptual pore-shell model based on a detailed observation of the microstructure of the studied limestone is proposed. This model is able to explain the experimental observations on the effect of the total stress and of the pore pressure on the permeability of the limestone. Effective stress coefficients for the stress-dependent permeability which are greater than one are obtained. It is shown that the controlling factor is the ratio of the different bulk moduli of the various constituents of the rock. This ratio is studied experimentally by performing microhardness tests.Comment: International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences (2008) In pres

    Poromechanical behaviour of hardened cement paste under isotropic loading

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    The poromechanical behaviour of hardened cement paste under isotropic loading is studied on the basis of an experimental testing program of drained, undrained and unjacketed compression tests. The macroscopic behaviour of the material is described in the framework of the mechanics of porous media. The poroelastic parameters of the material are determined and the effect of stress and pore pressure on them is evaluated. Appropriate effective stress laws which control the evolution of total volume, pore volume, solid volume, porosity and drained bulk modulus are discussed. A phenomenon of degradation of elastic properties is observed in the test results. The microscopic observations showed that this degradation is caused by the microcracking of the material under isotropic loading. The good compatibility and the consistency of the obtained poromechanical parameters demonstrate that the behaviour of the hardened cement paste can be indeed described within the framework of the theory of porous media.Comment: Cement and Concrete Research (2008) In pres

    L’analyse pétrographique : un outil de la géologie de l’ingénieur

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    L’examen pétrographique des matériaux rocheux utilisés en génie civil (pierres en œuvre, granulats pour béton) permet de mettre en évidence des éléments nuisibles ou des caractéristiques défavorables et, plus généralement, d’évaluer l’aptitude à une utilisation donnée, en complément d’essais pétrophysiques et mécaniques. L’accent est mis sur l’analyse pétrographique de lames minces au microscope optique polarisant, éventuellement complétée par l’examen au microscope électronique à balayage. Cette analyse peut être utilisée a priori, lors d’une recherche de matériaux, ou pour le diagnostic de désordres observés sur ouvrages. Plusieurs exemples sont donnés : dissolution ou gélifraction de calcaires, altération par lessivage des argiles dans un grès poreux, fissuration d’un marbre en œuvre sous l’effet des variations de température, aide au diagnostic de roches siliceuses vis-à-vis de l’alcali-réaction. Quelques normes ou recommandations relatives à l’examen pétrographique sont commentées. On insiste en conclusion sur les compétences, spécifiques aux questions de géologie de l’ingénieur, que doit posséder le pétrographe