99 research outputs found
Związek hormonów pochodzących z tkanki tłuszczowej z cukrzycą ciążową (GDM)
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as a glucose intolerance of varying severity with onset or first recognition during pregnancy. The prevalence of GDM is growing rapidly worldwide, resulting in numerous and serious complications for both mother and foetus. Two major metabolic disorders, insulin resistance and β cells dysfunction, are currently linked to the pathogenesis of GDM, although the cellular mechanisms involved in the development of GDM are not yet completely understood. Increasing evidence from clinical and experimental studies indicates that adipose tissue dysfunction, characterised by abnormal production of adipokines, is an essential factor linked to insulin resistance and GDM. To date, several adipose tissue-derived hormones have been identified, including leptin, adiponectin, resistin, visfatin, apelin, retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP-4), vaspin, and omentin. The relationship of leptin and adiponectin to insulin resistance in GDM is relatively well documented, but the molecular mechanisms by which these hormones affect insulin resistance are not yet fully known. The other aforementioned adipokines appear to be also important players in the pathophysiology of GDM, although their precise function in this complex process remains to be established. The aim of this article is to review the literature concerning the relationship between the above-mentioned adipokines and GDM, and to clarify their role in the pathophysiology of GDM. (Endokrynol Pol 2014; 65 (2): 134–142)Cukrzyca ciążowa (GDM) jest definiowana jako nietolerancja glukozy, która po raz pierwszy wystąpiła lub została wykryta w czasie ciąży. Zachorowalność na GDM szybko wzrasta na świecie, prowadząc do licznych i poważnych powikłań zarówno u matki, jak i płodu. Dwa główne zaburzenia metaboliczne, czyli oporność na insulinę i dysfunkcja komórek b, biorą udział w patogenezie GDM, jednak komórkowe mechanizmy prowadzące do jej rozwoju nie są jeszcze do końca poznane. Wyniki badań klinicznych i eksperymentalnych wskazują, że dysfunkcja tkanki tłuszczowej, charakteryzująca się nieprawidłową produkcją adipokin, jest istotnym czynnikiem związanym z GDM. Do tej pory zidentyfikowano kilka hormonów wytwarzanych przez tkankę tłuszczową, w tym leptynę, adiponektynę, rezystynę, wisfatynę, apelinę, białko wiążące retinol 4 (RBP-4), waspinę i omentynę. Spośród nich stosunkowo dobrze udokumentowany jest związek leptyny i adiponektyny z insulinoopornością w GDM, ale molekularne mechanizmy działania obydwu hormonów w tym procesie nie są jeszcze całkowicie wyjaśnione. Pozostałe wyżej wymienione adipokiny wydają się być również istotnymi czynnikami w patofizjologii GDM, chociaż ich dokładna funkcja w tym kompleksowym procesie pozostaje niejasna. Celem niniejszego artykułu był przegląd istniejącej literatury dotyczącej związku między wyżej wymienionymi adipokinami i GDM oraz wyjaśnienie ich roli w patofizjologii GDM. (Endokrynol Pol 2014; 65 (2): 134–142
The role of receptor programmed death-1 and its ligands in immune system and tumors
Receptor programowanej śmierci (PD-1) jest immunoreceptorem ulegającym indukowanej ekspresji zarówno na limfocytach T, jak i B. pełni on funkcję negatywnego regulatora odpowiedzi immunologicznej. Ze względu na oddziaływanie ze swoimi ligandami: PD-L1 oraz PD-L2, wykazującymi ekspresję w wielu typach tkanek, PD-1 jest odpowiedzialny za podtrzymanie tolerancji obwodowej poprzez ograniczanie aktywacji, proliferacji i funkcji efektorowych limfocytów T. Zaburzenia funkcjonowania szlaku PD-1/PD-L prowadzą do rozwoju chorób autoimmunologicznych i są obserwowane na „wyczerpanych" limfocytach w przewlekłych infekcjach wirusowych. Ekspresja pD-1, jak i jego ligandów jest opisywana w wielu typach nowotworów, gdzie mają istotne znaczenie w modelowaniu ich mikrośrodowiska, a także może być związana z ucieczką komórek nowotworowych spod nadzoru układu immunologicznego. Dotychczasowe badania wskazują na potencjalne zastosowanie terapeutyczne szlaku pD-1/pD-L, także w nowotworach hematologicznych.programmed death-1 (pD-1) molecule is an immunoreceptor, which is inducibly expressed on both T and B lymphocytes. pD-1 is a negative regulator of the immune response. Through interactions with its ligands: pD-L1 and pD-L2, being expressed on wide range of tissue, pD-1 is responsible for maintenance of peripheral tolerance by restricting activation, proliferation and effector functions of T lymphocytes. Aberrations of the pD-1/pD-L pathway lead to autoimmune disorders and are observed on exhausted lymphocytes during chronic infections. Expression of pD-1 and its ligands is described in many tumor entities, where it modulates tumor microenviroment and might be a potential escape mechanism from immunosurveillance. There are growing evidences for potential therapeutical applications of the pD-1/pD-L pathway, including heamatological malignances
The microbiome profiling of fungivorous black tinder fungus beetle Bolitophagus reticulatus reveals the insight into bacterial communities associated with larvae and adults
Saproxylic beetles play a crucial role in key processes occurring in forest ecosystems, and together with fungi contribute to the decomposition and mineralization of wood. Among this group are mycetophilic beetles which associate with wood-decaying fungi and use the fruiting body for nourishment and development. Therefore, their feeding strategy (especially in the case of fungivorous species) requires special digestive capabilities to take advantage of the nutritional value of fungal tissue. Although polypore-beetle associations have been investigated in numerous studies, detailed studies focusing on the microbiome associated with species feeding on fruiting bodies of polypores remain limited. Here we investigated the bacterial communities associated with larvae and adults of Bolitophagus reticulatus collected from Fomes fomentarius growing on two different host tree: beech (Fagus sp.) and birch (Betula sp.), respectively. Among 24 identified bacterial phyla, three were the most relatively abundant (Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes). Moreover, we tried to find unique patterns of bacteria abundances which could be correlated with the long-term field observation showing that the fruiting bodies of F. fomentarius, growing on birch are more inhabited by beetles than fruiting bodies of the same fungus species growing on beech. Biochemical analyses showed that the level of protease inhibitors and secondary metabolites in F. fomentarius is higher in healthy fruiting bodies than in the inhabited ones. However, tested microbiome samples primarily clustered by developmental stage of B. reticulatus and host tree did not appear to impact the taxonomic distribution of the communities. This observation was supported by statistical analyses
Novel antibacterial modification of polycarbonate for increment prototyping in medicine
In the era of modern medicine, the number of invasive treatments increases. Artificial
devices used in medicine are associated with an increased risk of secondary infections. Bacterial
biofilm development observed on the implanted surface is challenging to treat, primarily due to
low antibiotics penetration. In our study, the preparation of a new polycarbonate composite, filled
with nanosilver, nanosilica and rhodamine B derivative, suitable for three-dimensional printing, is
described. Polymer materials with antimicrobial properties are known. However, in most cases,
protection is limited to the outer layers only. The newly developed materials are protected in their
entire volume. Moreover, the antibacterial properties are retained after multiple high-temperature
processing were performed, allowing them to be used in 3D printing. Bacterial population reduction
was observed, which gives an assumption for those materials to be clinically tested in the production
of various medical devices and for the reduction of morbidity and mortality caused by multidrugresistant
Programmed Death-1 and Its Ligand Are Novel Immunotolerant Molecules Expressed on Leukemic B Cells in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Programmed death-1 (PD-1) is an immunoreceptor predominantly expressed on exhausted T cells, which through an interaction with its ligand (PD-L1), controls peripheral tolerance by limiting effector functions of T lymphocytes. qRT-PCR for PD-1, PD-L1 and their splicing forms as well as flow cytometric assessment of surface expression was performed in a cohort of 58 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients. In functional studies, we assessed the influence of the proliferative response of leukemic B-cells induced by IL-4 and CD40L on PD-1 transcripts and expression on the protein level. The median level of PD-1, but not PD-L1, transcripts in CLL patients was higher in comparison to healthy volunteers (HVs, n = 43, p = 0.0057). We confirmed the presence of PD-1 and PD-L1 on the CLL cell surface, and found the expression of PD-1, but not PD-L1, to be higher among CLL patients in comparison to HVs (47.2% vs. 14.8%, p<0.0001). The Kaplan-Meier curves for the time to progression and overall survival in groups with high and low surface expression of PD-1 and PD-L1 revealed no prognostic value in CLL patients. After stimulation with IL-4 and CD40L, protein expression of PD-1 was significantly increased in samples that responded and up-regulated CD38. PD-1, which is aberrantly expressed both at mRNA and cell surface levels in CLL cells might represent a novel immunotolerant molecule involved in the pathomechanism of the disease, and could provide a novel target for future therapies
The influence of liming and magnesium treatment on changes in contents of various phosphorous forms in mountain meadow soils
The paper presents the results of pot experiment on Italian ryegrass conducted on two acid meadow soils. Liming and magnesium treatment in the form of MgCO₃ and MgSO₄ applied in the course of the experiment considerably changed the composition of inorganic phosphates, and caused the hi gest decline in aluminium phosphates, hut an increase in calcium and magnesium phosphates, in spite of significat differences in soil pH on those objects. The effect of those tretments was far less visible in relation to changes in the amount of available phosphorus is soil assessed by means of Egner-Riehm method than to the content of active phosphorus determined in 0,01 m CaCl₂
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