11 research outputs found

    Customer trust to insurance company

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    Trust is one of the most important factors influencing consumers’ decisions. Honesty and reliability of insurance companies are required to be of the utmost degree. The analysis of the degree of trust to the largest Polish insurance company, which is PZU S.A., constitutes the primary objective of the article. The method of diagnostic survey in the form of the Internet questionnaire was applied to carry out the research. In studies was used a random selection of people by definition who have used the services of PZU. 140 people were subjected to the survey. PZU is a company with a long tradition of operating on the insurance market. PZU brand evokes positive associations. The respondents particularly value high working standards of the company staff as well as their competence in selling products the company offers. PZU has a wide product offer, and its customers are satisfied with the services offered by the company. Critical opinions mostly concern the process of damage repairs

    The economic situation of households in selected eu countries

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    The aim of this study is to analyze the financial situation of households in spatial terms (selected EU countries) in the light of the most important categories of economic well-being of a financial nature, i.e.: gross disposable income, gross savings, the amount of loans and liabilities and assets financial households in 2012 the material in this study were secondary data collected and published in the Eurostat database

    The quality level of services provided in local government administration and local business development opportunities

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    The main objective of the research is to identify, analyse and evaluate the quality of services offered by local administration and level of satisfaction of local entrepreneurs and other stakeholders in terms of development prospects for investments. The main problems include: long delays, lack of competence of the officials, absence of standards for handling various issues. Business sees the necessity for continuous bilateral efforts being made for improving the relations in order to build them mutually benefit. Officials expect honesty and assistance in solving problems

    ISO standards and quality costs as instruments of Companies’Competitive advantage

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    This article examines the selected instruments of quality policy. The importance of quality changes over time, because nowadays it is seen not as a target but as a way of functioning of the entire organization. The company, which can operate in a competitive market, must invest in quality. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the quality management system can be developed by analyzing the cost of a quality that can draw attention to the prevention of deficiency

    E–banking in Poland as a modern form of managing a bank account

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    E-banking is one of the fastest growing banking segments in Poland. It is caused by the rapid evolution of the Internet as well as telecommunication and IT technologies. However, it still remains a relatively new form of managing a bank account and the channel of distribution of banking services and products. The aim of the research was the presentation of e-banking as a modern and effective form of managing a bank account. An Internet questionnaire was used to conduct the research. E-banking services in Poland were the area of the research. Taking into account the material gathered in the research, it has been noticed that e-banking brings low maintenance costs, availability and convenience. In the course of time more and more bank clients will be choosing this form of managing an account, as it is gaining more positive recommendations of the target customers. It will probably become the only form of banking in the near future

    Sensory marketing and customers’ decisions on the food market

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    The main purpose of this paper is to make an attempt to present the influence of sensory marketing on buyer’s buying behavior. The paper covers the topic regarding the theory of influence of individual senses on buyer’s behavior. Sight is the most used sense in sensory marketing. The first way of brand’s identification is through colors, shapes, and lights. When the light is natural or softened customers spend more time in one place, but when light is an intensive customer become more dynamic. Sound is also important for sensory marketing users. Taste is often used when companies offer free-tasting promotional operations. Companies take emotions spared off by touch during the conditioning of the product or its conception. Sensory marketing is a deep and effective concept

    The process of buying and the determinants of consumer behaviour in e-commerce

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    The process of buying in e-commerce is similar to general concept where five main phases can be distinguished: need recognition, information search, information evaluation, purchase decision, post-purchase behaviour. The use of Internet in e-commerce, raises very specific implications for almost every phase. One of the main differences between consumers that are buying offline and online, concerns the ways of information acquisition, where Internet customers have access to many online tools that can stimulate the buying process, price comparison websites or blogs. Moreover, it is possible to name the factors that determine the whole purchase process and to present their possible impact on customer decision to buy given product

    Uwarunkowania rozwoju rolnictwa ekologicznego w województwie warmińsko-Mazurskim

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    The main purpose of the research was to attempt to diagnose the potential and determine the conditions for the development of organic agricultural production in the Warmian-Masurian Voivodship. The survey was conducted in 2018 and covered organic farms and processing plants. The main problem of the development of agriculture and processing of organic agricultural products is a lack of adequate production scale that would enable the organization of the organic food market. What is disturbing is the fact that the market, considered to be growing and defined as niche, in the analysis of the production sector, is, unfortunately, indicating a downward trend. It is, therefore, necessary to cooperate between the representatives of links in the scope of support and development of joint production, promotional and distribution initiatives. It is also necessary to adapt information to various target markets covered by the common brand. In assessing the development prospects for the production and market of organic food, it is necessary to monitor production, build the infrastructure to support the sales organization and indicate the target market for consumers of this specific category of products.Głównym celem badań była próba zdiagnozowania i oceny potencjału oraz określenie uwarunkowań rozwoju ekologicznej produkcji rolniczej w województwie warmińsko-mazurskim. Badanie przeprowadzono w 2018 roku i obejmowało ono gospodarstwa ekologiczne i przetwórnie w województwie warmińsko-mazurskim. Głównym problemem rozwoju rolnictwa i przetwórstwa ekologicznych płodów rolnych jest brak odpowiedniej skali produkcji, która umożliwi organizację rynku żywności ekologicznej. Niepokojące są fakty, że rynek uznawany za rozwijający się i określany jako niszowy, w analizie sektora produkcji wskazuje na tendencje spadkowe. Konieczna jest zatem współpraca pomiędzy przedstawicielami ogniw w zakresie wsparcia i rozwoju wspólnych inicjatyw produkcyjnych, promocyjnych i dystrybucyjnych. Niezbędne jest również dopasowanie informacji do różnych rynków docelowych objętych wspólną marką. W ocenie perspektyw rozwoju produkcji i rynku żywności ekologicznej konieczny jest monitoring produkcji, zbudowanie infrastruktury wspierającej organizację sprzedaży oraz wskazanie rynku docelowego konsumentów tej specyficznej kategorii produktów