310 research outputs found

    Primjer modela izgradnje povjerenja u lancima opskrbe poduzeća u metalurgiji

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    The article is an introduction to the notion of building trust in supply chains. Foreign publishers offer many articles connected with trust and some of the most important ones were quoted in this article. In business world there are models based on trust of the companies which are connected with one another and such models are very popular. Trust becomes the key link in the organisation of supply chains. It is one of the basic mechanisms of action co-ordination which provides the correctness of functioning in the whole chain. The growth of importance of trust between the links of the chain is also observed in metallurgy sector. For the purpose of this publication example models of supply chains structures were constructed in which relationships are based on mutual trust with characteristics of the metallurgical sector taken into account.Članak je uvod u primjer izgradnje povjerenja u opskrbnim lancima. Inostrani nakladnici objavljuju mnoge članke povezane s povjerenjem, a neke od najvažnijih su citirani u ovom članku. U poslovnom svijetu postoje modeli temeljeni na povjerenju tvrtki koje su povezane jedna s drugom i takvi modeli su vrlo popularni. Povjerenje postaje ključna karika u organizaciji opskrbe. To je jedan od temeljnih mehanizama koordinacije koji osigurava ispravnost funkcioniranja unutar cijelog lanca. Rast važnosti povjerenja među tvrtkama unutar lanca opskrbe je također promatrana u sektoru metalurgije. Za potrebe ovog rada kreirani su primjeri modela lanaca opskrbe u kojima se odnosi temelje na međusobnom povjerenju kod čega su uzeta obilježja metalurškog sektora

    Optimizacija postupka postavljanja opreme u poduzećima

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    Fast equipment setup in a machine on production line is the key precondition to increase the fl exibility of the production. Methodology of SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Die) is an example which allows reducing the time of setup practically to the minimum. The article presents the theoretical bases and required rules as well as case study conducted in one of chosen enterprises. This paper also answers the question if SMED methodology is applicable in metallurgical sector, presenting the example of shortening the time between the production of various metallurgical products manufactured in the machine for continuous casting of steel (COS in Polish).Brzo postavljanje opreme i alata u stroj na proizvodnoj liniji je ključni preduvjet za povećanje fl eksibilnosti proizvodnje. Metodologija SMED Izmjena opreme u jednoznamenkastom broju minuta) je primjer koji omogućava smanjenje vremena postavljanja gotovo na minimum. U članku se predstavljaju teoretske osnove i pravila koje je potrebno poštivati, kao i studija slučaja koji je proveden u izabranom poduzeću. Ovaj rad također odgovara na pitanja da lije SMED metodologija primjenjiva u metalurškom sektoru, predstavlja primjer skraćivanja pripremno završnih vremena između proizvodnji različitih metalurških proizvoda u stroju za kontinuirano lijevanje čelika

    Qualifications versus useful knowledge in metallurgical enterprise

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    The article presents notions connected with resource structure of useful knowledge packages in metallurgical enterprise. Dependence between building competence of employees and using knowledge for the need of better efficiency of the enterprise was discussed here. ArcelorMittal Poland enterprise served as case study here due to the fact that it strives at World Class Management by putting emphasis on bringing areas of business activity to perfection through participation and involvement of employees

    The quality level of services provided in local government administration and local business development opportunities

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    The main objective of the research is to identify, analyse and evaluate the quality of services offered by local administration and level of satisfaction of local entrepreneurs and other stakeholders in terms of development prospects for investments. The main problems include: long delays, lack of competence of the officials, absence of standards for handling various issues. Business sees the necessity for continuous bilateral efforts being made for improving the relations in order to build them mutually benefit. Officials expect honesty and assistance in solving problems

    Does the Johari-Goldstein β-Relaxation Exist in Polypropylene Glycols?

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    Secondary relaxations with properties closely related to the α-relaxation have fundamental importance in glass-forming substances including polymers. To distinguish these secondary relaxations from those involving intramolecular degrees of freedom, they are called the Johari-Goldstein (JG) β-relaxations. Acting as the precursor of the α-relaxation, the JG β-relaxation is supposedly ubiquitous in all glass-formers, a thesis supported by experiments on a variety of glass-formers. Notwithstanding, the JG β-relaxation has not been identified definitively in the hydroxyl-terminated polypropylene glycols (PPGs) with various molecular weights, despite these polymers have been intensively studied experimentally in the last several decades. The difficulty of finding the JG β-relaxation is due to the presence of a faster intramolecular -relaxation and a slower relaxation originating from residual water. This is demonstrated in two recent papers by Gainaru et al. Macromolecules 2010, 43, 1907, and Kaminski et al. Macromolecules 2013, 46, 1973. In this paper, we show the presence of the JG β-relaxation in the PPGs from the dielectric relaxation data by using the time honored criterion derived from the coupling model in conjunction with the observed anomalous temperature dependence of the -relaxation caused by merging with the JG β-relaxation, and new experimental data obtained by applying pressure on PPG4000 before and after drying the sample to remove the residual water. From the results, we conclude that the behavior of the PPGs is no different from the other glass-formers as far as the omnipresence of the JG β-relaxation is concerned

    Internal sources of risk in building employees’ attitudes of safe work in metallurgical enterprise

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    The aim of the article is the identification of the internal sources of risk in the process of improving the system of safety and work hygiene management. After conduction of the analysis the conclusion is that the significant source of risk in the process of improvement of safety and work hygiene management is the human factor and, in particular, the lack of employees’ awareness concerning the importance of their attitudes in the improvement of the system