4 research outputs found

    Job satisfaction among health professionals of Home Hospice for Children of Lodz Region

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    Background: Job satisfaction in palliative care proffesionals seems to be one of the most important factor for effectiveness and quality of care. The aim of this study was to evaluate job satisfaction in our team. Material and methods: The anonymous questionnaire designed specifically for the study was divided into six domains: evaluation of self-abilities, evaluation of job responsibility, relationships within the team, relationships with patients and their families, work organisation and social conditions and general work evaluation. All variables have been standardized to a range of 0 to 100 points. Results: Mean level of job satisfaction was evaluated as good. Mean results in all six domains were above 50 points. Highest level of satisfaction (above 75 points) was shown in the domain regarding relationship with patients and their families. Lowest level of satisfaction was shown in domains showing relationship within the team and general work evaluation. Conclusion: Highest job satisfaction could contribute to improve the quality of home palliative care Adv. Pall. Med. 2010; 9, 3: 67–72Background: Job satisfaction in palliative care proffesionals seems to be one of the most important factor for effectiveness and quality of care. The aim of this study was to evaluate job satisfaction in our team. Material and methods: The anonymous questionnaire designed specifically for the study was divided into six domains: evaluation of self-abilities, evaluation of job responsibility, relationships within the team, relationships with patients and their families, work organisation and social conditions and general work evaluation. All variables have been standardized to a range of 0 to 100 points. Results: Mean level of job satisfaction was evaluated as good. Mean results in all six domains were above 50 points. Highest level of satisfaction (above 75 points) was shown in the domain regarding relationship with patients and their families. Lowest level of satisfaction was shown in domains showing relationship within the team and general work evaluation. Conclusion: Highest job satisfaction could contribute to improve the quality of home palliative care Adv. Pall. Med. 2010; 9, 3: 67–7

    The impact of cystic fibrosis course on the physical activity of children with cystic fibrosis

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    Wst臋p. Chorzy na mukowiscydoz臋 maj膮 mniejsz膮 wydolno艣膰 wysi艂kow膮 w por贸wnaniu ze zdrow膮 populacj膮. Cel pracy. Celem badania by艂a ocena wp艂ywu przebiegu choroby na aktywno艣膰 fizyczn膮 dzieci chorych na mukowiscydoz臋. Materia艂 i metody. Badaniem obj臋to 20 dzieci chorych na mukowiscydoz臋 w wieku 8–18 lat, w tym 11 dziewczynek i 9 ch艂opc贸w. W celu zbadania wp艂ywu przebiegu choroby na aktywno艣膰 fizyczn膮 dzieci chorych na mukowiscydoz臋 wykorzystano kwestionariusz, jakim by艂a anonimowa ankieta skierowana do chorych. W pracy pos艂u偶ono si臋 r贸wnie偶 wynikami bada艅 spirometrycznych, z kt贸rych wykorzystano warto艣ci pomiaru FEV1. Wyniki. Wykazano, 偶e czynno艣ci dnia codziennego, takie jak mycie, ubieranie, sprz膮tanie, spo偶ywanie posi艂k贸w jedynie w nielicznych przypadkach sprawiaj膮 trudno艣ci badanym dzieciom chorym na mukowiscydoz臋. Ograniczenia te dotyczy艂y g艂贸wnie pacjent贸w w zaawansowanym stadium choroby. Badane dzieci chore na mukowiscydoz臋 nie uprawia艂y sport贸w wysi艂kowych, wykonywa艂y za艣 膰wiczenia og贸lnorozwojowe. Wnioski. Ze wzgl臋du na cz臋ste hospitalizacje i przyjmowane leki oraz obni偶on膮 wydolno艣膰 fizyczn膮 mukowiscydoza mia艂a negatywny wp艂yw na uczestnictwo badanych dzieci w lekcjach wychowania fizycznego w szkole. Im wi臋ksza by艂a roczna cz臋sto艣膰 hospitalizacji i antybiotykoterapii u badanych pacjent贸w chorych na mukowiscydoz臋, tym mniejsza by艂a ich aktywno艣膰 fizyczna i og贸lna sprawno艣膰. Problemy Piel臋gniarstwa 2011; 19 (1): 39–46Introduction. Patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) have decreased physical efficiency compared to healthy population. Aim of the study. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of the CF course on physical activity in children with diagnosed CF. Material and methods. Participants were 20 children with CF, aged 8–18 years old, 11 girs and 9 boys. We used anonymous questionnaire directed to patients in order to assess the impact of the CF course on physical activity in children with diagnosed CF. We also used spirometric lung function parameter, namely FEV1. Results. We showed that every day activitiesnamely washing, dressing up, cleaning up, eating only in numerous cases seem troublesome for studied children with CF. These limitations were related to patients in advanced stage of CF. Studied children with CF did not practice heavy exercises but rather general developmental exercises. Conclusions. Due to frequent hospitalisations, drugs taken and decreased physical efficiency cystic fibrosis showed negative impact on the attendance of patients to physical exercise lesssons in school. Higher annual number of hospitalisations and annual number of antibiotic courses were correlated with were the lower physical activity and general efficiency of the patients were. Nursing Topics 2011; 19 (1): 39–4