3 research outputs found

    Thermal Phenomena in the Friction Process of the TG15 - Hard Anodic Coating Couple

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    The paper presents a one-dimensional model of heat conduction in a couple consisting of a cylinder made of a sliding plastic material, TG15, and a cuboid made of alloy AW 6061 coated with a hard anodic coating, where the couple is heated with the heat generated during friction. TG15 is a composite material based on polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) with a 15% graphite filler, used for piston rings in oil-free air-compressors. Measurement of temperature in the friction zone is extremely important for the understanding and analysis of the phenomena occurring therein. It is practically impossible to introduce a temperature sensor in such a place. Therefore, the interaction taking place in such a couple was modelled using numerical methods. In order to simplify and accelerate the calculations, a one-dimensional model and constant thermophysical parameters of the materials participating in friction were adopted. To solve the proposed model, the finite difference method was used (FDM). The resultant system of equations was solved by means of an explicit scheme

    Przypadki niedro偶no艣ci 偶贸艂ciowej jelita cienkiego w materiale w艂asnym Oddzia艂u Chirurgicznego Szpitala Og贸lnego w Wysokiem Mazowieckiem

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    A case of bowel obstruction in two female patients is reported. Pre-operative diagnostic of abdominal pain during bowel obstruction showed a huge gallstone in small intestine only in one of patients. Both patients were operated - laparoscopy. The postoperative course was uneventful .W poni偶szej pracy przedstawiono 2 przypadki chorych operowanych z powodu niedro偶no艣ci 偶贸艂ciowej jelita cienkiego w 2016 roku w Oddziale Chirurgicznym Szpitala Og贸lnego w Wysokiem Mazowieckiem. W czasie diagnostyki dolegliwo艣ci b贸lowych jamy brzusznej towarzysz膮cych niedro偶no艣ci przewodu pokarmowego tylko u jednej z pacjentek badanie obrazowe sugerowa艂o obecno艣膰 du偶ego z艂ogu w jelicie cienkim. Obie chore operowane laparoskopowo .Nie zaobserwowano powik艂a艅 pooperacyjnych