384 research outputs found

    Nowa technologia identyfikacji zbiorów.

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    Na początku maja 2015 roku w Bibliotece Budownictwa i Architektury został zainstalowany nowy system do kontroli księgozbioru, nazywany RFID (ang. Radio-frequency identification). Jego głównym zadaniem jest ułatwienie wypożyczania oraz zwrotu książek, a przede wszystkim zabezpieczenie przed kradzieżą

    Jubileusz Biblioteki Budownictwa i Architektury

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    Artykuł zamieszczony jest w : Życie Uczelni : biuletyn informacyjny Politechniki Łódzkiej, nr 154, grudzień 2020W bieżącym roku obchodzimy jubileusz 50-lecia funkcjonowania biblioteki na Wydziale Budownictwa, Architektury i Inżynierii Środowiska. Mimo licznych zmian ustrojowych i środowiskowych biblioteka przetrwała do obecnych czasów, służąc pracownikom i studentom Politechniki Łódzkiej, a także użytkownikom spoza uczelni

    Beyond Grids: Exploring Elastic Input Sampling for Vision Transformers

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    Vision transformers have excelled in various computer vision tasks but mostly rely on rigid input sampling using a fixed-size grid of patches. This limits their applicability in real-world problems, such as in the field of robotics and UAVs, where one can utilize higher input elasticity to boost model performance and efficiency. Our paper addresses this limitation by formalizing the concept of input elasticity for vision transformers and introducing an evaluation protocol, including dedicated metrics for measuring input elasticity. Moreover, we propose modifications to the transformer architecture and training regime, which increase its elasticity. Through extensive experimentation, we spotlight opportunities and challenges associated with input sampling strategies

    Integracja finansowa w Europie po wprowadzeniu euro. Przegląd literatury

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    The introduction of the euro was one of the most important events in the process of European integration, especially in the financial sector. However, next to its many advantages, the joint currency and single monetary policy increased the probability of property bubbles in the EU low income countries. The excessive speculations, which resulted in the burst of the US property bubble, the financial crisis, as well as the fiscal problems and the recession in Europe in 2010, uncovered the weaknesses of the financial integration and the inability of the European financial system to absorb large shocks. The financial losses, and the risk that some banks and moreover, even some euro zone member countries might become insolvent, underlined the existence of large systemic risks. As a result, cross border lending declined, the European credit market was affected negatively and the uncertainty concerning the stability of the euro increased. The second phase of the crisis in Europe was a starting point to develop some new international solutions to those problems aimed at increasing the stability of the European financial system. Our paper presents an overview of the literature on the advancement of financial integration in the euro zone, as well as in other regions including Poland. The concluding part of this review summarizes also the results of own research of its authors

    Derivation of the Supermolecular Interaction Energy from the Monomer Densities in the Density Functional Theory

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    The density functional theory (DFT) interaction energy of a dimer is rigorously derived from the monomer densities. To this end, the supermolecular energy bifunctional is formulated in terms of mutually orthogonal sets of orbitals of the constituent monomers. The orthogonality condition is preserved in the solution of the Kohn-Sham equations through the Pauli blockade method. Numerical implementation of the method provides interaction energies which agree with those obtained from standard supermolecular calculations within less than 0.1% error for three example functionals: Slater-Dirac, PBE0 and B3LYP, and for two model van der Waals dimers: Ne2 and (C2H4)2, and two model H-bond complexes: (HF)2 and (NH3)2.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, REVTeX