9 research outputs found

    Dynamical system analysis of unstable flow phenomena in centrifugal blower

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    Methods of dynamical system analysis were employed to analyze unsteady phenomena in a centrifugal blower. Pressure signals gathered at different control points were decomposed into their Principal Components (PCs) by means of Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA). Certain number of PCs was considered in the analysis based on their statistical correlation. Projection of the original signal onto its PCs allowed to draw the phase trajectory that clearly separated non-stable blower working conditions from its regular operation

    Politechnika współtworzy system separacji mikroalg

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    Artykuł zamieszczony jest w : Życie Uczelni : biuletyn informacyjny Politechniki Łódzkiej, nr 155, Luty 2021Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju opublikowało listę rankingową projektów finansowanych w ramach konkursu „Szybka Ścieżka” na badania przemysłowe i prace rozwojowe realizowane przez przedsiębiorstwa. Na czele listy, z wynikiem 16/16 znalazł się biotechnologiczny start-up uFraction8 PL, który będzie realizował projekt wspólnie z Instytutem Maszyn Przepływowych Politechniki Łódzkiej oraz firmami Pintech Quantum i Get Models Now

    Sensitivity Study of Greitzer Model Based on Physical System Parameters of Radial Compressing Units

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    Centrifugal compressors are key elements of energy systems and industrial installations including fluid flow. Their operating range is strictly limited by the surge phenomenon. The Greitzer model is a known way of simulating the compressor’s behaviour at the surge. In this paper, the parametric study of different versions of the Greitzer model is conducted. There are several versions of this model that include 4 to 2 equation models. The system behaviour depends on the features of the compressor itself as well as of the plenum. In this paper, all terms connected with the compressor were grouped into the “Co” parameter, while those associated with the plenum were grouped into the “Pl” parameter. The study shows how each component influences the system stability. The comparison of analytical data with experimental results allowed to draw conclusions regarding the way of choosing the model parameters that provide the best simulation of the real system behaviour. The study shows that the system is well simulated by a model with relatively large values of the Lc parameter. The length of the compressor parameter Lc=3.57 m was performing well for the machine with impeller radius 0.33 m. Possible explanations of this finding are presented and compared to the state of the art. This result may provide possible help in adjusting the model parameters for other machines and designing reliable anti-surge systems based on the Greitzer model suited to energy conversion systems

    Study of the Greitzer Model for Centrifugal Compressors: Variable Lc Parameter and Two Types of Surge

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    In this paper, the Greitzer surge model was systematically analysed with the model compressor duct length Lc as the tuning parameter. The surge phenomenon is known to induce a serious risk to centrifugal compressor operation. The two-dimensional Greitzer model is a well-established way of modelling this dangerous instability, but the determination and changes of the model parameters are still being discussed. In this paper an automated procedure determines the Lc value providing the best fit with the experimental data has been presented. The algorithm was tested on five valve positions and revealed that the best fit was obtained for different Lc values following a linear trend against the mass flow rate. The study has also shown that the Greitzer model has two solutions for a given pressure oscillation amplitude: one similar to the deep surge (low Lc) and one similar to the mild surge (low Lc). This suggests that this model can be used to simulate both types of the phenomenon known from the experimental analyses. The study proposes the dimensionless average pressure as the parameter allowing to distinguish which surge cycle was observed at a given instance. Past papers were analysed to observe the surge type that appeared in different experiments. It was found that most researchers obtained low Lc surge. The results show that both deep and mild surge could be simulated with the Greitzer model. It also revealed that the Lc should not be treated as a constant value for a given machine and that it changes with the mass flow rate

    Czasopisma naukowe UŁ. Wyzwania i perspektywy. Materiały promocyjne

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    Materiały szkoleniowe z seminarium "Czasopisma naukowe UŁ. Wyzwania i perspektywy" 23-24 listopada 2016.Zadanie "Digitalizacja publikacji i monografii naukowych w celu zapewnienia i utrzymania otwartego dostępu do nich przez sieć Internet" finansowane w ramach umowy nr 948/P-DUN/2016 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę

    Comparison of Empirical Mode Decomposition and Singular Spectrum Analysis for Quick and Robust Detection of Aerodynamic Instabilities in Centrifugal Compressors

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    Aerodynamic instabilities in centrifugal compressors are dangerous phenomena affecting machine efficiency and in severe cases leading to failure of the compressing system. Quick and robust instability detection during compressor operation is a challenge of utmost importance from an economical and safety point of view. Rapid indication of instabilities can be obtained using a pressure signal from the compressor. Detection of aerodynamic instabilities using pressure signal results in specific challenges, as the signal is often highly contaminated with noise, which can influence the performance of detection methods. The aim of this study is to investigate and compare the performance of two non-linear signal processing methods—Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA)—for aerodynamic instability detection. Two instabilities of different character, local—inlet recirculation and global—surge, are considered. The comparison focuses on the robustness, sensitivity and pace of detection—crucial parameters for a successful detection method. It is shown that both EMD and SSA perform similarly for the analysed machine, despite different underlying principles of the methods. Both EMD and SSA have great potential for instabilities detection, but tuning of their parameters is important for robust detection

    Two-Dimensional URANS Numerical Investigation of Critical Parameters on a Pitch Oscillating VAWT Airfoil under Dynamic Stall

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    In this paper, a thorough 2D unsteady computational fluid dynamic analysis was performed on a pitching airfoil to properly comprehend the dynamic stall and aerodynamic forces. The computational software ANSYS Fluent was used to solve the unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations. Low Reynolds number flows were modeled using the k-ω shear stress transport turbulence model. Aerodynamic forces, fluid flow structures, and flow separation delay angles were explored as a function of the Reynolds number, reduced frequency, oscillation amplitude, and mean angle of attack. The maximum aerodynamic forces, including lift, drag, and the onset of the dynamic stall, were all influenced by these variables. The critical parameters that influenced the optimum aerodynamic forces and ended up causing dynamic stall delay were oscillation amplitude and mean angle of attack. The stall angle was raised by 9° and 6°, respectively, and a large increment in the lift coefficient was also noted in both cases. Additionally, for the highest Reynolds number, a considerable rise in the maximum lift coefficient of 20% and a 28% drop in drag coefficient were observed, with a 1.5° delay in the stall angle. Furthermore, a significant increase of 33% in the lift force was seen with a rise of 4.5° in the stall angle in the case of reduced frequency

    Unstable Flow Structures Present at Different Rotational Velocities of the Centrifugal Compressor

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    Unstable flow structures cause inevitable energy losses in all power energy systems, including turbomachines. In this study, a set of analyses was conducted with the use of spectral maps on the pressure signals obtained from an industrial centrifugal compressor. The spectral maps provide one a detailed visualization of the flow conditions present in the machine along the performance curve and to distinguish the flow phenomena present prior to the surge. The method accuracy is especially useful in detecting the inlet recirculation. The study was conducted at four impeller rotational speeds with varying loads imposed by a valve at the outlet. At each speed, the machine experienced different stages of unstable flow conditions prior to the surge. Five main frequency peaks that appeared in all cases were identified and discussed. The surge was observed at all impeller speeds. At lower ones, however, it appeared at higher valve closures. At higher speeds, the surge was much more intense. The study has also shown that the inlet recirculation appears also for the closed-type industrial impeller. The phenomenon was present in all conditions. The higher impeller speed, the faster onset of the inlet recirculation was. This structure has a strong potential for an early instability warning because it appears in various types of impellers, has a very particular spectral structure and its positioning is very predictable. This study gives another example of the inlet recirculation universality and potential for efficient anti-surge protection