2 research outputs found
The structure and content of the achievements portfolio of university students
Introduction of the portfolio into the educational process requires precise regulation, systematization of its structure and content to attract students for filling it. The more students fill in the portfolio, the better becomes the quality of learning process. There were applied analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction for the purpose of studying the subject. The article denotes several definitions of the concept of portfolio. As a result, its essence was determined. The requirements for students have been established to fill it.
Based on the “Regulations on the Portfolio of Achievements of Students of Kozma Minin Nizhniy Novgorod State Pedagogical University”, the functions of the portfolio were identified, and their content disclosed. The sections are given that are filled by students as well: educational activities, professional, research, public, cultural and creative, sports. According to our study it is worth to conclude that to improve the quality of education, the portfolio should be based on the principles of continuity, diagnostics, problem orientation, technological traceability criteria, scientific.
It should have a clear structure and logical sequence of sections. As we have shown, the portfolio performs many pedagogical functions and has a positive effect on the personality of each student. The result of systematic participation in the compilation of a student's portfolio is developed abilities for self-organization, discipline, responsibility, the identification of strengths and weaknesses, and the elimination of learning gaps.peer-reviewe