93 research outputs found

    Manufacturing knowledge sharing in PLM: a progression towards the use of heavy weight ontologies

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    The drive to maximize the potential benefits of decision support systems continues to increase as industry is continually driven by the competitive needs of operating in dynamic global environments. The more extensive information support tools which are becoming available in the PLM world appear to have great potential but require a substantial overhead in their configuration. However, sharing information and knowledge in cross-disciplinary teams and across system and company boundaries is not straightforward and there is a clear need for more effective frameworks for information and knowledge sharing if new product development processes are to have effective ICT support. This paper presents a view of the current status of manufacturing information sharing using light-weight ontologies and goes on to discuss the potential for heavyweight ontological engineering approaches such as the Process Specification Language (PSL). It explains why such languages are needed and how they provide an important step towards process knowledge sharing. Machining examples are used to illustrate how PSL provides a rigorous basis for process knowledge sharing and subsequently to illustrate the value of linking foundation and domain ontologies to provide a basis for multi-context knowledge sharing

    Structure and mechanism of protein tyrosine phosphatase-like phytases

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    xix, 148 leaves : ill. (some col.) ; 29 cmThe structure and mechanism of the Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase-like Phytases (PTPLPs) from Selenomonas ruminantium (PhyAsr) and Mitsuokella multacida (PhyAmm) were investigated using a combination of enzyme kinetics, site-directed mutagenesis, and X-ray crystallography. I show that PTPLPs use a classical protein tyrosine phosphatase catalytic mechanism and adopt a core PTP fold. Several unique structural features of PTPLPs confer specificity for inositol phosphates. The effect of ionic strength and oxidation on the kinetics and structure of PTPLPs was investigated. The structural consequences of reversible and irreversible oxidation on PTPLPs and PTPs are compared and discussed. We determine the structural basis of substrate specificity in PTPLPs and propose a novel reaction mechanism for the hydrolysis of inositol polyphosphates by PTPLPs. Finally, the structure and function of a unique tandemly repeated phytase has been determined. We show that the active sites of the tandem repeat possess significantly different specificities for inositol polyphosphate

    Healthcare provider-led interventions to support medication adherence following ACS:a meta-analysis

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    The efficiency with which the anaerobic fungi (phylum Neocallimastigomycota) degrade plant biomass is well-recognized and in recent years has received renewed interest. To further understand the biological mechanisms that are utilized by the rumen anaerobic fungi to break down lignocellulose, we have used a transcriptomic approach to examine carbohydrate digestion by Neocallimastix frontalis, Piromyces rhizinflata, Orpinomyces joyonii, and Anaeromyces mucronatus cultured on several carbon sources. The number of predicted unique transcripts ranged from 6,633 to 12,751. Pfam domains were identified in 62–70% of the fungal proteins and were linked to gene ontology terms to infer the biological function of the transcripts. Most of the predicted functions are consistent across species suggesting a similar overall strategy evolved for successful colonization of the rumen. However, the presence of differential profiles in enzyme classes suggests that there may be also be niche specialization. All fungal species were found to express an extensive array of transcripts encoding carbohydrate active enzymes (CAZymes) ranging from 8.3 to 11.3% of the transcriptome. CAZyme families involved in hemicellulose digestion were the most abundant across all four fungi. This study provides additional insight into how anaerobic fungi have evolved to become specialists at breaking down the plant cell wall in the complex and, strictly anaerobic rumen ecosystem

    Evaluation of the red seaweed Mazzaella japonica as a feed additive for beef cattle

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    Supplementing ruminant diets with macroalgae is gaining interest globally because bromoform-containing seaweeds (e.g., Asparagopsis spp.) have been shown to be highly effective enteric methane (CH4) inhibitors. Some alternative seaweeds decrease in vitro CH4 production, but few have been evaluated in animals. This study examined the effects of including the red seaweed Mazzaella japonica in the diet of beef cattle on dry matter intake (DMI), rumen fermentation, digestibility, nitrogen (N) utilization, and enteric CH4 production. Six ruminally cannulated, mature beef heifers (824 ± 47.1 kg) were used in a double 3 × 3 Latin square with 35-d periods. The basal diet consisted of 52% barley silage, 44% barley straw, and 4% vitamin and mineral supplement [dry matter (DM) basis]. The treatments were (DM basis): 0% (control), 1%, and 2% M. japonica. The DMI increased quadratically (P = 0.025) with the inclusion of M. japonica, such that the DMI of heifers consuming 1% was greater (P < 0.05) than that of control heifers. The apparent total-tract digestibility of DM decreased linearly (P = 0.002) with the inclusion of M. japonica, but there were no treatment differences in the digestibility of organic matter, crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber, or starch. The level of M. japonica linearly (P < 0.001) increased the N intake of the heifers. Fecal N excretion linearly increased (P = 0.020) with M. japonica, but there were no differences in total urinary N excretion, N fractions (allantoin, uric acid), total purine derivatives, microbial purine derivatives absorbed, microbial N flow, or retained N. There were no treatment effects on rumen pH or total volatile fatty acids (VFAs); however, adding M. japonica to the diet quadratically (P = 0.023) decreased the proportion of acetate, whereas 1% inclusion decreased the acetate proportion. Methane production (g/day) decreased quadratically (P = 0.037), such that the heifers receiving 2% M. japonica produced 9.2% less CH4 than control animals; however, CH4 yield (g/kg DMI) did not differ among treatments. We conclude that supplementing a forage-based diet with up to 2% M. japonica failed to lower the enteric CH4 yield of beef heifers. M. japonica can be used in diets to help meet the CP requirements of cattle, but inclusion rates may be limited by high inorganic matter proportions. When comprising up to 2% of the diet, M. japonica cannot be recommended as a CH4 inhibitor for beef cattle fed on high-forage diets

    Kinetic and structural analysis of a bacterial protein tyrosine phosphatase-like myo-inositol polyphosphatase. Protein Sci

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    Abstract PhyA from Selenomonas ruminantium (PhyAsr), is a bacterial protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP)-like inositol polyphosphate phosphatase (IPPase) that is distantly related to known PTPs. PhyAsr has a second substrate binding site referred to as a standby site and the P-loop (HCX 5 R) has been observed in both open (inactive) and closed (active) conformations. Site-directed mutagenesis and kinetic and structural studies indicate PhyAsr follows a classical PTP mechanism of hydrolysis and has a broad specificity toward polyphosphorylated myo-inositol substrates, including phosphoinositides. Kinetic and molecular docking experiments demonstrate PhyAsr preferentially cleaves the 3-phosphate position of Ins P 6 and will produce Ins(2)P via a highly ordered series of sequential dephosphorylations: D-Ins(1,2,4,5,6)P 5 , Ins(2,4,5,6)P 4 , D-Ins(2,4,5)P 3 , and D-Ins(2,4)P 2 . The data support a distributive enzyme mechanism and suggest the PhyAsr standby site is involved in the recruitment of substrate. Structural studies at physiological pH and high salt concentrations demonstrate the ''closed'' or active P-loop conformation can be induced in the absence of substrate. These results suggest PhyAsr should be reclassified as a D-3 myo-inositol hexakisphosphate phosphohydrolase and suggest the PhyAsr reaction mechanism is more similar to that of PTPs than previously suspected. Keywords: inositol polyphosphate phosphatase; protein tyrosine phosphatase; phosphoinositide phosphatase; phytase; myo-inositol; P-loop; hydrolysis pathway Supplemental material: see www.proteinscience.org Protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) superfamily enzymes have been discovered in a range of prokaryotes, and most appear to serve roles that mimic their better-known eukaryotic counterparts as regulators of cellular function The X-ray crystallographic structure of PhyAsr Article published online ahead of print. Article and publication date are at http://www.proteinscience.org/cg

    Structural and biochemical analysis of a unique phosphatase from Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus reveals its structural and functional relationship with the protein tyrosine phosphatase class of phytase

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    Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus is an unusual δ-proteobacterium that invades and preys on other Gram-negative bacteria and is of potential interest as a whole cell therapeutic against pathogens of man, animals and crops. PTPs (protein tyrosine phosphatases) are an important class of enzyme involved in desphosphorylating a variety of substrates, often with implications in cell signaling. The B. bacteriovorus open reading frame Bd1204 is predicted to encode a PTP of unknown function. Bd1204 is both structurally and mechanistically related to the PTP-like phytase (PTPLP) class of enzymes and possesses a number of unique properties not observed in any other PTPLPs characterized to date. Bd1204 does not display catalytic activity against some common protein tyrosine phosphatase substrates but is highly specific for hydrolysis of phosphomonoester bonds of inositol hexakisphosphate. The structure reveals that Bd1204 has the smallest and least electropositive active site of all characterized PTPLPs to date yet possesses a unique substrate specificity characterized by a strict preference for inositol hexakisphosphate. These two active site features are believed to be the most significant contributors to the specificity of phytate degrading enzymes. We speculate that Bd1204 may be involved in phosphate acquisition outside of prey

    Comparative analysis of macroalgae supplementation on the rumen microbial community: Asparagopsis taxiformis inhibits major ruminal methanogenic, fibrolytic, and volatile fatty acid-producing microbes in vitro

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    Seaweeds have received a great deal of attention recently for their potential as methane-suppressing feed additives in ruminants. To date, Asparagopsis taxiformis has proven a potent enteric methane inhibitor, but it is a priority to identify local seaweed varieties that hold similar properties. It is essential that any methane inhibitor does not compromise the function of the rumen microbiome. In this study, we conducted an in vitro experiment using the RUSITEC system to evaluate the impact of three red seaweeds, A. taxiformis, Palmaria mollis, and Mazzaella japonica, on rumen prokaryotic communities. 16S rRNA sequencing showed that A. taxiformis had a profound effect on the microbiome, particularly on methanogens. Weighted Unifrac distances showed significant separation of A. taxiformis samples from the control and other seaweeds (p < 0.05). Neither P. mollis nor M. japonica had a substantial effect on the microbiome (p > 0.05). A. taxiformis reduced the abundance of all major archaeal species (p < 0.05), leading to an almost total disappearance of the methanogens. Prominent fiber-degrading and volatile fatty acid (VFA)-producing bacteria including Fibrobacter and Ruminococcus were also inhibited by A. taxiformis (p < 0.05), as were other genera involved in propionate production. The relative abundance of several other bacteria including Prevotella, Bifidobacterium, Succinivibrio, Ruminobacter, and unclassified Lachnospiraceae were increased by A. taxiformis suggesting that the rumen microbiome adapted to an initial perturbation. Our study provides baseline knowledge of microbial dynamics in response to seaweed feeding over an extended period and suggests that feeding A. taxiformis to cattle to reduce methane may directly, or indirectly, inhibit important fiber-degrading and VFA-producing bacteria

    Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii accelerates intestinal microbiota maturation and is correlated with increased secretory IgA production in neonatal dairy calves

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    Neonatal calves have a limited capacity to initiate immune responses due to a relatively immature adaptive immune system, which renders them susceptible to many on-farm diseases. At birth, the mucosal surfaces of the intestine are rapidly colonized by microbes in a process that promotes mucosal immunity and primes the development of the adaptive immune system. In a companion study, our group demonstrated that supplementation of a live yeast probiotic, Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii (SCB) CNCM I-1079, to calves from birth to 1 week of age stimulates secretory IgA (sIgA) production in the intestine. The objective of the study was to evaluate how SCB supplementation impacts the intestinal microbiota of one-week-old male calves, and how changes in the bacterial community in the intestine relate to the increase in secretory IgA. A total of 20 calves were randomly allocated to one of two treatments at birth: Control (CON, n = 10) fed at 5 g/d of carrier with no live yeast; and SCB (n = 10) fed at 5 g of live SCB per day (10 × 109 CFU/d). Our study revealed that supplementing calves with SCB from birth to 1 week of age had its most marked effects in the ileum, increasing species richness and phylogenetic diversity in addition to expediting the transition to a more interconnected bacterial community. Furthermore, LEfSe analysis revealed that there were several differentially abundant taxa between treatments and that SCB increased the relative abundance the family Eubacteriaceae, Corynebacteriaceae, Eggerthellaceae, Bacillaceae, and Ruminococcaceae. Furthermore, network analysis suggests that SCB promoted a more stable bacterial community and appears to reduce colonization with Shigella. Lastly, we observed that the probiotic-driven increase in microbial diversity was highly correlated with the enhanced secretory IgA capacity of the ileum, suggesting that the calf’s gut mucosal immune system relies on the development of a stable and highly diverse microbial community to provide the necessary cues to train and promote its proper function. In summary, this data shows that supplementation of SCB promoted establishment of a diverse and interconnected microbiota, prevented colonization of Escherichia Shigella and indicates a possible role in stimulating humoral mucosal immunity
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