8,158 research outputs found

    Automorphism groups of polycyclic-by-finite groups and arithmetic groups

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    We show that the outer automorphism group of a polycyclic-by-finite group is an arithmetic group. This result follows from a detailed structural analysis of the automorphism groups of such groups. We use an extended version of the theory of the algebraic hull functor initiated by Mostow. We thus make applicable refined methods from the theory of algebraic and arithmetic groups. We also construct examples of polycyclic-by-finite groups which have an automorphism group which does not contain an arithmetic group of finite index. Finally we discuss applications of our results to the groups of homotopy self-equivalences of K(\Gamma, 1)-spaces and obtain an extension of arithmeticity results of Sullivan in rational homotopy theory

    AdS Strings with Torsion: Non-complex Heterotic Compactifications

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    Combining the effects of fluxes and gaugino condensation in heterotic supergravity, we use a ten-dimensional approach to find a new class of four-dimensional supersymmetric AdS compactifications on almost-Hermitian manifolds of SU(3) structure. Computation of the torsion allows a classification of the internal geometry, which for a particular combination of fluxes and condensate, is nearly Kahler. We argue that all moduli are fixed, and we show that the Kahler potential and superpotential proposed in the literature yield the correct AdS radius. In the nearly Kahler case, we are able to solve the H Bianchi using a nonstandard embedding. Finally, we point out subtleties in deriving the effective superpotential and understanding the heterotic supergravity in the presence of a gaugino condensate.Comment: 42 pages; v2. added refs, revised discussion of Bianchi for N

    Ulta-slow relaxation in discontinuous-film based electron glasses

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    We present field effect measurements on discontinuous 2D thin films which are composed of a sub monolayer of nano-grains of Au, Ni, Ag or Al. Like other electron glasses these systems exhibit slow conductance relaxation and memory effects. However, unlike other systems, the discontinuous films exhibit a dramatic slowing down of the dynamics below a characteristic temperature T∗T^*. T∗T^* is typically between 10-50K and is sample dependent. For T<T∗T<T^* the sample exhibits a few other peculiar features such as repeatable conductance fluctuations in millimeter size samples. We suggest that the enhanced system sluggishness is related to the current carrying network becoming very dilute in discontinuous films so that the system contains many parts which are electrically very weakly connected and the transport is dominated by very few weak links. This enables studying the glassy properties of the sample as it transitions from a macroscopic sample to a mesocopic sample, hence, the results provide new insight on the underlying physics of electron glasses.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Neural Correlates of Structure-from-Motion Perception in Macaque V1 and MT

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    Structure-from-motion (SFM) is the perception of three-dimensional shape from motion cues. We used a bistable SFM stimulus, which can be perceived in one of two different ways, to study how neural activity in cortical areas V1 and MT is related to SFM perception. Monkeys performed a depth-order task, where they indicated in which direction the front surface of a rotating SFM cylinder display was moving. To prevent contamination of the neural data because of eye position effects, all experiments with significant effects of radius, vergence, and velocity were excluded. As expected, the activity of ∼50% of neurons in V1 and ∼80% of neurons in MT is affected by the stimulus. Furthermore, the activity of 20% of neurons in area V1 is modulated with the percept. This proportion is higher in MT, where the activity of >60% of neurons is modulated with the percept. In both areas, this perceptual modulation occurs only in neurons with activity that is also affected by the stimulus. The perceptual modulation is not correlated with neural tuning properties in area V1, but it is in area MT. Together, these results suggest that V1 is not directly involved in the generation of the SFM percept, whereas MT is. The perceptual modulation in V1 may be attributable to top-down feedback from MT

    Bioenergetic Consequences of PINK1 Mutations in Parkinson Disease

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    Background: Mutations of the gene for PTEN-induced kinase 1 (PINK1) are a cause of familial Parkinson's disease (PD). PINK1 protein has been localised to mitochondria and PINK1 gene knockout models exhibit abnormal mitochondrial function. The purpose of this study was to determine whether cells derived from PD patients with a range of PINK1 mutations demonstrate similar defects of mitochondrial function, whether the nature and severity of the abnormalities vary between mutations and correlate with clinical features.Methodology: We investigated mitochondrial bioenergetics in live fibroblasts from PINK1 mutation patients using single cell techniques. We found that fibroblasts from PINK1 mutation patients had significant defects of bioenergetics including reduced mitochondrial membrane potential, altered redox state, a respiratory deficiency that was determined by substrate availability, and enhanced sensitivity to calcium stimulation and associated mitochondrial permeability pore opening. There was an increase in the basal rate of free radical production in the mutant cells. The pattern and severity of abnormality varied between different mutations, and the less severe defects in these cells were associated with later age of onset of PD.Conclusions: The results provide insight into the molecular pathology of PINK1 mutations in PD and also confirm the critical role of substrate availability in determining the biochemical phenotype - thereby offering the potential for novel therapeutic strategies to circumvent these abnormalities

    Contractions of Low-Dimensional Lie Algebras

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    Theoretical background of continuous contractions of finite-dimensional Lie algebras is rigorously formulated and developed. In particular, known necessary criteria of contractions are collected and new criteria are proposed. A number of requisite invariant and semi-invariant quantities are calculated for wide classes of Lie algebras including all low-dimensional Lie algebras. An algorithm that allows one to handle one-parametric contractions is presented and applied to low-dimensional Lie algebras. As a result, all one-parametric continuous contractions for the both complex and real Lie algebras of dimensions not greater than four are constructed with intensive usage of necessary criteria of contractions and with studying correspondence between real and complex cases. Levels and co-levels of low-dimensional Lie algebras are discussed in detail. Properties of multi-parametric and repeated contractions are also investigated.Comment: 47 pages, 4 figures, revised versio

    Expansion in perfect groups

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    Let Ga be a subgroup of GL_d(Q) generated by a finite symmetric set S. For an integer q, denote by Ga_q the subgroup of Ga consisting of the elements that project to the unit element mod q. We prove that the Cayley graphs of Ga/Ga_q with respect to the generating set S form a family of expanders when q ranges over square-free integers with large prime divisors if and only if the connected component of the Zariski-closure of Ga is perfect.Comment: 62 pages, no figures, revision based on referee's comments: new ideas are explained in more details in the introduction, typos corrected, results and proofs unchange

    Improving Effective Surgical Delivery in Humanitarian Disasters: Lessons from Haiti

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    Kathryn Chu and colleagues describe the experiences of Médecins sans Frontières after the 2010 Haiti earthquake, and discuss how to improve delivery of surgery in humanitarian disasters
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