1,190 research outputs found

    Effect of deconfinement on resonant transport in quantum wires

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    The effect of deconfinement due to finite band offsets on transport through quantum wires with two constrictions is investigated. It is shown that the increase in resonance linewidth becomes increasingly important as the size is reduced and ultimately places an upper limit on the energy (temperature) scale for which resonances may be observed.Comment: 6 pages, 6 postscript files with figures; uses REVTe

    Exciton and negative trion dissociation by an external electric field in vertically coupled quantum dots

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    We study the Stark effect for an exciton confined in a pair of vertically coupled quantum dots. A single-band approximation for the hole and a parabolic lateral confinement potential are adopted which allows for the separation of the lateral center-of-mass motion and consequently for an exact numerical solution of the Schr\"odinger equation. We show that for intermediate tunnel coupling the external electric field leads to the dissociation of the exciton via an avoided crossing of bright and dark exciton energy levels which results in an atypical form of the Stark shift. The electric-field-induced dissociation of the negative trion is studied using the approximation of frozen lateral degrees of freedom. It is shown that in a symmetric system of coupled dots the trion is more stable against dissociation than the exciton. For an asymmetric system of coupled dots the trion dissociation is accompanied by a positive curvature of the recombination energy line as a function of the electric field.Comment: PRB - in prin

    Influence of symmetry and Coulomb-correlation effects on the optical properties of nitride quantum dots

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    The electronic and optical properties of self-assembled InN/GaN quantum dots (QDs) are investigated by means of a tight-binding model combined with configuration interaction calculations. Tight-binding single particle wave functions are used as a basis for computing Coulomb and dipole matrix elements. Within this framework, we analyze multi-exciton emission spectra for two different sizes of a lens-shaped InN/GaN QD with wurtzite crystal structure. The impact of the symmetry of the involved electron and hole one-particle states on the optical spectra is discussed in detail. Furthermore we show how the characteristic features of the spectra can be interpreted using a simplified Hamiltonian which provides analytical results for the interacting multi-exciton complexes. We predict a vanishing exciton and biexciton ground state emission for small lens-shaped InN/GaN QDs. For larger systems we report a bright ground state emission but with drastically reduced oscillator strengths caused by the quantum confined Stark effect.Comment: 15 pages, 17 figure

    Eight-band calculations of strained InAs/GaAs quantum dots compared with one, four, and six-band approximations

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    The electronic structure of pyramidal shaped InAs/GaAs quantum dots is calculated using an eight-band strain dependent kâ‹…p\bf k\cdot p Hamiltonian. The influence of strain on band energies and the conduction-band effective mass are examined. Single particle bound-state energies and exciton binding energies are computed as functions of island size. The eight-band results are compared with those for one, four and six bands, and with results from a one-band approximation in which m(r) is determined by the local value of the strain. The eight-band model predicts a lower ground state energy and a larger number of excited states than the other approximations.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, revtex, eps

    Study of the Negative Magneto-Resistance of Single Proton-Implanted Lithium-Doped ZnO Microwires

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    The magneto-transport properties of single proton-implanted ZnO and of Li(7\%)-doped ZnO microwires have been studied. The as-grown microwires were highly insulating and not magnetic. After proton implantation the Li(7\%) doped ZnO microwires showed a non monotonous behavior of the negative magneto-resistance (MR) at temperature above 150 K. This is in contrast to the monotonous NMR observed below 50 K for proton-implanted ZnO. The observed difference in the transport properties of the wires is related to the amount of stable Zn vacancies created at the near surface region by the proton implantation and Li doping. The magnetic field dependence of the resistance might be explained by the formation of a magnetic/non magnetic heterostructure in the wire after proton implantation.Comment: 6 pages with 5 figure

    Tight-Binding model for semiconductor nanostructures

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    An empirical scpa3s_cp^3_a tight-binding (TB) model is applied to the investigation of electronic states in semiconductor quantum dots. A basis set of three pp-orbitals at the anions and one ss-orbital at the cations is chosen. Matrix elements up to the second nearest neighbors and the spin-orbit coupling are included in our TB-model. The parametrization is chosen so that the effective masses, the spin-orbit-splitting and the gap energy of the bulk CdSe and ZnSe are reproduced. Within this reduced scpa3s_cp_a^3 TB-basis the valence (p-) bands are excellently reproduced and the conduction (s-) band is well reproduced close to the Γ\Gamma-point, i.e. near to the band gap. In terms of this model much larger systems can be described than within a (more realistic) sp3s∗sp^3s^*-basis. The quantum dot is modelled by using the (bulk) TB-parameters for the particular material at those sites occupied by atoms of this material. Within this TB-model we study pyramidal-shaped CdSe quantum dots embedded in a ZnSe matrix and free spherical CdSe quantum dots (nanocrystals). Strain-effects are included by using an appropriate model strain field. Within the TB-model, the strain-effects can be artifically switched off to investigate the infuence of strain on the bound electronic states and, in particular, their spatial orientation. The theoretical results for spherical nanocrystals are compared with data from tunneling spectroscopy and optical experiments. Furthermore the influence of the spin-orbit coupling is investigated

    Monitoring the spread of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in The Netherlands from a reference laboratory perspective

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    SummaryBackgroundIn The Netherlands, efforts to control meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in hospitals have been largely successful due to stringent screening of patients on admission and isolation of those that fall into defined risk categories. However, Dutch hospitals are not free of MRSA, and a considerable number of cases are found that do not belong to any of the risk categories. Some of these may be due to undetected nosocomial transmission, whereas others may be introduced from unknown reservoirs.AimIdentifying multi-institutional clusters of MRSA isolates to estimate the contribution of potential unobserved reservoirs in The Netherlands.MethodsWe applied a clustering algorithm that combines time, place, and genetics to routine data available for all MRSA isolates submitted to the Dutch Staphylococcal Reference Laboratory between 2008 and 2011 in order to map the geo-temporal distribution of MRSA clonal lineages in The Netherlands.FindingsOf the 2966 isolates lacking obvious risk factors, 579 were part of geo-temporal clusters, whereas 2387 were classified as MRSA of unknown origin (MUOs). We also observed marked differences in the proportion of isolates that belonged to geo-temporal clusters between specific multi-locus variable number of tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) clonal complexes, indicating lineage-specific transmissibility. The majority of clustered isolates (74%) were present in multi-institutional clusters.ConclusionThe frequency of MRSA of unknown origin among patients lacking obvious risk factors is an indication of a largely undefined extra-institutional but genetically highly diverse reservoir. Efforts to understand the emergence and spread of high-risk clones require the pooling of routine epidemiological information and typing data into central databases
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