38 research outputs found
"Jazig-szarmata leletek a Bánságból" : 80 évvel később
80 years passed since Mihály Párducz and András Alföldi have published the first list of all the ‘Sarmatian-Iazygian’ finds from Banat region, identifying 59 sites, based on brooches and chalcedony beads considered typical Sarmatian material. These discoveries were highly disputed at that time by the Romanian scholar Constantin Daicoviciu. His influential position and the historiographical discourse imposed by the Communist regime (according to which the Dacians are the forefathers of the modern Romanian nation) had a decisive impact on the further research of this matter among Romanian specialists, especially in the 70s and 80s of the last century, and even in the post-Communist period. As a result, the ancient inhabitants of Banat region were identified with a rural, DacoRoman population and the Banat lowlands were considered parts of Roman Dacia. The large archaeological excavations carried out in the last years (on the Timișoara-Arad and Arad-Nădlac motorways) and the Limes National Project confirmed the archaeological realities described in the 20th century by Mihály Párducz and other Hungarian researchers
Evaluarea indicilor electrofiziologici, PESS (Potenţiale evocate somato senzoriale), în calitate de indice al pronosticului de recuperare la pacienţii post stroke
Studiul are ca scop examinarea valorii testelor electrofi ziologice (examinarea PESS) în calitate de indice de pronostic pentru recuperarea în special motorie şi funcţională la pacienţii ce au suportat ictus cerebral. În concluzie s-a determinat că parametrii inregistraţi prin PESS prezintă un factor de pronostic independent, exactitatea căruia se amplifi că fi ind examinat în complex cu forţa musculară
Leziunea cerebrală postischemică. Efectul precondiţionării ischemice şi postcondiţionării ischemice înidentificarea potenţialelor strategii pentru tratamentul ictusului cerebral.Revista literaturii
Stupefi erea ţesutului cerebral ischemiat, fi ind tema fundamentală de cercetare a Laboratorului de Boli Cerebro-Vasculare şi Neurorecuperare a Institutului de Neurologie şi Neurochirurgie, au fost studiate practic toate publicaţiile ştiinţifi ce în domeniul neuroprotecţiei şi neuroplasticităţii din ultimii ani. Cunoştinţele obţinute, deschid noi perspective în vederea abordării problemei ischemiei cerebrale la diferite etape evolutive ale acesteia, precum şi noi strategii în abordarea problemei recuperării defectelor clinice induse de către această afectare a creierului. Ne propunem prin această revistă al literaturii să familiarizăm specialiştii neurologi, neurochirurgi, reanimatologi, dar şi pe cei din alte specialităţi medicale, practicieni precum şi pe cei din sfera de cercetare cu ultimele date referitoare la neuroprotecţie, atât a ţesutului necompromis, cât şi a celui lezat prin ischemie
Hodgkin lymphoma and secondary metachronous tumors
State University medical and Pharmaceutical ’’Nicolae Testemitanu”, Chisinau, Republic of MoldovaIntroduction: Hodgkin lymphoma is a malignant tumor of the lymphatic system. Hodgkin's
disease occurs predominantly in young adults and is one of the most curable malignancies. With
current treatment approaches, most patients achieve a lasting complete remission, but there is a high
risk of developing in these patients’ secondary malignant tumors, and the mortality is associated
with both radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Purpose and objectives: Researching metachronous malignancies in patients with Hodgkin
lymphoma and studying the frequency of their occurrence, depending of the age, sex, clinical
stages, histological forms, the administrated treatment for Hodgkin lymphoma and also the time
period for developing secondary malignancies.
Materials and Methods: Our study is based on 53 patients diagnosed and treated for
Hodgkin Lymphoma in Oncological Institute of Republic of Moldova, all the patients where in
complete remission when they developed secondary malignancy. In our study where 22 men and 31
women, with ages between 4 and 81 years.
Results: According to our study the number of patients diagnosed with Hodgkin's was the
highest in the age o f 11-21 for women (24,5%) and 21-31 for men (24,5%). The mix cellular form
of tumors was the most frequent (43,39%). The metachronous tumors are mostly revealed in the
stage IIA (39, 62%) of the disease. Our research carried out that there is a prevalence of a combined
chemo-radiotherapy method of treatment (52.83%). The maximum risk of developing secondary
metachronous tumors occurs over 11 to 20 years (46%), and the most frequently diagnosed tumors
where lung cancer (22,64%), gastric cancer (16,98%), breast cancer( 13,20%).
Conclusions: After treatment for Hodgkin's lymphoma in patients may develop secondary
metachronous tumors that occur more frequently in women aged 21-40 years at diagnosis of Hodgkin
lymphoma. Metachronous secondary tumors are identified mainly in patients diagnosed with stage IIA
Hodgkin lymphoma, histological variant most commonly diagnosed as mixed cellularity. The method of
treatment was chosen for the majority of patient’s chemo-radiotherapeutic. Period of development of
secondary tumors is 11-20 years after treatment for Hodgkin's lymphoma. Secondary malignancies after
Hodgkin Lymphoma can have different location
Foreign financial aid, both repayable and nonrepayable,
plays a key role in the economic development
trajectories of recipient countries as part of
Official Development Assistance (ODA). The effects,
whether positive or negative, can be observed in various
development indicators, the outcomes being influenced
by external factors (crises, political context). Despite the
ongoing debate and scholastic divergence, a gap in
empirical investigations persists, pertaining to the
assessment of the contribution of financial assistance
to the achievement of the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development. This research aims to fill that
gap by investigating the role of foreign assistance in
helping the Republic of Moldova reach its SDGs. The
applied methodology involves factorial analysis
correlated with statistical analysis. The research
underscores the indispensable role of financial assistance
in achieving sustainable development goals in the
case of the Republic of Moldova
Corelarea clinică între precondiţionarea ischemică cerebrală şi stupefierea ţesutului cerebral ischemiat
The study deals with stupefi ation fenomenon of cerebral tissue caused by internal carotid artery stenosis before and after endartectomy. Carotid endartherectomy was performed in the 15 patients with ischemic stroke, selected based on NASCET criteria, after expiration of conventional hours of therapeutic window. In this study were used following methods: neurological exam with sistematization of data according to Barthel index, investigations (cerebral CT and MRI), Doppler exam of carotid vessels, carotid angiography. The carotid endartherectomy initially being applied as method of secondary prevention of ischemic stroke, proved to be treatment option as well (signifi cant improvement of disability degree in ischemic stroke patients). The results of the study lead to the conclusion that ischemic cerebral tissue preserves the recuperation capacity after conventional hours of therapeutical window (stupefi ation fenomenon of ischemic cerebral tissue). This is the etiopatogenetic basis of the preconditioning fenomena of cerebral tissue largely described in the scientifi cal medical literature of the last period (animal models)
Distribuţia speciilor clinice de candida şi sensibilitatea acestora la antifungice
Background. Opportunistic infections of fungal origin are a challenge of the 21st century. The correct
identification of Candida species involved in human mycoses and testing of susceptibility to antifungals
are key elements in the management of these infections, especially in the case of antifungal
resistance Objective of the study. Analysis of the distribution and antifungal sensitivity patterns of
Candida species isolated from various pathological samples during the years 2017-2018. Material and
Methods. A descriptive study of Candida species distribution and antifungal susceptibility profile was
performed. Identification of isolated Candida species was performed by the MALDI-TOF system, and
antifungal susceptibility profiles by Fungitest (Bio-Rad SDP Paris, France). Results. Of the 83
recovered strains, Candida non albicans species predominated - 50.6% and Candida albicans constituted
49.4%. The most common species of the Candida non albicans, were C.parapsilosis (25.3%), C.glabrata
(12.0%) and C.krusei (4.8%). Analysis of antifungal susceptibility testing of the recovered strains was
found that 95.2% Candida spp. were susceptible to 5-fuorocytosine and 94.0% to ketoconazole and
intermediate susceptibility to miconazole 34.9%, itraconazole 15.7%. Candida species were resistant to
miconazole in 15.7% of the cases, and in 14.5% of cases each to amphotericin B and fluconazole, 9.6%
to itraconazole. Conclusion. C.albicans is the most frequently isolated fungal species, but there is also
an increase share of non-albicans Candida species such as C.parapsilosis. Introducere. Infecțiile oportuniste de origine fungică sunt o provocare a secolului XXI. Identificarea
corectă a speciilor Candida implicate în dezvoltarea micozelor umane, determinarea sensibilității la
antifungice sunt elemente cheie în gestionarea acestor infecții, în special în cazul rezistenței
antifungice. Scopul lucrării. Analiza distribuţiei și patternurilor de sensibilitate la antifungice a
speciilor de Candida izolate din diverse prelevate patologice pe parcursul anilor 2017-2018. Material
și Metode. A fost realizat un studiu descriptiv al distribuției speciilor de Candida și al profilului de
sensibilitate la antifungice. Identificarea speciilor de Candida izolate a fost realizată prin sistemul
MALDI-TOF, iar profilurile de susceptibilitate antifungică prin Fungitest (Bio-Rad SDP Paris,
Franta). Rezultate. Din 83 tulpini recuperate, au predominat speciile Candida non albicans cu 50,6%,
iar Candida albicans a constituit 49,4%. Din speciile de Candida non albicans, cele mai frecvente au fost
C.parapsilosis (25,3%), C.glabrata (12,0%) şi C.krusei (4,8%). Analizând rezultatele testării către
preparatele antifungice a tulpinilor recuperate, s-a observat că 95,2% izolatele au fost sensibile la 5-
fuorocytosina și 94,0% la ketoconazol. Speciile de Candida au fost rezistente la miconazol în 15,7%
cazuri, iar în câte 14,5% din cazuri fiecare la amfotericină B și fluconazol, 9,6% la itraconazol.
Concluzii. C.albicans reprezintă specia fungică cel mai frecvent izolată, însă se observă și creșterea
ponderii speciilor de Candida non-albicans, precum C.parapsilosis. Speciile de Candida au fost
rezistente la miconazol, amphotericină B și fluconazol
The role of the microbiological laboratory in diagnosing the resistance of microorganisms to antimicrobials: literature review
Introduction. The microbiology laboratory plays a fundamental role in the proper management of patients with infectious diseases. Strengthening the capacity of microbiological diagnosis is justified by its essential role in the diagnosis of specific infectious diseases and the establishment of targeted antimicrobial therapy. The aim. A literature analysis on the role of the microbiological laboratory in the diagnosis of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).Material and methods.To conduct the study, PubMed, WHO, and ECDC were researched using keywords such as AMR, microbiological diagnosis, and antimicrobial stewardship. We identified and analysed89 relevant publications from a pool of 235 studied sources. Results. To enhance the microbiological diagnostic capacity for antimicrobial resistance, a series of actions are necessary. Firstly, the legislative framework governing the organization and operation of laboratories needs elaboration. Currently, a national levelworking group is being established to formulate these regulations. This document will be tailored to the requirements of the health system and technological advancements, emphasizing swift diagnostic methods for guiding antimicrobial therapy. An essential intervention involves encouraging microbiologists to actively participate in managing infections in hospitalized patients as part of multidisciplinary teams, with a pivotal role in deciding antimicrobial therapy. International evidence highlights the significance of equipping laboratories with modern technology and updating guidelines and protocols to align with European standards. These actions have a direct impact on patient care and outcomes, influencing therapeutic decisions, controlling healthcare-associated infections, reducing hospital stays, and minimizing overall hospital costs. This, in turn, directly affects judicious antimicrobial prescribing efforts. Programs for the correct use of antimicrobial treatments should encompass activities ensuring the precise selection of an antibiotic regimen, daily dose, route of administration, interval between doses, and the duration of therapy. The goal is to achieve maximum clinical benefit in preventing or treating infections while minimizing adverse effects, toxicity, and the risk of selecting and promoting antibiotic resistance. Conclusions.Microbiology laboratories play a crucial role in detecting the etiological agent, standing at the forefront of identifying events with infectious origins. Testing should be conducted in laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and staffed by qualified personnel
Multiple ischemic stroke syndrome mimicking a tick-bite encephalitis: a case report
Background: Despite the advanced diagnostic procedures nowadays, doctors remain frequently challenged with difficulties in diagnosis
establishment. Some features of the patient’s history mislead even an experienced doctor.
Material and methods: case report of atypical stroke.
Results: A case of a 66-year-old man admitted to the Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery from a regional hospital with severe headache,
fever 38.5 C, vertigo, paresis in the left limbs, dysarthria. The patient periodically presented blood pressure spikes and generalized shivers, which
hardly responded to hypotensive and antipyretic drugs.
Because of the high fever, history of tick bite 2 months before the admission, absence of pathological imaging on the CT scan on admission, the
patient was primarily diagnosed with Encephalitis. Lumbar puncture, blood cultures and antibiogram were performed with no pathological
findings. The MRI performed on the third day after admission showed multiple sub-acute ischemic zones. Echo-CG discovered an unclear
formation in the projection of the anterior mitral valve, myxoma suspected. Patient was stabilized in Neurology Department and afterwards
transferred to the Cardiology Department where he was diagnosed with infectious endocarditis.
Conclusions: Concomitant ischemic strokes should induce the suspicion of the underlying cardiac organic pathology. Echocardiography shall
be considered for all patients with stroke; even if other risk factors are depicted. In order to prevent future strokes it is important to take all the
risk factors under control
Rezistenţa la chimioterapicele antiinfecţioase a tulpinilor de Salmonella SSP
Resistance to chemotherapeutic agents of Salmonella
spp. strains.
A correct choice of antibacterial treatment must be based
on real knowledge of the bacterial sensibility/resistance
to antibiotics. The aim of this study was evaluation of the
present sensibility to antibiotics of Salmonella spp. involved
in etiology of acute diarrheas in Republic of Moldova. The
results of the study show a high sensibility to ciprofloxacin,
tobramycin, meropenem and cefamandole and the decrease
of sensibility to furazolidone and nalidixic acid, usually used
in first treatment of acute diarrhea.Резюме. Резистентность штаммов Salmonella spp. к антиинфекционным химиопрепаратам. Правильность выбора антибактериального лечения должна основываться на реальных знаниях о бактериальной чувствительности/устойчивости к антибиотикам. Целью исследования была оценка чувствительности бактерии Salmonella spp. к антибиотикам, выделенных при острых кишечных инфекциях в Республике Молдова. Результаты исследования показывают высокую чувствительность к ципрофлоксацину, тобрамицину, меропенему и цефамандолу и снижение чувствительности к фуразолидону и налидиксовой кислоте, которые, как правило, используются в первую очередь в лечении острой диареи