8 research outputs found

    Philosophical anthropology in postmodernism

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    The approach to studying society in the postmodernist framework is relevant to understand postmodernist paradigm in contemporary philosophy. The rapid development of computerization and mass media in postmodern culture has been destroying the quality of human interaction with the surrounding environment and social reality, causes a feeling of losing touch with reality. This is due to the emergence of many virtual realities. The purpose of the article is to analyze the anthropological ideas in the philosophy of postmodernism. Postmodern anthropology is realized not only in the context of scientific revolution and internal form of culture but also as self-consciousness of modern civilization. Postmodernists prefer to discuss human beings as not whole self-contained individuals, units that may be broken down (divided), and call them ‘dividuals,’ beings or persons significantly distinct from their modern descendants, this being the best characteristic of the modern social state and contrasting to a Cartesian tradition. Methodologically the article is based on a systematic approach combining structural-functional, dialectical and hermeneutical methods. This approach allows us to reveal essential aspects of postmodern philosophy in their dialectical interrelation, to overcome constraints inherent in the heuristic potential of certain methodologies. The survey covers issues related both directly to the field of general theoretical postmodern philosophy and social sciences and makes a review on the researches on the human identity in the postmodern era. The analysis conducted made it possible to distinguish the main characteristics of postmodernism. The main intention of postmodernism considered is the crushing criticism of traditional values: humanism, rationalism, radicalism towards social structure and development, its rejection, denial of individuals' ability to be responsible for their actions, their inability to resist the power of supranational structures. © 2018, Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia. All rights reserved

    ESP blended learning based on the use of smart coursebook

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    ESP teaching in the blended learning environment has become quite widespread in language classes worldwide. The purpose of this present study is to outline an effectiveness of ESP blended learning based on the use of the smart coursebook. A total of 48 EFL undergraduate students of a non-linguistic university participated in the study. The experimental group studied the target course through blended learning strategies, and their performance was evaluated through comparing the results got from a pretest and post-test, respectively, to check the effectiveness of ESP blended learning based on the use of the smart coursebook. Questionnaires were also conducted to identify students’ evaluation of the ESP blended learning. It was observed that the participants of the study perceived BL to be useful and helpful for the improvement of their English proficiency. The findings show that the participants in the experimental group received higher scores for their post-test at the end of the study. © 2018, Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia. All rights reserved

    Educational migration of international students: Axiological aspect of the educational process

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    The urgency of research is caused by the transformation processes of educational migration of international students, by which today the prestige of universities in the global higher education market is estimated. Rethinking the axiological foundations of socio-cultural content of educational migration as the priority resource for extraction of economic profit from the process of educational services’ provision for international students, requires theoretical and methodological correction. In this regard, priority attention in this article is devoted to justification of axiological approach to the educational migration of international students in the educational process of higher education institution performing the functions of the intercultural corridor, i.e. a neutral space, relieving the contradiction of interacting cultures. A leading research method is a simulation method allowing to justify axiological approach to the structure and content of the educational migration of international students in the educational process of the University and to rethink its value base. The article reveals modern discourse of the concept of "educational migration of international students"; defines the features of the axiological approach to the educational migration of international students in the educational process of the University; on the basis of the results of the study substantiates the educational – methodical complex of the realization of the axiological approach to the educational migration of international students in the educational process of the University. The study proves productivity of the complex identified using the criteria of formation: conditions of safe educational environment of the University; openness of the educational process; the willingness of the students to the changing of cultural priorities, to the choice of social and cultural and value alternatives, to intercultural interaction, cultural identity, projecting of values of personal, social and professional consolidation. The paper can be useful to teachers of universities working with international students, educationists, curators, tutors. © 2016 Grebennikov et al

    Practical recommendations to improve the quality of training and methodical support of professional teacher education

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    The research urgency is caused by the transition to the knowledge society and new demands for training and methodical provision of professional pedagogical education. The purpose of this paper is to develop practical recommendations to improve the quality of training and methodical support of professional pedagogical education. The leading approach of the study is the integrative approach which allows considering training and methodological support as a system of training and curricula documentation and training-methodical materials, diagnostic methodic and training materials for the organization of the educational process, independent work of students and intensification of activity of the teacher. The study involved 250 teachers, 300 students, 100 staff of the education authorities that took part in the identification of quality performance criteria of training and methodical support. Main results of the research consist in determining of the functions’ content (teaching, educating, developmental, and integrative) of training –methodical support; development of a mechanism for assessing its quality, including functions (productive, regulatory), stages (ascertaining, advisory), criteria (informative, didactic, educational and developmental levels) and tools (analysis, study of consumer preferences, a definition of prospects of development and review). The significance of the results obtained is that the identified functions of training and methodical support lead to effective development of future teacher's professional competences and the formation of intelligence, which expresses the susceptibility to intellectual values, love of learning, interest in history, an aesthetic feeling. Implementation of a mechanism for assessing the quality of training and methodical support allows optimizing the content of professional pedagogical education and improving of the professional portrait of the teacher. © 2016 Grebennikov et al

    ESP blended learning based on the use of smart coursebook

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    ESP teaching in the blended learning environment has become quite widespread in language classes worldwide. The purpose of this present study is to outline an effectiveness of ESP blended learning based on the use of the smart coursebook. A total of 48 EFL undergraduate students of a non-linguistic university participated in the study. The experimental group studied the target course through blended learning strategies, and their performance was evaluated through comparing the results got from a pretest and post-test, respectively, to check the effectiveness of ESP blended learning based on the use of the smart coursebook. Questionnaires were also conducted to identify students’ evaluation of the ESP blended learning. It was observed that the participants of the study perceived BL to be useful and helpful for the improvement of their English proficiency. The findings show that the participants in the experimental group received higher scores for their post-test at the end of the study. © 2018, Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia. All rights reserved


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    The purpose of the article is to study the essence and content of the "education" concept as a philosophical category in the historical aspect, as well as from a legal point of view. The leading method of studying the problem was the deductive method, which allowed studying the category of education as a historical and philosophical-legal one in the socio-cultural system, with the disclosure of the problem of the autonomy of education in the aspect of politics and economics. The article proves that a comprehensive, generalized analysis of the Russian pedagogical thought of the 19th century, its composition, structure, specifics, its main ideas and problems, its place in the general development of Russian pedagogy is the most important task of future historical and pedagogical research. To facilitate the implementation of this task as much as possible, we will draw attention to several unresolved problems that are not explained in historiography and what prevents their solution

    Educational migration of international students: Axiological aspect of the educational process

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    The urgency of research is caused by the transformation processes of educational migration of international students, by which today the prestige of universities in the global higher education market is estimated. Rethinking the axiological foundations of socio-cultural content of educational migration as the priority resource for extraction of economic profit from the process of educational services’ provision for international students, requires theoretical and methodological correction. In this regard, priority attention in this article is devoted to justification of axiological approach to the educational migration of international students in the educational process of higher education institution performing the functions of the intercultural corridor, i.e. a neutral space, relieving the contradiction of interacting cultures. A leading research method is a simulation method allowing to justify axiological approach to the structure and content of the educational migration of international students in the educational process of the University and to rethink its value base. The article reveals modern discourse of the concept of "educational migration of international students"; defines the features of the axiological approach to the educational migration of international students in the educational process of the University; on the basis of the results of the study substantiates the educational – methodical complex of the realization of the axiological approach to the educational migration of international students in the educational process of the University. The study proves productivity of the complex identified using the criteria of formation: conditions of safe educational environment of the University; openness of the educational process; the willingness of the students to the changing of cultural priorities, to the choice of social and cultural and value alternatives, to intercultural interaction, cultural identity, projecting of values of personal, social and professional consolidation. The paper can be useful to teachers of universities working with international students, educationists, curators, tutors. © 2016 Grebennikov et al

    Philosophical anthropology in postmodernism

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    The approach to studying society in the postmodernist framework is relevant to understand postmodernist paradigm in contemporary philosophy. The rapid development of computerization and mass media in postmodern culture has been destroying the quality of human interaction with the surrounding environment and social reality, causes a feeling of losing touch with reality. This is due to the emergence of many virtual realities. The purpose of the article is to analyze the anthropological ideas in the philosophy of postmodernism. Postmodern anthropology is realized not only in the context of scientific revolution and internal form of culture but also as self-consciousness of modern civilization. Postmodernists prefer to discuss human beings as not whole self-contained individuals, units that may be broken down (divided), and call them ‘dividuals,’ beings or persons significantly distinct from their modern descendants, this being the best characteristic of the modern social state and contrasting to a Cartesian tradition. Methodologically the article is based on a systematic approach combining structural-functional, dialectical and hermeneutical methods. This approach allows us to reveal essential aspects of postmodern philosophy in their dialectical interrelation, to overcome constraints inherent in the heuristic potential of certain methodologies. The survey covers issues related both directly to the field of general theoretical postmodern philosophy and social sciences and makes a review on the researches on the human identity in the postmodern era. The analysis conducted made it possible to distinguish the main characteristics of postmodernism. The main intention of postmodernism considered is the crushing criticism of traditional values: humanism, rationalism, radicalism towards social structure and development, its rejection, denial of individuals' ability to be responsible for their actions, their inability to resist the power of supranational structures. © 2018, Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia. All rights reserved