47 research outputs found

    Ritual uses of palms in traditional medicine in sub-Saharan Africa: a review

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    Ocena wybranych wskaźników stanu zdrowia populacji dziecięcej powiatu kutnowskiego pod kątem ryzyka rozwoju chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego

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    Introduction. Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the adult population. The prevention of cardiovascular diseases depends to a great extent on eliminating risk factors already present in early childhood, thus avoiding secondary cardiovascular events. The aim of this study was to evaluate selected indicators of health status as risk factors for the development of CVD in a paediatric population from Kutno district as part of the project: ‘You live for yourself and others — take care of your health’. Material and methods. The study included 101 children aged from one to 11 years. All children underwent a physical examination. Based on a questionnaire conducted among the parents of the children, information was obtained regarding perinatal history, physical activity, time spent in front of a television, computer or tablet, eating habits, exposure to passive smoking and any family history of CVD. Laboratory tests were also performed, including a lipid profile. A 12-lead electrocardiogram and a screening echocardiographic examination were carried out. Results. On physical examination, 9.9% of the children were observed to be overweight and 12.87% to be obese. In 3.96% of this group of children, arterial hypertension was observed. In laboratory tests, significant abnormalities were observed in the lipid profiles. Of the children with an abnormal lipid profile, 11.5% were also found to be overweight or obese or with hypertension. The questionnaire revealed that the average daily time the children spent in physical activity was 4.15 hours. More than half of the children ate fast food occasionally or regularly. Exposure to passive smoking was revealed in 15.84% of the children, and a family history of CVD was identified in 17.82% of the children. Conclusions. The health of Kutno district children is similar to the health of children from other developed countries. Despite better physical activity and normal glucose values, other risk factors did not differ significantly from other paediatric populations.Wstęp. Choroby układu sercowo-naczyniowego (CVD) są główną przyczyną chorobowości i śmiertelności w populacjiosób dorosłych. Ich profilaktyka odgrywa ogromną rolę w wyeliminowaniu niekorzystnego wpływu czynników ryzyka jużw okresie wczesnego dzieciństwa, co pozwala uniknąć wystąpienia wtórnych zdarzeń sercowo-naczyniowych. Celempracy jest ocena wybranych wskaźników stanu zdrowia populacji dziecięcej powiatu kutnowskiego pod kątem ryzykarozwoju CVD w ramach projektu „Żyjesz dla siebie i innych — zadbaj o zdrowie”. Materiał i metody. Badaniem objęto grupę 101 dzieci w wieku 1–11 lat. U wszystkich przeprowadzono badanie przedmiotowe.Ponadto przeprowadzono badanie ankietowe dotyczące: wywiadu okołoporodowego, aktywności fizycznej,czasu spędzanego przed telewizorem, nawyków żywieniowych, narażenia na bierne palenie tytoniu oraz występowaniaCVD w rodzinie. Wykonywano także badania laboratoryjne, w tym lipidogram oraz zapis spoczynkowego 12-odprowadzeniowegoelektrokardiogramu (EKG) i przesiewowe badanie echokardiograficzne. Wyniki. W badaniu przedmiotowym u 9,9% dzieci stwierdzano nadwagę, a u 12,87% dzieci — otyłość. W tej grupie pacjentówu 3,96% dzieci stwierdzano nieprawidłowe wartości ciśnienia tętniczego. W wykonanych badaniach laboratoryjnychistotne odchylenia obserwowano w zakresie lipidogramu. W grupie dzieci z nieprawidłowościami lipidogramu 11,5%towarzyszyły nadwaga, otyłość i nadciśnienie tętnicze. Na podstawie przeprowadzonego badania ankietowego ustalono,że średni czas spędzany przez dziecko na aktywności fizycznej to 4,15 godziny. Więcej niż połowa dzieci spożywałaokazyjnie lub często pokarmy typu fast-food. Na bierne palenie tytoniu było narażonych 15,84% dzieci. Wywiad rodzinnyw kierunku CVD był pozytywny u 17,82% dzieci. W standardowym zapisie EKG oraz w badaniu echokardiograficznymu nie stwierdzano istotnych odchyleń od normy. Wnioski. Stan zdrowia dzieci powiatu kutnowskiego jest zbliżony do stanu zdrowia dzieci z innych krajów rozwiniętych.Mimo lepszych wyników w zakresie aktywności fizycznej oraz prawidłowych wartości glikemii, inne czynniki ryzyka nieodbiegały istotnie od wyników badań dotyczących innych populacji dziecięcych

    Mesolimbic dopamine D_{2} receptor plasticity contributes to stress resilience in rats subjected to chronic mild stress

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    RATIONALE: Few studies have investigated neurobiological and biochemical differences between stress-resilient and stress-vulnerable experimental animals. OBJECTIVES: We investigated alterations in mesolimbic dopamine D(2) receptor density and mRNA expression level in stressed rats at two time points, i.e. after 2 and 5 weeks of chronic mild stress (CMS). METHODS: We used the chronic mild stress paradigm because it is a well-established animal model of depression. Two groups of stressed rats were distinguished during CMS experiments: (1) stress reactive (70 %), which displayed a decrease in the drinking of a palatable sucrose solution during the stress regimen, and (2) stress resilient (30 %), which exhibited an unaltered drinking profile when compared with the unchallenged control group. [(3)H]Domperidone was used as a ligand to label dopamine D(2) receptors, and a mixture of three specific oligonucleotides was used to evaluate dopamine D(2) receptor mRNA changes in various regions of the rat brain. RESULTS: CMS strongly affected the mesolimbic dopamine circuit in stress-resilient group after 2 weeks and stress-reactive group of rats after 5 weeks which exhibited a decrease in the level of dopamine D(2) receptor protein without alterations in D(2) mRNA expression. Stress-resilient animals, but not stress-reactive animals, effectively adapted to the extended stress and coped with it. The increase in D(2) mRNA expression returned the dopamine D(2) receptor density to control levels in stress-resilient rats after 5 weeks of CMS, but not in stress-reactive animals. CONCLUSIONS: These results clearly demonstrate that, despite earlier blunting, the activation of dopamine receptor biosynthesis in the dopamine mesoaccumbens system in stress-resilient rats is involved in active coping with stressful experiences, and it exhibits a delay in time

    Chronic mild stress alters the somatostatin receptors in the rat brain

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    RATIONALE: The involvement of somatostatin (SST) and its receptors in the pathophysiology of depression and stress has been evidenced by numerous studies. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the present study was to find whether chronic mild stress (CMS), an animal model of depression, affects the SST receptors in the rat brain and pituitary, as well as the level of SST in plasma. METHODS: In CMS model, rats were subjected to 2 weeks of stress and behaviorally characterized using the sucrose consumption test into differently reacting groups based on their response to stress, i.e., stress-reactive (anhedonic), stress-non-reactive (resilient), and invert-reactive rats (characterized by excessive sucrose intake). We measured specific binding of [(125)I]Tyr(3)-Octreotide, expression of mRNA encoding sst2R receptors in the rat brains, expression of SST and its receptors in rat pituitary, and the level of SST in the plasma. RESULTS: The obtained results show decreases in binding of [(125)I]Tyr(3)-Octreotide in most of rat brain regions upon CMS and no significant differences between three stressed groups of animals, except for significant up-regulation of sst2 receptor in medial habenula (MHb) in the stress-reactive group. In the same group of animals, significant increase in plasma SST level was observed. CONCLUSIONS: There are two particularly sensitive sites distinguishing the response to stress in CMS model. In the brain, it is MHb, while on the periphery this predictor is SST level in plasma. These changes may broaden an understanding of the mechanisms involved in the stress response and point to the intriguing role of MHb

    SDG 3: Good health and well-being - framing targets to maximise co-benefits for forests and people

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    Key Points: The achievement of SDG 3 depends on many other SDGs; some SDGs are logically inconsistent, especially in the attempt to increase conventionally defined GDP while preserving natural capital. Any short-term gains for human health from further forest conversion (e.g. food production) creates short- and long-term, direct and indirect health risks for humans, as well as for other biota. Failure to ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive healthcare services (including family planning) will increase pressure on forests at local, regional and global scales. The burning and clearing of forests cause significant harm to health via impaired quality of water, soil and air; increased exposure to infectious diseases and impacts climate regulation. Many infectious diseases are associated with forest disturbances and intrusions; some important infectious diseases have emerged from forests (notably HIV/AIDS). Greater exposure to green space, including forests, provides mental and physical health benefits for the growing global urban population