5 research outputs found

    Analysis of the International Market

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    The analysis of the international market in order to launch a new product or expand the existing brand or business requires a lot of thinking and research. Researchers need to identify financial and economic factors or forces and market indicators, as well as political, legal and socio-cultural forces and issues in certain area . Also it is particularly important to understand what kind of competition form other companies that are at the market. SWOT analysis is a tool for evaluating the organization and its environment. SWOT analyze strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors. The opportunities and threats are external factors. Assets can be used along with other means of evaluation and analysis PEST analysis, five factor analysis of Porter


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    Financial Management refers to the application of general management principles to the various financial resources which are projecting. This encompasses planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the financial activities. Financial planning is process of framing objectives, policies, procedures, programs and budgets regarding the financial activities. This ensures effective and adequate financial and investment policies, adequate funds have to be ensured, ensuring a reasonable balance between outflow and inflow of funds, ensuring suppliers of funds, preparation of growth and expansion programs which helps in long-run survival of the company, reduction of uncertainties with regards to changing market trends which the company could be faced with, ensuring stability and profitability. Keywords: management, finance, organization, growt


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    Many financial sources on the marketplace are designed to fit the needs of the small, large, new and established businesses. In order for business to grow, companies need sufficient funding for projects, making purchases and expanding operations to make them more efficient and profitable.Business finance is available in multiple forms, including long-term loans, short-term loans and equipment financing.The term loan is very popular for many companies in need of money for expansion, acquisition, or working capital and can also be used for refinancing. This type of business finance loan is usually repaid over a period of time based on the useful life cycle of the assets that need to be purchased. Keywords: business, financing, sources, investmen

    International Business and Trade

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    International business encompasses all commercial activities that take place to promote the transfer of goods, services, resources, people, ideas, and technologies across national borders. International business occurs in many different forms, the movement of goods from one country to another (exporting, importing, trade), contractual agreements that allow foreign firms to use products, services, and processes from other nations (licensing, franchising), the formation and operations of sales, manufacturing, research and development, and distribution facilities in foreign markets. International trade is the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories. It is the exchange of goods and services among nations of the world. All countries need goods and services to satisfy their people. Production of goods and services requires resources. Every country has limited resources; therefore a country solely cannot produce all the goods and services that it requires. Required goods which cannot be produced or the amount is insuficient as required, need to be provided from other countries. Similarly, countries sell their products to others also when the production of goods comes in surplus quantities than demanded in the country


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    Ovaj se rad temelji na analizi fizikalno kemijskih i mikrobioloških značajki ovčjeg mlijeka iz triju različitih dijelova Sjeverne Makedonije koje se upotrebljava kao sirovina u mliječnoj industriji. Svi uzorci mlijeka (n= 123) sakupljani su na sabiralištima mljekarske industrije na području Pelagonije u razdoblju od šest (6) mjeseci. Prosječne vrijednosti kemijskog sastava mlijeka kretale su se u sljedećem rasponu: 6,83±0,22% do 7,68±0,36% za mliječnu kiselinu, 5,52±0,09% do 6,06±0,23% za bjelančevine, 4,62±0,08% do 4,79±0,05% za laktozu, 11,16±0,11 do 11,51±0,24% za nemasnu suhu tvar (NEDM), -0,561 do -0,543 °C za točku smrzavanja i 8,61±0,4 °SH za titrajuću kiselost. Mikrobiološko i higijensko stanje pregledanih uzoraka ovčjeg mlijeka bilo je slabe higijenske kakvoće. Prosječna vrijednost pregledanih uzoraka za broj somatskih stanica kretao se od 753,333 cfu/ml do 1.125,000 cfu/ml, a prosječni broj ukupnih bakterija bio je od 532,444 cfu/ml 1.986,222 cfu/ml .This study is based on analyzing physico-chemical and microbiological characteristics of ewe milk from three different regions, which is used as a raw material in dairy industry of North Macedonia. All milk samples (n=123) were collected on dairy reception points of dairy industry in Pelagonia region, in a period of six (6) months. The average values for chemical composition of milk were in the range as follows: 6.83±0.22% to 7.68±0.36% for milk fat, 5.52±0.09% to 6.06±0.23% for proteins, 4.62±0.08% to 4.79±0.05% for lactose, 11.16±0.11% to 1.51±0.24% for non-fat dry matter (NFDM), -0.561 to -0.543oC for freezing point and 8.61±0.4 oSH to 8.88±0.47oSH for titrable acidity. The microbiological and hygienic status of examined ewe milk samples was of poor hygienic quality. The average value of the examined samples for somatic cell count ranged from 753.333 cfu/mL to 1.125.000 cfu/mL and the average number of total bacteria count was from 532.444 cfu/mL to 1.986.222 cfu/mL