20 research outputs found

    Correlation of the liquid mixture viscosities

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    In this paper forty two selected correlation models for liquid mixture viscosities of organic compounds were tested on 219 binary and 41 ternary sets of experimental data taken from literature. The binary sets contained 3675 experimental data points for 70 different compounds. The ternary sets contained 2879 experimental data points for 29 different compounds. The Heric I, Heric-Brewer II, and Krishnan-Laddha models demonstrated the best correlative characteristics for binary mixtures (overall absolute average deviation < 2%). The Heric I, Heric-Brewer II, Krishnan-Laddha and Heric II models demonstrated the best correlative characteristics for ternary mixtures (overall absolute average deviation < 3%)

    Određivanje toplote isparavanja na bazi principa korespondentnih stanja

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    The heat of vaporization was estimated from the corresponding states principle. The reported values of the functions δS(0) and δS(1), or their analytical expressions, are presented. Tabulated values of δS(0) and δS(1) were correlated. Estimation procedures were tested on 80 non-polar substances with 397 experimental data points. The model proposed by Sivaraman, Magee and Kobayashi had the best predictive characteristics

    Acentric factor estimation from the corresponding states principle

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    Acentric factor estimation from the corresponding states principle was conducted. The reported values, or analytical expressions, of the functions f(0), f(1) and f(2) are presented. The tabulated values of f(0), f(1) and f(2) by the Brandani relation of the Wagner type of vapor pressure equation are correlated. The estimation procedures are tested on 44 nonpolar substances. The Ambrose and Walton expressions have the best predictive characteristics

    Predskazivanje toplotnog kapaciteta zasićene tečnosti alkana

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    An empirical model for the calculation of the heat capacity of alkanes is recommended. This model was tested and compared to known models (Luria-Benson and Růžička-Domalski) using 68 sets with 1155 literature experimental heat capacity data of 39 alkanes. The obtained results indicate that the new model is slightly better of the existing models, especially near the critical point.U ovom radu je preporučen nov empirijski model za predskazivanje vrednosti toplotnog kapaciteta zasićene tečnosti alkana. Model je testiran i upoređen sa poznatim modelima korišćenjem 68 setova sa 1155 eksperimentalnih podataka iz literature za 39 alkana. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da je nov model bolji od postojećih, naročito u okolini kritične tačke

    Toplotni kapacitet zasićene tečnosti organskih jedinjenja - nov empirijski korelacioni model

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    A new saturated-liquid heat capacity model is recommended. This model is tested and compared with the known polynomial and quasi-polynomial models on 39 sets with 1453 experimental heat capacity data. The obtained results indicate that the new model is better then the existing models, especially near the critical point.U ovom radu je preporučen nov empirijski model za korelisanje toplotnog kapaciteta zasićene tečnosti organskih jedinjenja. Model je testiran i upoređen sa poznatim polinomskim i kvazi-polinomskim modelima korišćenjem 39 setova sa 1453 eksperimentlna podatka. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da je nov model bolji od postojećih, naročito u okolini kritične tačke

    Pouzdan model za predskazivanje toplote isparavanja n-alkana na 298,15 K

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    A reliable model for the prediction of the heat of vaporization for n-alkanes at 298.15 K with the number of carbon atoms and normal boiling point as the only input parameters is recommended. The new model is compared with other literature models and was found to give the best results with absolute mean percentage deviation of 0.81 % and maximum absolute percentage deviation of 2.93 %.U ovom radu predložen je pouzdan model za procenu vrednosti toplote isparavanja n-alkana na temperaturi 298,15 K sa brojem ugljenikovih atoma i normalnom temperaturom ključanja, kao jedinim potrebnim vrednostima. Predloženi model upoređen je sa postojećim odgovarajućim modelima i dao je najbolje, kako srednje procentualno odstupanje 0,81 %, tako i najmanju vrednost maksimalnog procentualnog odstupanja 2,93 %

    Toplotni kapacitet zasićene tečnosti - novi polinomski modeli i pregled literaturnih podataka

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    In this paper a review of selected literature experimental data for saturated-liquid heat capacities was presented. Two-, three- and four-parameter polynomial correlation models are tested on those data. Obtained results lead to the conclusion that correlation quality depends on the number of parameters, and slightly on the type of models. The best two three- and four-parameter models were proposed.U ovom radu dat je pregled selektovanih literaturnih eksperimentalnih podataka toplotnog kapaciteta cp zasićene tečnosti. Na osnovu ovih podataka testirani su polinomski korelacioni modeli sa dva, tri i četiri parametra. Konstatovano je da kvalitet korelacije (ukupna srednja procentualna greška) pre svega zavisi od broja parametara modela, a manje od oblika modela. Predloženi su najbolji dvo-, tri- i četvoroparameterski modeli

    Kritički prikaz modela za predskazivanje normalne temperature mržnjenja organskih supstanci

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    This paper presents empirical relations for predicting the normal freezing point of organic compounds. Nine relations were tested with 90 organic compounds. The Meyer-van der Wyk and Kreglewski-Marano-Holder models are recommended for normal alkanes, and the Constantinou-Gani and Wen-Qiang II models for all tested organic compounds.U ovom radu je dat prikaz modela za predskazivanje normalne temperature mržnjenja Tf organskih supstanci. Prikazano je 9 modela, koji su testirani pa 90 organskih supstanci, koje pripadaju različitim grupama jedinjenja. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata preporučuju se za korišćenje Meyer-van der Wyk i Kreglewski-Marano-Holder modeli za normalne alkane, a za sve testirane supstance Constantinou-Gani i Wen-Qiang II

    New values of the polarity factor

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    New values of the polarity factor χ for 96 substances are proposed. Estimation procedure is tested on the values of this factor from the original work of Halm and Stiel.44

    NOTE Reliable prediction of heat of vaporization of n-alkanes at 298.15 K

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    Abstract: A reliable model for the prediction of the heat of vaporization for n-alkanes at 298.15 K with the number of carbon atoms and normal boiling point as the only input parameters is recommended. The new model is compared with other literature models and was found to give the best results with absolute mean percentage deviation of 0.81 % and maximum absolute percentage deviation of 2.93 %