477 research outputs found

    Coupling of shells in a carbon nanotube quantum dot

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    We systematically study the coupling of longitudinal modes (shells) in a carbon nanotube quantum dot. Inelastic cotunneling spectroscopy is used to probe the excitation spectrum in parallel, perpendicular and rotating magnetic fields. The data is compared to a theoretical model including coupling between shells, induced by atomically sharp disorder in the nanotube. The calculated excitation spectra show good correspondence with experimental data.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Superconductor-Nanowire Devices from Tunneling to the Multichannel Regime: Zero-Bias Oscillations and Magnetoconductance Crossover

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    We present transport measurements in superconductor-nanowire devices with a gated constriction forming a quantum point contact. Zero-bias features in tunneling spectroscopy appear at finite magnetic fields, and oscillate in amplitude and split away from zero bias as a function of magnetic field and gate voltage. A crossover in magnetoconductance is observed: Magnetic fields above ~ 0.5 T enhance conductance in the low-conductance (tunneling) regime but suppress conductance in the high-conductance (multichannel) regime. We consider these results in the context of Majorana zero modes as well as alternatives, including Kondo effect and analogs of 0.7 structure in a disordered nanowire.Comment: Supplemental Material here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1742676/Churchill_Supplemental.pd

    Electron transport in single wall carbon nanotube weak links in the Fabry-Perot regime

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    We fabricated reproducible high transparency superconducting contacts consisting of superconducting Ti/Al/Ti trilayers to gated single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). The reported semiconducting SWCNT have normal state differential conductance up to 3e2/h3e^2/h and exhibit clear Fabry-Perot interference patterns in the bias spectroscopy plot. We observed subharmonic gap structure in the differential conductance and a distinct peak in the conductance at zero bias which is interpreted as a manifestation of a supercurrent. The gate dependence of this supercurrent as well as the excess current are examined and compared to a coherent theory of superconducting point contacts with good agreement.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Singlet-Triplet Physics and Shell Filling in Carbon Nanotube Double Quantum Dots

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    An artifcial two-atomic molecule, also called a double quantum dot (DQD), is an ideal system for exploring few electron physics. Spin-entanglement between just two electrons can be explored in such systems where singlet and triplet states are accessible. These two spin-states can be regarded as the two states in a quantum two-state system, a so-called singlet-triplet qubit. A very attractive material for realizing spin based qubits is the carbon nanotube (CNT), because it is expected to have a very long spin coherence time. Here we show the existence of a gate-tunable singlet-triplet qubit in a CNT DQD. We show that the CNT DQD has clear shell structures of both four and eight electrons, with the singlet-triplet qubit present in the four-electron shells. We furthermore observe inelastic cotunneling via the singlet and triplet states, which we use to probe the splitting between singlet and triplet, in good agreement with theory.Comment: Supplement available at: http://www.fys.ku.dk/~hij/public/singlet-triple_supp.pd

    Superconductivity-enhanced bias spectroscopy in carbon nanotube quantum dots

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    We study low-temperature transport through carbon nanotube quantum dots in the Coulomb blockade regime coupled to niobium-based superconducting leads. We observe pronounced conductance peaks at finite source-drain bias, which we ascribe to elastic and inelastic cotunneling processes enhanced by the coherence peaks in the density of states of the superconducting leads. The inelastic cotunneling lines display a marked dependence on the applied gate voltage which we relate to different tunneling-renormalizations of the two subbands in the nanotube. Finally, we discuss the origin of an especially pronounced sub-gap structure observed in every fourth Coulomb diamond

    Initial results from the Caltech/DRSI balloon-borne isotope experiment

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    The Caltech/DSRI balloonborne High Energy Isotope Spectrometer Telescope (HEIST) was flown successfully from Palestine, Texas on 14 May, 1984. The experiment was designed to measure cosmic ray isotopic abundances from neon through iron, with incident particle energies from approx. 1.5 to 2.2 GeV/nucleon depending on the element. During approximately 38 hours at float altitude, 100,000 events were recorded with Z or = 6 and incident energies approx. 1.5 GeV/nucleon. We present results from the ongoing data analysis associated with both the preflight Bevalac calibration and the flight data

    Critical and excess current through an open quantum dot: Temperature and magnetic field dependence

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    We present measurements of temperature and magnetic field dependence of the critical current and excess current in a carbon nanotube Josephson quantum dot junction. The junction is fabricated in a controlled environment which allows for extraction of the full critical current. The measurements are performed in the open quantum dot regime, and fitted to theory with good qualitative agreement. We also show how to extract level spacing, level broadening, and charging energy of an open quantum dot from a bias spectroscopy plot

    Analytical calculation of the excess current in the OTBK theory

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    We present an analytical derivation of the excess current in Josephson junctions within the Octavio-Tinkham-Blonder-Klapwijk theory for both symmetric and asymmetric barrier strengths. We confirm the result found numerically by Flensberg et al. for equal barriers [Phys. Rev. B 38, 8707 (1988)], including the prediction of negative excess current for low transparencies, and we generalize it for differing barriers. Our analytical formulae provide for convenient fitting of experimental data, also in the less studied, but practically relevant case of the barrier asymmetry.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Superconductor Science and Technolog

    A Measurement of the Isotopic Composition of Cosmic Ray Iron

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    We present a new measurement of the isotopic composition of cosmic ray iron in the energy interval ~1550-2200 MeV /nucleon. The data were collected during the May 1984 flight of a balloon-borne spectrometer and show an average mass resolution of ~0.7 amu. The instrument employed the Cerenkov-Energy technique for mass determination. The observed ^(54)Fe/^(56)Fe ratio, 0.14 +0.18/-0.11 at the top of the atmosphere, is consistent with a solar system composition at the cosmic ray source. We also place an upper limit on the ^(58)Fe/^(56)Fe ratio at the top of the atmosphere of ≤.07. Both are consistent with previous measurements at lower energies

    Suppression of tunneling into multiwall carbon nanotubes.

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    We have studied tunneling of electrons into multiwall carbon nanotubes (NTs) in NT-gold and NT-NT junctions, the latter created by atomic force microscope manipulation. The tunneling conductance goes to zero as the energy (temperature and bias) is reduced, and the functional form is consistent with a power law. The exponents depend upon sample geometry. The relationship between these results and theories for tunneling into ballistic and disordered metals is discussed
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