1 research outputs found

    The extended cytoplasmic tail of the human B4GALNT2 is critical for its Golgi targeting and post-Golgi sorting

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    The Sd(a)/Cad antigen reported on glycoconjugates of human tissues has an increasingly recognized wide impact on the physio-pathology of different biological systems. The last step of its biosynthesis relies on the enzymatic activity of the 1,4-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase-II (B4GALNT2), which shows the highest expression level in healthy colon. Previous studies reported the occurrence in human colonic cells of two B4GALNT2 protein isoforms that differ in the length of their cytoplasmic tail, the long isoform showing an extended 66-amino acid tail. We examined here, the subcellular distribution of the two B4GALNT2 protein isoforms in stably transfected colonic LS174T cells and in transiently transfected HeLa cells using fluorescence microscopy. While a similar subcellular distribution at the trans-Golgi cisternae level was observed for the two isoforms, our study pointed to an atypical subcellular localization of the long B4GALNT2 isoform into dynamic vesicles. We demonstrated a critical role of its extended cytoplasmic tail for its Golgi targeting and post-Golgi sorting and highlighted the existence of a newly described post-Golgi sorting signal as well as a previously undescribed fate of a Golgi glycosyltransferase.DatabaseThe proteins 1,4GalNAcT II, 1,4-GalT1, FucT I, FucT VI and ST3Gal IV are noted B4GALNT2, B4GALT1, FUT1, FUT6 and ST3GAL4, whereas the corresponding human genes are noted B4GALNT2, B4GALT1, FUT1, FUT6 and ST3GAL4 according to the HUGO nomenclature