3,031 research outputs found

    Counting statistics of coherent population trapping in quantum dots

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    Destructive interference of single-electron tunneling between three quantum dots can trap an electron in a coherent superposition of charge on two of the dots. Coupling to external charges causes decoherence of this superposition, and in the presence of a large bias voltage each decoherence event transfers a certain number of electrons through the device. We calculate the counting statistics of the transferred charges, finding a crossover from sub-Poissonian to super-Poissonian statistics with increasing ratio of tunnel and decoherence rates.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Switching of electrical current by spin precession in the first Landau level of an inverted-gap semiconductor

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    We show how the quantum Hall effect in an inverted-gap semiconductor (with electron- and hole-like states at the conduction- and valence-band edges interchanged) can be used to inject, precess, and detect the electron spin along a one-dimensional pathway. The restriction of the electron motion to a single spatial dimension ensures that all electrons experience the same amount of precession in a parallel magnetic field, so that the full electrical current can be switched on and off. As an example, we calculate the magnetoconductance of a p-n interface in a HgTe quantum well and show how it can be used to measure the spin precession due to bulk inversion asymmetry.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, extended versio

    Theory of the topological Anderson insulator

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    We present an effective medium theory that explains the disorder-induced transition into a phase of quantized conductance, discovered in computer simulations of HgTe quantum wells. It is the combination of a random potential and quadratic corrections proportional to p^2 sigma_z to the Dirac Hamiltonian that can drive an ordinary band insulator into a topological insulator (having an inverted band gap). We calculate the location of the phase boundary at weak disorder and show that it corresponds to the crossing of a band edge rather than a mobility edge. Our mechanism for the formation of a topological Anderson insulator is generic, and would apply as well to three-dimensional semiconductors with strong spin-orbit coupling.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures (updated figures, calculated DOS

    Finite difference method for transport properties of massless Dirac fermions

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    We adapt a finite difference method of solution of the two-dimensional massless Dirac equation, developed in the context of lattice gauge theory, to the calculation of electrical conduction in a graphene sheet or on the surface of a topological insulator. The discretized Dirac equation retains a single Dirac point (no "fermion doubling"), avoids intervalley scattering as well as trigonal warping, and preserves the single-valley time reversal symmetry (= symplectic symmetry) at all length scales and energies -- at the expense of a nonlocal finite difference approximation of the differential operator. We demonstrate the symplectic symmetry by calculating the scaling of the conductivity with sample size, obtaining the logarithmic increase due to antilocalization. We also calculate the sample-to-sample conductance fluctuations as well as the shot noise power, and compare with analytical predictions.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure

    {\em Ab initio} Quantum Monte Carlo simulation of the warm dense electron gas in the thermodynamic limit

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    We perform \emph{ab initio} quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations of the warm dense uniform electron gas in the thermodynamic limit. By combining QMC data with linear response theory we are able to remove finite-size errors from the potential energy over the entire warm dense regime, overcoming the deficiencies of the existing finite-size corrections by Brown \emph{et al.}~[PRL \textbf{110}, 146405 (2013)]. Extensive new QMC results for up to N=1000N=1000 electrons enable us to compute the potential energy VV and the exchange-correlation free energy FxcF_{xc} of the macroscopic electron gas with an unprecedented accuracy of ∣ΔV∣/∣V∣,∣ΔFxc∣/∣F∣xc∌10−3|\Delta V|/|V|, |\Delta F_{xc}|/|F|_{xc} \sim 10^{-3}. A comparison of our new data to the recent parametrization of FxcF_{xc} by Karasiev {\em et al.} [PRL {\bf 112}, 076403 (2014)] reveals significant deviations to the latter

    Transmission probability through a L\'evy glass and comparison with a L\'evy walk

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    Recent experiments on the propagation of light over a distance L through a random packing of spheres with a power law distribution of radii (a socalled L\'evy glass) have found that the transmission probability T \propto 1/L^{\gamma} scales superdiffusively ({\gamma} < 1). The data has been interpreted in terms of a L\'evy walk. We present computer simulations to demonstrate that diffusive scaling ({\gamma} \approx 1) can coexist with a divergent second moment of the step size distribution (p(s) \propto 1/s^(1+{\alpha}) with {\alpha} < 2). This finding is in accord with analytical predictions for the effect of step size correlations, but deviates from what one would expect for a L\'evy walk of independent steps.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figures; v2: extension from 2D to 3D and comparison with experiment

    Nonalgebraic length dependence of transmission through a chain of barriers with a Levy spacing distribution

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    The recent realization of a "Levy glass" (a three-dimensional optical material with a Levy distribution of scattering lengths) has motivated us to analyze its one-dimensional analogue: A linear chain of barriers with independent spacings s that are Levy distributed: p(s)~1/s^(1+alpha) for s to infinity. The average spacing diverges for 0<alpha<1. A random walk along such a sparse chain is not a Levy walk because of the strong correlations of subsequent step sizes. We calculate all moments of conductance (or transmission), in the regime of incoherent sequential tunneling through the barriers. The average transmission from one barrier to a point at a distance L scales as L^(-alpha) ln L for 0<alpha<1. The corresponding electronic shot noise has a Fano factor (average noise power / average conductance) that approaches 1/3 very slowly, with 1/ln L corrections.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; introduction expanded, references adde

    Electronic shot noise in fractal conductors

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    By solving a master equation in the Sierpinski lattice and in a planar random-resistor network, we determine the scaling with size L of the shot noise power P due to elastic scattering in a fractal conductor. We find a power-law scaling P ~ L^(d_f-2-alpha), with an exponent depending on the fractal dimension d_f and the anomalous diffusion exponent alpha. This is the same scaling as the time-averaged current I, which implies that the Fano factor F=P/2eI is scale independent. We obtain a value F=1/3 for anomalous diffusion that is the same as for normal diffusion, even if there is no smallest length scale below which the normal diffusion equation holds. The fact that F remains fixed at 1/3 as one crosses the percolation threshold in a random-resistor network may explain recent measurements of a doping-independent Fano factor in a graphene flake.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure
