71 research outputs found

    Udvikling af præ-professionel identitet i en ung uddannelse

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    This paper examines pre-professional identity (PPI) in a young professional education. PPI is a matter of students’ dawning professional identity during education. The empirical material are group interviews with nutrition and health students and educators as well as participatory observation. Data is analysed using reflexive thematic analysis. The analysis shows that it is difficult for students and educators to identify the characteristics of the profession of nutrition and health. However, they do point to these unifying elements: A Bachelor of Nutrition and Health holds knowledge of nutrition and health, and works with foods, counselling and communication based on evidence and with respect and care of the individual. The analysis also shows that it impacts the understanding and development of PPI in young professional educations that students and educators find the profession broad. Therefore, it might be of relevance to facilitate students’ reflections on PPI during their education. This could be done by facilitating room for reflection across students, lecturers, head of education, and practitioners, and through a logbook for professional identity

    Udvikling af præ-professionel identitet i en ung uddannelse: Ernæring og sundhedsuddannelsen som case

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    This paper examines pre-professional identity (PPI) in a young professional education. PPI is a matter of students’ dawning professional identity during education. The empirical material are group interviews with nutrition and health students and educators as well as participatory observation. Data is analysed using reflexive thematic analysis. The analysis shows that it is difficult for students and educators to identify the characteristics of the profession of nutrition and health. However, they do point to these unifying elements: A Bachelor of Nutrition and Health holds knowledge of nutrition and health, and works with foods, counselling and communication based on evidence and with respect and care of the individual. The analysis also shows that it impacts the understanding and development of PPI in young professional educations that students and educators find the profession broad. Therefore, it might be of relevance to facilitate students’ reflections on PPI during their education. This could be done by facilitating room for reflection across students, lecturers, head of education, and practitioners, and through a logbook for professional identity

    Professionsidentitet på tværs: Hvordan er vi som professionelle, hvordan er jeg, og hvad tænker de andre?

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    In the paper differences and similarities comparing professional identity in educations for Nurse, Teacher and Bachelor of Nutrition and Health are discussed. Professional identity formation is conceptualized as a fluid and socially negotiated process. There are international studies about professional identity for nurses and teachers, but a lack of comparative studies. The empirical material are group interviews with students and educators analyzed by reflexive thematic analysis. Both groups are asked about the collective professional identity and experiences with external understandings (based on pictures), and the students also about their (pre)professional identity. The analyses show that all three are professions working with empathy in human relations. There are however different stereotypes related to the external understanding of the professions. The student teachers have experienced to a high degree to have to defense their educational choice and position themselves in opposition to the traditional picture of transmissive teaching. The educators and student nurses challenge the picture of a “nice girl”. They refer to the present political focus and refer to the identity as challenged. Bachelor of Nutrition and Health is a new and somewhat diffuse profession. Acting on evidence but also with respect for the individual is formulated as a core

    Professionsidentitet på tværs

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    In the paper differences and similarities comparing professional identity in educations for Nurse, Teacher and Bachelor of Nutrition and Health are discussed. Professional identity formation is conceptualized as a fluid and socially negotiated process. There are international studies about professional identity for nurses and teachers, but a lack of comparative studies. The empirical material are group interviews with students and educators analyzed by reflexive thematic analysis. Both groups are asked about the collective professional identity and experiences with external understandings (based on pictures), and the students also about their (pre)professional identity. The analyses show that all three are professions working with empathy in human relations. There are however different stereotypes related to the external understanding of the professions. The student teachers have experienced to a high degree to have to defense their educational choice and position themselves in opposition to the traditional picture of transmissive teaching. The educators and student nurses challenge the picture of a “nice girl”. They refer to the present political focus and refer to the identity as challenged. Bachelor of Nutrition and Health is a new and somewhat diffuse profession. Acting on evidence but also with respect for the individual is formulated as a core
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