903 research outputs found

    Connection Between Resistance to Organizational Change and Psychological Resistance of an Individual

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    Resistance to organizational change as a facet of psychological resistance of an individual is a widespread phenomenon through which countries, organizations and individuals suffer significant losses. The increasing amount of articles and scientific papers researching the phenomenon of change resistance published for the past 50 year serves as an indicator that the problem of people resisting the implementation of change has not yet been fully studied. Yet the relevance of the issue is far from decreasing as companies keep sustaining considerable losses with the desired changes failing to be implemented as suggested by multiple studies. We believe there is an insufficiently researched aspect of this issue. The purpose of the article is to establish a clear connection between resistance to organizational change and psychological resistance. We believe that such a connection attesting to change resistance being a psychological phenomenon will shift the focus of future research from the organizational or managerial standpoint to viewing change resistance in a psychological dimension. A thorough analysis of previously conducted studies serves as a basis for revealing commonalities between the reason for change resistance and psychological resistance. A chart representing own classification of the reasons for change resistance and psychological resistance illustrating the similarities of the two phenomena can be found in the article. The present study further explores the connections of various strengths that can be seen between the two phenomena and proposes a summary spreadsheet demonstrating the research findings. The article concluded a comparative classification of the reasons for PR and RC appearance, it was stated the connections differ in terms of strengths and permanence

    Model of legal regulation of clusters in the Russian Federation

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    Objective: to create a model of legal regulation of clusters in the Russian Federation.Methods: historical method, formal-legal analysis, statistical and sociological methods, systematization, comparative-legal method, methods of legal modeling and forecasting.Results: based on the analysis of scientific literature, Russian and foreign legislation and legal practice, the paper formulates the definition of a “cluster” concept (a group of business entities (suppliers, manufacturers, etc.) located on the territory of a special economic zone, operating in a certain sphere, producing and/or carrying out complementary goods, works, services), defines its features and types, and identifies the models of incentive legal regimes: (a) “model of derogations” – EPR model; b) “model of guarantees” – model of a legal regime stimulating entrepreneurial activity in the field of digital innovations and technologies in the PPP (MPP) framework; c) “model of support” – model of a legal regime stimulating entrepreneurial activity of SMEs in the field of digital innovations and technologies; d) “model of preferences” – model of a legal regime stimulating entrepreneurial activity within the boundaries of territories and entities with high innovation potential. The author proposes to create a unified legal regime of cluster and cluster activity in the Russian Federation by developing and adopting a relevant federal law and amending the legislation on special economic zones.Scientific novelty: the article is the first to carry out a comprehensive comparative legal analysis of clusters and cluster policy, their legal regulation in Russia and foreign countries.Practical significance: the main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used in scientific, pedagogical and law enforcement activities when considering issues related to the legal regulation of clusters and cluster policy in Russia and foreign countries, as well as legal regimes stimulating entrepreneurial activity in the field of digital innovation and technology

    Egocentrism and development of students identity (on the example of studying of future teachers)

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    © 2015 by iSER, International Society of Educational Research. Relevance of the studied problem is that the nature of interrelation between an index of an egocentrism and characteristics of identity isn't studied. Secondly, special trainings of decentration for students - future teachers are not developed. The article is directed to study the structure of the first-third year students’ identity, connection between an index of egocentrism and characteristics of identity. The leading method of research of this problem is projective methods (Kuna-Makpartlend's method "Who I am?», the projective test of egocentric associations), allowing to reveal the levels of an egocentrism and structure of identity. On the basis of theoretical research the place of identity, an egocentrism in structure of identity is revealed. In the article comparative research results of the personal identity structure of the first-third year students - future teachers are given. During empirical research differences in structure of identification characteristics of students of different courses are revealed. The conducted research allowed to reveal a number of contradictions in structure of identity, in manifestations of egocentrism of the modern student. These contradictions should be considered at the organization of educational process. The connection between an index of an egocentrism and characteristics of identity was found. According to a study results the program of the psychological and pedagogical practical work aimed at the development of role flexibility, ability to self-control was developed. Approbation results of this practical work were generalized. Materials of article can be useful for development of psychological and pedagogical practical trainings, because ability to flexibly react, to consider positions of other people is very important competence for many professions

    Quantum Law: The Beginning

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    Objective: to formulate the bases for quantum law as the law of the future, based on the study of quantum phenomena and features of quantum technologies determining the risks and challenges associated with the emergence of these technologies, as well as the analysis of legal regulation of quantum technologies in the Russian Federation and abroad.Methods: to carry out this research, the authors applied a complex of general scientific methods of systemic analysis and specific methods of engineering and legal sciences. The use of comparative-legal method allowed revealing the main directions of developing legal regulation of quantum technologies in the Russian and foreign law orders based on the analysis of their international and national regulation. The method of legal modeling allowed forming a concept of quantum law, revealing the main vectors of its development and the complex of its ethical-legal principles.Results: the features and properties of quantum technologies were revealed which can change the development of law with the advent of these technologies; the main risks and challenges were identified which are associated with the development of quantum technologies; the features of quantum technologies regulation in some foreign countries were specified; the trends of developing the quantum technologies regulation in the Russian Federation were identified; the conceptual bases of quantum law were formulated, as well as the vectors of its development.Scientific novelty: for the first time in the legal science, a complex analysis of the current national (both Russian and foreign) regulation of quantum technologies was carried out, based on which an attempt was made to substantiate the need to form quantum law and to outline the main vectors of its development.Practical significance: the research results lay the foundation for forming the concept of quantum law; in this regard, the authors’ conclusions and proposals for improving the current regulation of quantum technologies can be used in law-making and law enforcement in this sphere, and may lay the bases for further research in the sphere of quantum technologies

    2-aminoaethanesulfonic acid compounds possess protective property in reperfusion-induced heart jnjury

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    The study aim was to explore pharmacological effects of 2-aminoaethansulfonic acid compounds in reperfusion-induced heart injury. The study was performed on rats and dogs of both sexes, isolated rats’ hearts. Two compounds of 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid, magnesium-containing (LBK-527) and phenylacetamide-containing (LKhT-317) were investigate

    Production of <sup>235</sup>Np, <sup>236</sup>Pu and <sup>237</sup>Pu via nuclear reactions on <sup>235,236,238</sup>U and <sup>237</sup>Np targets

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    A summary of methods for cyclotron production of 235Np (396.1d), 236Pu (2.858y) and 237Pu (45.2d) via nuclear reactions with protons and 3He-ions on 235,236,238U and 237Np targets in wide energy ranges is given. Methods for the chemical separation and purification of these nuclides from the irradiated uranium and neptunium targets are described. Cross sections, yields and radionuclidic purities of 235Np, 236Pu and 237Pu are presented and compared with literature data on the nuclear reactions leading to these radionuclides. The nuclear reactions with the so far highest known yields of 235Np, 236Pu and 237Pu are determined: 236U(p, 2n)235Np, 237Np(p, 2n + pnβ-)236Pu and 237Np(p, n) 237Pu, respectively. The highest radionuclidic purity of 235Np, 236Pu and 237Pu tracers can be reached with the 236U(p, 2n)235Np, 236U(p, nβ -)236Pu and 237Np(3He, t) 237Pu reactions, respectively. In addition new cross sections and yield data of the 236U(3He, p3n)235Np reaction in the energy range 42.4-60 MeV are given.</p